Chapter 65: Who Else could it be other than Huangfu Qiye!

She wanted to see whether the other party was willing to leave or not. If she was not willing to leave, then what she was saying now was definitely not a joke.

Tang Qianqian and her mother, Wang Xueli, looked at each other. Both of them felt that Tang Xiaowei was now more powerful than before. Of course, they were indeed a little afraid of what Tang Xiaowei had said, so they snorted coldly and pulled Tang Haiyang away with them.

They even slammed the door of the ward hard.

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief after finally chasing away this family.

Then, she took out the card from earlier. She handed it back to her father. "Dad, I don't know how much money you have left, but you should keep this money with you. Mom just had surgery, and it's the right time to nourish her body. You're not at work right now, so you can keep this money to take care of mom. I still have money to spend."

She wasn't sure if her father would be able to return to Huangfu Qiye's Huangting group to work after being absent from work for so long, and she had rejected Huangfu Qiye.

"Xiaowei, we still have some savings. Your mother's medical expenses are all..." Tang Qingxuan's expression turned even more awkward. However, he still pulled Tang Xiaowei to the side and avoided Ning Xintian. He said in a low voice, "He paid for your mother's medical expenses, so we still have some spare money."

The Person Tang Qingxuan was referring to was definitely Huangfu Qiye.

He didn't want to tell his wife, Ning Xintian, about what had happened during this period of time. He was also afraid that Tang Xiaowei would feel uncomfortable if he mentioned Huangfu Qiye, so he spoke carefully.

"Dad, you shouldn't be too afraid of him. Since he paid for the medical expenses, you can keep your money for yourself in the future. I don't have to worry about you guys anymore." Tang Xiaowei didn't have much money on her now therefore she wouldn't bring up the idea of paying off the debt to Huangfu Qiye.

Of course, she felt that the debt between her and him had been broken ever since they separated.

"Yes, yes, yes." Tang Qingxuan nodded several times.

Tang Xiaowei saw that her mother, Ning Xintian, was already looking over, so she hurriedly smiled at her father. "Dad, my mom is looking over here. Let's go over, or else she'll get suspicious."

Tang Qingxuan nodded, and then the father and daughter walked over together.

Tang Xiaowei stayed with her parents for a few more hours at the hospital. When she finally left, she told them that she would be going to her classmate's house for a few days starting tomorrow, so she couldn't come to the hospital often to visit her mother.

Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian didn't suspect anything. They asked her to take good care of herself and then let her leave.

After Tang Xiaowei left the ward, she also heaved a sigh of relief.

Yesterday, she left the hospital in the early morning. There were still cars at that time. Tang Xiaowei thought that since she was out now, there shouldn't be many cars outside. After all, it was already past 11:50.

However, she did not expect there to be a bus at the bus stop in front of the hospital. There were not many people on it and it was very empty. It happened to take the route in the direction of her house.

She was afraid that the bus would leave at this time, so she hurriedly trotted onto the bus, threw a coin and found a seat to sit on.

Perhaps it was because she was too tired from running around during the day, but she felt a little drowsy not long after she got on the bus.

She simply closed her eyes and leaned against the chair.

She did not realize that not long after she got on the bus, a young man wearing a black coat and black trousers, wearing a mask, also got on the bus and sat behind her.

The man's mask was very big, almost covering his entire face. However, if one looked carefully, one could still see that his face was unusually handsome.

After the man got on the bus and sat down, the bus started off.

Tang Xiaowei was also drowsy and did not notice how many times the bus stopped.

The bus only stopped a few times. A few people got off the bus, but no one got on again.

Soon, only Tang Xiaowei, the man behind her, and the driver were left in the bus.

Just as Tang Xiaowei was about to fall asleep, the bus finally stopped. The man was the first to get up. He quickly got off the bus and disappeared into the night.

Tang Xiaowei suddenly woke up.

She sat up and realized that she was the only one on the bus. The bus had stopped, and the scenery outside the window was the neighborhood where her family lived.

The driver in front of her turned around and smiled at her. "Miss, we've reached the terminus."

"Oh... okay, thank you." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly got up and quickly got off the bus.

After getting out of the car, she took a look at her phone and found that it was almost 12:30 pm. She was still a little scared, but she suddenly realized that the surroundings seemed to be a little different from before.

She carefully observed it and found that there were more street lights in the surroundings. Perhaps it was the street lights that were not turned on before, but all of them were turned on today. The surrounding road surface was very bright.

Moreover, there were still some pedestrians walking on the surrounding road. It was not as cold and desolate as when she came out alone.

She no longer felt afraid and quickly left in the direction of home.

Finally, when she disappeared around the corner, most of the street lights that were particularly bright earlier were turned off. The 'pedestrians' that were still walking on the road earlier had been gathered together. A group of men dressed in black came out. They gave each of them money and asked them to leave as soon as possible.

These 'pedestrians' were merely extras that were found.

Tang Xiaowei did not know about this at all.

Tang Xiaowei, who had just opened the door after returning to the Tang family home, felt hungry.

Fortunately, she still had the vegetables that she had bought earlier, so she quickly cooked the rice, fried a plate of spicy and sour shredded potatoes, and soaked the pickled radish that she had prepared earlier. After a casual meal, she went upstairs to take a shower and rest.

However, after she turned off the lights downstairs and went upstairs to rest, she did not realize that her door had been easily opened with a key.

It was a man in black coat and black pants. After the man walked in, he took off his large mask, revealing his handsome face. Who else could it be but Huangfu Qiye?

He calmly looked upstairs, then retracted his gaze and walked towards the kitchen.

He checked the cupboards one by one and found that there was pitifully little food in her fridge.

The only thing left was half a jar of pickled radishes.

Huangfu Qiye's hand reached out uncontrollably and took out the half jar of pickled radishes. The lid was unscrewed, and a sour and spicy taste came out from the small jar. He didn't like it very much, but he didn't show a look of disdain.

A few seconds later, he found a pair of clean chopsticks. He did not turn on the kitchen lights but only used the light from the window to pick out a radish from the small pot.

The pickled white radish was sour, spicy, and crisp. It should be said that he had never eaten it before, but with just this bite, he felt that this cheap pickled radish was exceptionally delicious.

Yesterday, he had someone go to the supermarket to check and found that she had only bought some very simple dishes. He wondered what kind of food she would use these ingredients to make.