Chapter 202: Huangfu Qiye wakes up

She explained, "I was the one who told them to leave. After my accident, they took care of me for almost a month. They did their best every day, but they still couldn't have a good rest. They also didn't have time to go home to visit their parents. I feel very sorry for them."

She realized that after she began to explain, Ling Yijue's gaze became gentler.

Then, he paused for a moment before continuing, "After arriving here, because the doctors in the hospital said that they could not cure me, they could only wait for the boss of the Moqi family to come before they had a chance. So, I told them to go back first. After all, school is about to start."

After hearing her explanation, Ling Yijue heaved a sigh of relief.

He thought that Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan had deliberately left Xiaowei abroad.

Therefore, he wanted to find someone to teach Tao Xian a lesson. Fortunately, he didn't have time to find someone to teach Tao Xian a lesson. Otherwise, he would have hit the wrong person.

"I will thank them for taking care of you like this." Ling Yijue's tone was gentle.

Tang Xiaowei finally felt that something was wrong.

She raised her head, looked at him, and said seriously, "Ah Jue, didn't you say that you broke up with me before? And we did break up. Why are you now...?"

He suddenly would help her find such a rare antidote and even took her in. Moreover, from his tone, he was especially protective of her, which made her feel awkward.

"I take back what I said about breaking up." Ling Yijue stretched out his hand and lifted her pale face, his eyes looking at her with a heavy gaze. He was extremely serious and sincere. "Xiaowei, I still love you. I was only forced before. I originally planned to look for you when my wings were full, but now that we've met again, I won't let go of your hand again."

Tang Xiaowei was extremely shocked and could not speak at all.


In a certain city in another country.

At that moment, it was raining non-stop outside the house.

But the atmosphere inside the house was extremely quiet.

Until the handsome man on the big bed suddenly opened his eyes. His dark eyes were deep and bright as he stared at the ceiling above his head for a few seconds.

All the memories from before flowed into his mind.

He received a call that his grandmother's condition was serious, so he abandoned the little woman and rushed to the United States.

However, after staying in the hospital for a few days and nights, his grandmother still did not wake up. Furthermore, the doctor, under his threats, kept saying that there was no other way. The old madam did not have much time left.

He did not rest for a few days and stayed in the hospital, but in the end, he received this kind of news.

How could he not be angry? ? How could he not feel terrible?

In a fit of anger, he immediately rushed out of the hospital and drove away in the car at the hospital entrance.

In the car, he temporarily lost control, and the car he was driving was out of control. His people and the car kept bumping into each other in the traffic. When they finally reached the highway, he collided with a few cars. He and the car were finally knocked into the sea.

It was not until he was completely knocked into the sea that he completely woke up.

How could he be so reckless? At that moment, his grandmother still needed him, and the little woman in the country still needed him. How could he continue to go crazy like this?

If he died like this, then who would protect his grandmother and Xiaowei?

But by the time he thought this, it was already too late.

He wanted to break out of the car and swim out, but he forgot that his car had already collided with others too many times. He was already covered in injuries and did not have the strength to go out again.

Before he closed his eyes, he regretted going crazy.

At that moment, he suddenly woke up.

He sat up and realized that he was still in the middle of the transfusion. He immediately pulled off the needle on the back of his hand, pushed open the door, and walked out in large strides.

Outside the door, Yuan Qi was still worried about when young master would wake up?

He still had important news to tell young master.

But young master had been unconscious for a month, why didn't he wake up?

However, when he suddenly heard the door open and the owner of the room who had been unconscious for more than a month was standing in front of him, Yuan Qi's shock and surprise could not be expressed in words. His eyes immediately turned red.

"Young Master, you're finally awake..."

If his young master did not wake up, he would be worried to death.

Huangfu Qiye had never seen Yuan Qi's eyes turn red. In the past, when Yuan Qi did something wrong or did some missions badly, he had never seen Yuan Qi's eyes turn red even when he punished Yuan Qi.

Seeing Yuan Qi like this, Huangfu Qiye felt a warmth in his heart. After all, it was rare to have a loyal subordinate.

However, he still frowned unhappily. "Why are you crying? What's there to cry about as a man?"

"Yes, yes...your subordinate isn't crying. Your subordinate is just too happy. Young master, it's great that you've woken up." Yuan Qi hurriedly suppressed his emotions of wanting to cry and returned to his normal expression.

Huangfu Qiye looked around. This was a villa in the United States.

He frowned as he walked towards the restaurant downstairs. He was a little hungry after waking up just now.

As he walked, he instructed, "How long have I been unconscious? What happened after I fainted? Tell me everything."

Yuan Qi was just happy that his young master had woken up.

When she heard young master's instructions, she immediately froze on the spot. She lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

Huangfu Qiye felt that the atmosphere was not right. He stopped and turned around. "Why aren't you speaking? Did something happen?"

"Young master..." Yuan Qi suddenly knelt down. Then, he cried again. "Young master, old madam... She...she...she...she..."

Yuan Qi was choked with sobs at the end of his sentence.

Huangfu Qiye froze on the spot when he heard that.

He didn't need to guess what Yuan Qi hadn't said.

However, he didn't want to believe it.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Yuan Qi's collar up. He stared at him sinisterly and shouted, "Are you telling the truth?"

"It's true." Yuan Qi was scared to death. His young master looked like he was about to eat someone.

"My grandmother really passed away?" Huangfu Qiye let go of Yuan Qi. His eyes were lifeless and he looked completely empty. His tone also started to become light and airy.

Yuan Qi was worried that his young master would go crazy, so he hurriedly knelt down again and hugged Huangfu Qiye's thigh. He choked with sobs. "Young master, after you got into a car accident and fell into the water that day, you were in a coma until you just woke up. It has been more than a month. We didn't dare to tell the old madam about what happened to you during this period of time. Last night, before the old madam died, she left with a smile..."

"She left with a smile?" Huangfu Qiye was stunned. If grandma had left with a smile... His heart wouldn't be so painful anymore.