Chapter 69: Ask Her to deliver the documents

Although Liu Mier's work was usually good, he did not pay much attention to her, but today, this woman had obviously provoked him.

Huangfu Qiye only gave Liu Mi'er a cold glance, then picked up his phone and dialed Yuan Qi's number. He said in a deep voice, "Ask the security guards to come to my office and chase Liu Mi'er out. In the future, Huangting group will not be allowed to hire her again!"

Liu Mi'er had just filed a complaint. She also looked at Huangfu Qiye with a look of infatuation, hoping he would punish Tang Xiaowei.

But unexpectedly, what awaited her was Huangfu Qiye's callous and merciless dismissal call, and she was instantly shocked.

She worked at Huangting group, and her salary was high and her treatment was good. Moreover, if word got out, she would lose face. The problem was that the man she liked was the president of this group, and she could see him often because of her work.

Under such circumstances, how could she be willing to leave this place?

She immediately ran in front of Huangfu Qiye, and the infatuation on her face changed to being at a loss. She cried, "President, did I do something wrong? Please don't fire me."

"Get lost!" Huangfu Qiye kicked hard. Liu Mi'er, who had just approached him, was kicked far away like a rubber ball and rolled on the ground.

Then, he said coldly and arrogantly, "How dare you approach me when you're so dirty? Are you courting death?"

He hated it when any women got close to him. Until now, only two women could get close to him to prevent him from feeling disgusted.

One was his grandmother, and the other was naturally Tang Xiaowei.

"President..." Liu Mi'er had only worked by Huangfu Qiye's side for a year, and she had never seen him act so ferocious. She was completely shocked.

Huangfu Qiye growled impatiently, "Get out!"

He had originally been full of anticipation for Tang Xiaowei to come in. Even though he knew that she might argue with him after seeing him, he didn't find it annoying.

However, this Liu Mi'er must have done something to prevent Tang Xiaowei from coming to see him. Moreover, this Liu Mi'er had deliberately said bad things about Tang Xiaowei. Huangfu Qiye naturally couldn't stand his woman being bullied like this.

He stood up from his chair, his body filled with a cold and arrogant aura.

"If you won't get out now, do you want me to get someone to throw you out the window?"

Liu Mi'er was frightened by Huangfu Qiye's cold gaze. She didn't dare to say anything else and hurriedly got up from the ground. Then, she ran out of Huangfu Qiye's CEO's office.

At this moment, Yuan Qi had already brought four tall security guards to the top floor.

Liu Mi'er ran into them as soon as she went out. She was immediately grabbed by the four security guards and dragged into the elevator.

Yuan Qi watched as the security guards took care of these matters before he carefully walked to the door of Huangfu Qiye's office.

"Get someone to call Tang Xiaowei over," Huangfu Qiye instructed. He then walked into the bedroom and planned to change into a new set of clothes.

He had carefully selected the set of clothes just a short time ago. However, because of the appearance of Liu Mi'er, he felt that this set of clothes had been seen by others and was no longer clean.

Yuan Qi also immediately sent someone to the secretary department to call Tang Xiaowei.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei was carefully reading the information that Hong Li had given her. However, the information of the Royal Court Group was like a thick book. She had only read a few pages after reading for a long time.

When the tall bodyguard knocked on the door and entered, she did not notice it until Hong Li stood up and walked to her side. He called her a few times and stared at her with a strange gaze. "Xiaowei, Xiaowei, the president wants you to go to the office to deliver the documents to him."

Tang Xiaowei seemed to have come back to her senses as she hurriedly stood up. "Okay, where are the documents? I'll bring them over immediately."

Hong Li passed the documents to her and whispered in confusion, "Liu Mi'er went to deliver the documents just now." So why did Tang Xiaowei still need to deliver them? Moreover, Liu Mi'er usually doesn't need to go for such a long time to deliver the documents. Did something happen in the CEO's office?

Moreover, Hong Li also felt that it was very strange. Today, the CEO had actually used his bodyguards to come to the secretary's office to call for help. It was really too strange.

At that moment, the bodyguards were still waiting at the door of the secretary's office.

Hong Li remembered that Tang Xiaowei was a newcomer, and she was also quite an obedient young woman so he reminded her, "Xiaowei, Liu Mi'er just went to the CEO's office and hasn't come back yet. Something might have happened. Remember to be careful when you go, or you might lose your job."

Tang Xiaowei heard Hong Li's reminder and knew that he was doing it for her good. She smiled and nodded. "Okay, I got it. Thank you, sister Li."

Hong Li then went back to work with ease.

Tang Xiaowei took the folder and left with the bodyguard at the door.

Tang Xiaowei was actually nervous along the way. After all, she had just come to work in this company. Since she came in, she had only made two cups of coffee and read some information. However, she didn't know if the leader of this company was male or female, how old he or she was, or what their temper was like.

Hong Li had just reminded her that Liu Mi'er had gone for a long time and hadn't come back. She had been called over again. Perhaps the president inside was angry at the moment.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

But in the end, she still walked to the president's office door.

The bodyguard didn't even ask her. He quickly knocked on the door for her and then retreated to the side.

Seeing the man who looked like a bodyguard doing this, Tang Xiaowei suddenly thought of Huangfu Qiye.

There were also many bodyguards around him, and those bodyguards were also very quiet and serious in their work. She didn't know why, but when she saw this bodyguard, although she had never seen this bodyguard before, she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

At that time, the lock on the door automatically opened, and the bodyguard behind her reminded her, "Secretary Tang, you can go in now. The CEO is waiting for you."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei could only take a deep breath and walk in.

However, the moment she entered, the door behind her was immediately closed by the bodyguard outside the door.

The sound of the door closing startled her.

Her heart was even more flustered because when she looked inside the office, she did not find anyone inside.

Didn't the president say that he was in the office and asked her to send the documents over?

Why was there no one?

She was surprised, but she still walked forward. She was prepared to put the documents on the president's desk and leave. Anyway, the president was not here right now. The president would be back in a while, she was sure.

When he came back, he would see the documents here. He just needed to look at the documents. He did not need to see a newbie like her at all.

She walked to the desk nervously, put down the folder, and prepared to leave.

At that time, the door connected to the office was slowly opened, and a tall, handsome man in a black suit walked out.

His expression was cold.

He walked in Tang Xiaowei's direction. Because the floor was covered with carpet, he did not make any sound when he walked.

After Tang Xiaowei put down the folder, she was about to turn around and leave when a pair of hands suddenly appeared on her waist. A hot, hot chest was pressed against her back.