Chapter 64: I'm willing to give you 500,000 yuan

Tang Xiaowei wanted to refuse to take her father's money because she didn't know how much money the Tang family still had.

Moreover, she was about to go to work and would soon have her own money. She didn't want to spend her father's money because she was afraid that it would cause difficulties for her father and mother.

However, she was afraid that if she told her parents that she wanted to go to work, they would stop her. Therefore, she didn't dare to tell them that she wanted to go to work, so she could only take the card. However, she planned to take the card and not spend the money inside. When her parents were short of money, she would take it out.

So, she took the card and said thank you.

Tang Qingxuan looked at her guiltily. "Xiaowei, it's from your daddy who didn't take good care of you. Don't say thank you."

Tang Xiaowei was about to say something when the door of the ward suddenly opened. Three people walked in. They were Tang Xiaowei's uncle, aunt, and their daughter, Tang Qianqian.

They were obviously eavesdropping outside the door for a while. As soon as they entered the door.. Tang Qianqian's mother, Wang Xueli, glared at Tang Xiaowei with an ugly expression. "Tang Xiaowei, are you still human Your mother is seriously ill, and your father has a lot of debts. It's already very pitiful. You don't want to go out to earn money to support the family, nor are you willing to marry a rich man to support the family. How dare you ask your father for money? Moreover, you ask for tens of thousands of yuan. Do you still have a conscience?"

In the ward, Tang Qingxuan, Ning Xintian, and Tang Xiaowei did not expect that someone would suddenly open the door and come in. They were even shouting at the top of their lungs.

After the other party finished shouting, Tang Qingxuan's expression immediately darkened. He reached out to push his younger brother. "Haiyang, take your wife and daughter away. Didn't we make it clear last time that you shouldn't come to the hospital to disturb us. Moreover, I was the one who wanted to give Xiaowei money and I'm Xiaowei's father. How much money I want to give her is our family's business. It has nothing to do with your family, right. Also, your wife said that we have a foreign debt. I want to make it clear that our family doesn't owe anyone any money. Tell your wife not to talk nonsense."

Tang Haiyang was a little embarrassed by his brother's words. After all, the last time the three of them tried to get Tang Xiaowei to marry a boss from whom they had received a reward from in the hospital, they failed. They were even beaten up by a group of bodyguards in black for no reason who warned the family of three not to cause trouble for Tang Xiaowei's family again. At that time, the family was afraid, so they went into hiding.

However, after a period of time, they realized that no one bothered them anymore, so they forgot about what happened that day.

Today, a relative of Wang Xueli saw Tang Xiaowei appear in Ning Xintian's ward after she had disappeared for a period of time, so she mentioned it to Wang Xueli. Wang Xueli felt that there was something wrong with Tang Xiaowei's appearance after she had disappeared for a period of time so she brought her husband and daughter to the hospital again.

Tang Haiyang was silent after hearing Tang Qingxuan's words, but his wife, Wang Xueli, was anxious and wanted to shout back immediately.

However, her hand was forcefully held by her daughter, Tang Qianqian. Tang Qianqian used her eyes to warn her mother not to speak. Wang Xueli thought of the plan her daughter had told her before she came to the hospital, so she could only shut her mouth and not speak.

Tang Qianqian walked in front of her father and uncle. She said to Tang Qingxuan, "Uncle, my mother was too impulsive and concerned about uncle. That's why your family said that. Don't be angry with my mother. Actually, the three of us came here this time because we have something to discuss with you."

Tang Qianqian glanced at her father.

Tang Haiyang had also talked to his wife, Wang Xueli, and his daughter, Tang Qianqian, before he came. Last time, he didn't successfully introduce Tang Xiaowei to the boss, and they took the money from the boss and spent it. Because they couldn't pay back the money, that boss had been pestering their family on the phone, wanting them to introduce Tang Xiaowei to him as soon as possible.

Therefore, they came to the hospital today not only to see the situation of Tang Xiaowei's family, but also to call out and introduce Tang Xiaowei and get a referral fee.

Tang Haiyang's face was immediately filled with smile. He smiled at his younger brother, Tang Qingxuan, and said, "Big brother, about the matter that we mentioned to you last time, that boss still likes Xiaowei very much. He said that as long as Xiaowei is willing to marry him, he is willing to give you 500,000 yuan. This way, you won't have to worry about the surgery fees, don't you think so?"

"I'm sorry, my wife's surgery has already been completed. Our family doesn't owe anyone money, and we don't need any money from unknown sources to sell our daughter. Since you are not here to see my wife, you can leave. You are not welcome here." Tang Qingxuan's tone became more and more stern.

The money that he had just given Tang Xiaowei was his previous savings. He had never thought of selling his daughter for money to live.

There were several reasons why he had previously sold Tang Xiaowei to Huangfu Qiye. One of them was that 12 years ago, the 14-year-old Huangfu Qiye brought Tang Xiaowei over and gave her to him to raise.

The second reason was that he needed surgery for his wife's heart, and Huangfu Qiye agreed to help him.

The third reason was that he really couldn't resist Huangfu Qiye. He could only helplessly agree to Huangfu Qiye while saving his wife.

However, if it was someone else who agreed to his request and only wanted Tang Xiaowei, he wouldn't have agreed. The reason was that Huangfu Qiye was the one who sent Tang Xiaowei to the Tang family.

Therefore, when Tang Qingxuan heard his big brother mention such a thing, he could only be angry.

He would never sell his daughter again, even if the other party was Huangfu Qiye.

"Uncle, our family is also doing this for your family's good. Your situation must be bad now. Don't force it," Tang Qianqian persuaded gently.

The three of them all thought that Tang Xiaowei's family must be having a hard time now, but they insisted on putting up a front.

When Ning Xintian was still in good health, she didn't like Tang Qingxuan's elder brother and sister-in-law. Of course, she also didn't like their daughter, Tang Qianqian.

So at this moment, she was so angry that her face turned pale.

Tang Xiaowei was naturally angry when she saw her parents being so angry.

She went forward and pushed Tang Qianqian away. She smiled coldly at the three of them. "Uncle, aunt, and cousin, I'm sorry that you came to the wrong place if you want to be a matchmaker. I won't get married now, and my parents won't sell me. Whether my family's situation is good or bad has nothing to do with you. My family doesn't welcome you. If you don't leave now, I'll have the people in the hospital chase you out. If the people in the hospital can't chase you out, of course, the people from the police station will come. If the people in the police station know that you want to abduct, sell, or sell people, do you think you'll have a chance to leave easily?"

Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to swear, but after all, in front of their parents, and to scold uncle and aunt, so will directly explain the situation.