Chapter 201: I won't let her leave him again

His father wouldn't go to the hospital.

At the moment, only he could go to his father to get the antidote and save her.

"Really? You know the boss of the Moqi family?" His tone was very natural, as if it was a very easy thing to find the antidote.

Tang Xiaowei looked at Ling Yijue in surprise.

Although she felt a little embarrassed that he knew that she was poisoned, after all, this was what she suffered because she fell in love with a scumbag after they broke up.

However, she had never thought that Ling Yijue would be willing to help her.

"Yes, give me a week. I will definitely be able to find the antidote." Ling Yijue had just learned about it from Ellen. He knew that Tang Xiaowei was suffering from physical pain every day, so he naturally wanted to find the antidote as soon as possible.

Tang Xiaowei originally thought that if she waited for half a year to see the boss of the Moqi family and then asked him for the antidote, she would be able to wait.

Now, she suddenly met Ling Yijue, and he only needed to spend a week to find the antidote for her. She really felt like she was dreaming, but also like her secret wish was falling from the sky.

This sudden surprise was really touching.

She almost thought that she was going to die, but now she received such help from her ex-boyfriend.

Her tears instantly flowed down, and she hurriedly reached out to wipe them away. She said awkwardly, "Ah Jue, thank you. I thought that if I didn't wait for the boss of the Moqi family to arrive, I would be dead for sure. If you can help me find the antidote, I will definitely repay you."

"Repay me? How do you want to repay me?" Ling Yijue said. Seeing her cry again, his heart ached as he pulled her into his embrace. He said softly, "Don't talk nonsense. You won't die. I won't let you die, and I don't want your repayment. I only want you to live well. That's enough."

"Ah Jue, why are you still so good to me even though we've already broken up? Don't you already have a girlfriend?" Tang Xiaowei suddenly thought of something and wiped away the tears that flowed from her heart, distancing herself from Ling Yijue.

She was touched that Ling Yijue said that he was willing to help her find the antidote, but when she remembered that he had broken up with her and that he seemed to already have a girlfriend, she felt that it was better for her not to get too close to him.

"Who told you that I have a girlfriend?" Ling Yijue reached out and rubbed her hair, obviously not wanting to talk about this matter. He explained, "After I broke up with you, I have always been single. However, this question is not important at the moment. I have something more important to ask you."

It turned out that he had always been single after breaking up with her.

He had never lied to her before, so this sentence could be trusted.

Tang Xiaowei suddenly hated herself. Why did he still choose to be single after breaking up with her? Why did she agree to be with Huangfu Qiye after she broke up with him because Huangfu Qiye had taken advantage of her?

If her heart had always been with Ling Yijue and had never fallen in love with Huangfu Qiye, then she would not have been poisoned at this moment.

"Xiaowei, tell me, who poisoned you? Why did he do this?" Ling Yijue grabbed Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly, and his face instantly darkened. "Don't be afraid. Tell me everything you know, and I will help you take revenge."

Tang Xiaowei was still resentful about the fact that she liked Huangfu Qiye, but when she heard Ling Yijue's words, the most painful part of her heart, the most painful thing, was stirred up. Her heart was instantly in pain, and at the same time, it was filled with anger.

However, she forcefully held it in, gritted her teeth, and said calmly, "I want to take revenge myself."

"Why didn't you tell me that your body hasn't been detoxified yet? Even if it's detoxified later, you still need time to recover. Moreover, you're still a girl, so it's not suitable for you to do dangerous things. You'd better tell me, and I'll immediately order people to go down and help you take revenge." After Ling Yijue found out that Tang Xiaowei had been poisoned, he guessed that the origin of this poison was extraordinary. It was definitely not something that she had eaten by mistake.

Instead, it was likely that someone had intentionally poisoned her.

Therefore, he could not wait to find out who had poisoned Tang Xiaowei at this moment. Then, he would immediately send someone over to kill the person who had poisoned her.

That was not right. Killing her would not relieve his hatred at all. He wanted someone to poison the person who had poisoned her with an even more terrifying poison. He wanted that person to suffer and die.

Someone had actually dared to hurt the girl that he loved. He really did not deserve to live!

Although he had no choice but to break up with Tang Xiaowei previously, he had been hiding and unable to meet her during this period of time.

But now that the two of them had met by chance overseas, and she had been poisoned with a poison that required his help to get the antidote, it meant that they were fated to be together.

Therefore, Ling Yijue did not want to continue leaving Tang Xiaowei behind.

No matter what happened in the future, he would not mention breaking up again and then leave her alone.

He would protect her in the future, and he would not let her leave his side again.

"Ah Jue, don't force me. I really only want to take revenge myself. I want to kill them personally before I am satisfied!" Tang Xiaowei raised her head, her tone fierce and defiant.

Her eyes were filled with an unconcealed darkness and lust for revenge.

Ling Yijue was stunned.

He had never seen Tang Xiaowei look like this.

She was like a cold-blooded and ruthless killer, as if anyone who stared at her would be dismembered.

She was too scary and too strange at the same time.

Ling Yijue was naturally not afraid of her, but he felt that things were definitely not simple.

Who was it? Why did he get a poison like the devil and then poison Xiaowei? Moreover, she looked like who poisoned her. She even wanted to kill the person who had done it.

She used to be a pure and lively little girl. Why did she suddenly feel that all the liveliness and sunshine on her body had disappeared? All that was left was the hatred in her eyes and the killing intent in her mind.

"Okay, I won't force you." Ling Yijue didn't ask anymore.

Because he knew that if he asked again, she would definitely not tell him. She might even ignore him later because of this matter.

Anyway, if he wanted to know anything, he could just send someone to investigate.

Therefore, he gave up on continuing to ask her about the matter of who poisoned her.

He changed the topic. "I heard that Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan sent you here. Why did they leave you behind and go back?"

Tang Xiaowei seemed to have gone mad just now. Just now, she could not wait to have a machete in her hand. Moreover, if Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner were right in front of her, she would definitely chop them to death without hesitation.

Now, hearing Ling Yijue's voice, she snapped out of her fantasy.