Chapter 200: Seeing Ling Yijue

After a while, the bodyguard returned. He carefully reported, "Young master, I just asked. The doctor said that this young lady was sent to the hospital by two of her friends yesterday morning. Her two friends are a man and a woman, both surnamed Tao. However, they seem to have left since yesterday. Now, only this young lady is left here."

"Jack, go and investigate immediately. I want to know why she was poisoned," the man ordered in a deep voice.

Jack nodded immediately when he heard this and walked out.

After Jack left, the handsome man reached out and rubbed his aching temples. He asked William beside him in a low voice, "Willam, do you know where the family's medicine is kept?"

"Young master, the old master's people are in charge of these things. I don't know either." Willam lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, then go and make the arrangements. I want to see father tonight." The handsome man raised his head. His eyes were blood red and his face was pale. His tone was unquestionable.

Hearing this, Willam looked up at his master in surprise. "Young master, didn't you do a lot to not be controlled by the master? If you go to see the master this time, he will not let you off."

"Don't talk nonsense. Do what I tell you to do immediately. Do you hear me?" The handsome man waved his hand impatiently. "Get out!"

Willam was extremely worried, but he could not disobey his master's order. He could only leave.

The handsome man found a chair in the ward and sat down. His gaze was fixed on the girl on the bed.

His heart ached and he could not bear to part with her. All of these flashed in his eyes.

However, not long after, there was a knock on the door of the ward. Willam pushed the door open and walked in. Then, he said helplessly, "Young master, I just contacted the butler beside the master, David. He said that the master is currently in Laos discussing something and will only be back in a week. Therefore, you must wait a week to see the master."

"Okay, then I'll wait for a week." The handsome man stood up and ordered Willam, "Go and call the doctor from before. Go back now!"

He bent down and picked up the girl on the hospital bed, then walked out.

Willam understood that his master wanted to take the girl away, and at the same time, he wanted to take the doctor from before, so that the girl's health could be guaranteed.

What was worse was that the young master knew that the girl was poisoned, so he actually wanted to see the master alone.

The young master must have gone to ask for the antidote.

Willam felt that his master was really too handsome and manly. He had never seen the young master care so much about any woman or girl. He did not expect to see her today. Therefore, he really felt that this girl was very lucky.

Moreover, the young master today was really so handsome that both God and man were angry.

However, Willam did not have time to think about it. After a little worship, he immediately went to call Dr. Ellen.

Then, the group of people left secretly after avoiding the old director and the other doctors.

The old hospital director was the old man's man. There were some things that it was better not to let him know.

The handsome man wanted to bring Tang Xiaowei to his place. He had to hide this matter from his father. Otherwise, something would definitely happen.

At the same time, he had to get the antidote from his father. He could not let her die from poisoning.


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, she found herself lying in a spacious room.

The luxurious style of this room was something that the hospital could not compare to.

So, this was obviously not the room she had stayed in before.

She sat up, a little confused.

She remembered that she had been alone in the hospital's small garden before, but suddenly, a doctor wanted to chase her away.

Of course, she did not want to leave, and she struggled to resist. But then, the toxins in her body flared up, and she felt pain and could not breathe, so she fainted.

Then, she did not have the strength to resist anymore. She should have been thrown out of the hospital by the doctors.

Why was she staying in a very luxurious room now?

Moreover, the furniture in this room didn't look like the ones in the hotel. Where did those doctors put her after she fainted?

Just when she was puzzled, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

She heard a voice and looked up, but she saw a familiar figure. She was even more surprised.

How could it be...?

How could she see Ling Yijue here?

His appearance had changed, becoming a little gloomy, and he wore the black style that he didn't like to wear in the past. Moreover, his hairstyle had also changed. His hair was shorter, and the expression on his face had become much more mature.

However, this person was indeed Ling Yijue.

She had once liked him and dated him for a year. How could she not know him.

Why was it that after she fainted in the hospital, she woke up in a place like this? And she even met him?

Also, what kind of place was this?

"Xiaowei, you're awake?" Ling Yijue's heart was filled with excitement when he saw that she had finally woken up.

He took a few steps forward and suddenly pulled her into his arms. He hugged her tightly. "If you don't wake up, I'll be worried to death."

"Ah... Ah Jue, what's going on? What is this place? Why are we together?" Tang Xiaowei still felt that her mind was in a mess. She really wanted to figure out the situation at this moment.

Ling Yijue heard this and only then did he manage to control his excitement when he saw that she had woken up.

Then, he let go of her slightly and sat down by the bed. However, his big hand was still holding her hand tightly.

"When I went to the hospital, I happened to see you being bullied, so I brought you to my place. This is my house. From now on, you can rest here." He explained the situation and looked at her gently.

"You took me away? But my body..." Tang Xiaowei suddenly remembered before she fainted. She did hear someone calling her name. She thought she had misheard it. So it was him. So he saved her from the hands of those doctors and then took her away.

However, there was a terrifying poison in her body that was constantly eroding her life.

She had to continue to wait in the hospital under the name of the Moqi family, because without the antidote from the boss of the Moqi family, she could not continue to live.

"I understand, so I will help you find the antidote. You don't have to worry." Ling Yijue knew what she was worried about, so he immediately comforted her.

Moreover, he had just happened to meet her, after working in the hospital for just one year.

And if they hadn't met, she wouldn't have been able to get the cure for the rest of her life.