Chapter 68: Stay as far away from her as possible

However, she was a newcomer who had just arrived today. Why would anyone be looking for her?

Thinking of Tang Xiaowei's appearance, that kind of clear and pure beauty, Liu Mi'er could be considered a person who had seen a lot of the world. However, this was the first time she had seen such a spiritual and really beautiful girl. Moreover, she did not look like she had undergone plastic surgery.

This was also one of the reasons why she was inexplicably hostile towards Tang Xiaowei.

Liu Mi'er thought to herself that the person who had pushed Tang Xiaowei into the company must have wanted to arrange some good job for Tang Xiaowei, so she picked up the phone although it was not for her.

"Hello, this is the president's Secretary Department."

The other party's tone did not allow for rejection, but it was not arrogant. "It's Secretary Tang, right? Please bring all the work reports from yesterday to the president's office."

Liu Mi'er frowned slightly. When manager Ming Wang brought Tang Xiaowei here, he had said that Tang Xiaowei was only her and Hongli's assistant. Why did the person on the phone call from the president's office use Tang Xiaowei as his secretary?

Moreover, wasn't it her job to hand in the reports normally?

Why was it Tang Xiaowei's turn today?

The more Liu Mi'er thought about it, the more unhappy she became. However, she still braced herself and agreed, "Okay, no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Mi'er began to organize the reports from yesterday and prepared to go to the president's office.

At that moment, in the president's office, the male bodyguard who had just finished the call respectfully reported to the handsome man beside him, "Young master, as per your instructions, secretary Tang should be here soon."

"Okay, you may leave." Huangfu Qiye lowered his eyelids slightly.

The bodyguard left the CEO's office.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye stand up and quickly walked into a bedroom in the CEO's office. The big bed inside was filled with men's suits. There were all kinds of brands, styles, colors, and everything else.

The man's brows were filled with worry. He had thought of ways to get Tang Xiaowei into his company and had her sign the agreement. For the next three years, she could only be his woman. It was impossible for her to go back on her word.

She was going to come in in a while. She had to know that she had to stay by his side in the future. Just thinking about it made him excited.

Naturally, he had to dress better.

On the other side, in the kitchen.

Tang Xiaowei returned after making two cups of coffee. However, Liu Mi'er was no longer in the office. Only Hong Li was left in the office.

Tang Xiaowei took the cup of coffee from Hong Li and handed it to Hong Li with a smile. "Sister Li, here's your coffee."

Her tone was gentle and amiable, and her attitude was very upright. She did not look like she had been shoved in by some high-ranking official. She did not look very proud and spoiled. Instead, she looked like a well-behaved and good student.

Hong Li had always liked well-behaved people, especially people like Liu Mi'er. It was only because Liu Mi'er's work attitude was quite good that Hong Li didn't directly ignore her.

Now that she saw that Tang Xiaowei was very well-behaved, she raised her head and looked at Tang Xiaowei. She found that the other girl's smile was still very warm. She suddenly felt that this young lady was quite good, so she took the coffee. "Thank you. You're called Xiaowei, right? That's your work desk over there. Although you're secretary Liu's assistant, she's not free now, so I'll arrange some things for you to do. In case you feel overwhelmed, take this document and take a look. We'll talk about it after you understand the situation in our company."

The job that Hong Li arranged for Tang Xiaowei was very simple. After Tang Xiaowei thanked her, she took the document back to her seat and sat down. Then, she started to read it.

Meanwhile, in the president's office.

Huangfu Qiye had just put on a new suit when he heard a knock on the door.

Huangfu Qiye felt unusually excited when he thought of the pitiful look on Tang Xiaowei's face when she saw him and wanted to leave, but she had to stay because she had signed the agreement.

He quickly put on his suit and casually fiddled with his short black hair. He walked out of the bedroom and sat down on the boss's chair. Then, he said, to whoever was outside, in a deep voice, "Come in."

When Liu Mi'er heard the deep male voice coming from inside, her heart couldn't help but flutter.

She gently pushed open the glass door and walked in.

Huangfu Qiye sat on the chair, full of anticipation for Tang Xiaowei's arrival. He wanted to see Tang Xiaowei come in and find out that it was him. Her expression would definitely be very interesting.

However, when he saw that the woman who walked in from outside was not her, Huangfu Qiye's eyes suddenly turned cold.

He coldly berated, "Where's Tang Xiaowei? Why are you the one who came in?"

Although he usually did not care about the people around him and would not remember who the people around him were, Liu Mi'er was his secretary, so he still remembered this woman.

Seeing how gloomy he was, Liu Mi'er was shocked. Then she guessed that the CEO must have known that Tang Xiaowei had been pushed in by other people in the company, so he was very angry and wanted to punish Tang Xiaowei.

Otherwise, even the usually cold CEO would not be so angry.

Liu Mi'er rushed forward and carefully explained, "CEO, Tang Xiaowei is still a newcomer. She doesn't know anything, so she asked me to come over and help her deliver the documents."

"Go and call her over!" Huangfu Qiye frowned unhappily.

"But..." Liu Mi'er's face showed a troubled expression. From the beginning, she had thought that Tang Xiaowei had been pushed in by some higher-ups in the company, so she naturally had to try her best to smear Tang Xiaowei.

Huangfu Qiye could see that the female secretary was in a difficult position. His gaze suddenly turned cold, and it became even more vicious.

"But what?" he asked coldly.

Liu Mi'er carefully said, "But Tang Xiaowei lectured us the moment she came, saying that she has a background in the company and told us not to casually order her around..."

Liu Mi'er was certain that Tang Xiaowei had a background in the company, but she was definitely not someone close to Huangfu Qiye. That was why she dared to say that. She wanted to find out who was behind Tang Xiaowei. That way, Tang Xiaowei would be kicked out of the company She would never have the chance to get close to Huangfu Qiye again.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he had once said at the company's annual meeting that he hated it the most when people used their positions to create nepotism in the company. He did not like a bunch of useless people appearing in his company.

Liu Mi'er could be considered to be tactfully complaining now.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, his expression became even colder.

He coldly glanced at Liu Mi'er and realized that she was pretending to be honest.

However, he only wanted to sneer.

Tang Xiaowei had indeed relied on her connections to enter the Huangting group, but this layer of connections was him. Moreover, Tang Xiaowei did not know about this matter at all.

Therefore, there was no picture of Tang Xiaowei using her power to bully others. Liu Mi'er was obviously lying.

This was because if Tang Xiaowei knew that she was able to enter the Huangting group because of Huangfu Qiye, he thought that Tang Xiaowei would definitely run away immediately and hide as far away as possible.