Chapter 70: Hateful Man

When she heard the man's breathing and felt that he was a tall man, her entire body stiffened. In the next second, she started to struggle. "Let go of me!"

The man did not let go of her. Instead, he hugged her waist tightly and said coldly, "Why? You didn't see the CEO. Do you think you can just leave the documents here?"

When Tang Xiaowei heard the voice, she looked like she had seen a ghost.

It was him, Huangfu Qiye!

Why was he here?

She struggled in disbelief and finally broke free from his embrace. Only then did she see clearly that the man standing behind her was indeed Huangfu Qiye.

He was still as handsome as before, but there was an incomprehensible smile on his face.

Her mind was in a mess. She did not know how she had come to stand together with him again.

Could it be that this company was his?

That was why he appeared in the CEO's office. Moreover, he had just mentioned that he could not leave without seeing the CEO?

So, she had thought that she had entered a very good company to work in, but it turned out that she had entered his company?

Oh my God!

How could such a thing happen?

Didn't she see that this company belonged to the Royal Court Group at that time?

This company was clearly called HT group. Wait, HT seemed to be the abbreviation for Royal Court!

Fear appeared in her eyes. She slowly stepped back and asked him in disbelief, "You're the CEO here? This is your company? Did you deliberately let me enter your company?"

As expected, Huangfu Qiye saw her frightened and pitiful appearance. The anger that had risen in his heart because of Liu Mi'er gradually dissipated. He walked in her direction. He suppressed her with a strong pressure that threatened to squeeze her into the wall and his chest.

"You're right. You're very smart. You deserve a reward." He reached out his hand and wanted to grab her hair. "What kind of reward do you want? Bring it up."

"You're crazy. I don't want to enter your company. I'm leaving now!" Tang Xiaowei slapped his hand away and wanted to leave in anger.

She hated Huangfu Qiye. She hated the sight of him making her feel uncomfortable.

How could she be willing to stay in his company!

Huangfu Qiye didn't stop her. After she moved away, he chuckled and said, "have you forgotten the agreement you signed this morning? It's not impossible to leave my company. Do you have 30 million RMB now?"

Tang Xiaowei was too angry just now and thought that leaving him as soon as possible was the right thing to do.

She had completely forgotten about the agreement.

Now that he mentioned it, her footsteps suddenly froze. She frowned in annoyance and scolded herself in her heart. Why didn't I pay attention just now? I actually signed such an agreement.

It was probably impossible for her to leave now.

Unless she had 30 million RMB, but she only had 100 RMB now.

That damned Huangfu Qiye. He must have planned to scheme against her long ago, so he deliberately made people offer good conditions so that she would sign such an agreement without being aware of it.

At that moment, she hated her own carelessness and Huangfu Qiye's treachery.

Seeing that she had stopped, Huangfu Qiye walked in her direction. This time, he didn't touch her again. He only said coldly, "Actually, you have a faster way to pay off your debt. Do you want to hear it?"

She knew that she could not leave now. She had to give him thirty million or wait for three years before she could leave. If there was a better opportunity, she would definitely want to hear it. So, she glared at him and nodded silently.

"Be my woman and marry me before the New Year." He gave his conditions.

The new year was in about a month. His original plan was to marry her before the new year and then bring her back to meet his family and celebrate the new year together.

Now that it had dragged on for so long, he didn't want to wait any longer. He also didn't have the patience to continue fawning over her and pampering her.

If she didn't listen to him this time, he could only forcefully rape her.

"I won't agree to it, Huangfu Qiye. Didn't you say before that you'd give up on me? Why did you set up such a trap to make me owe you money?" She was extremely angry. Apart from not agreeing to his request, she also hated his treachery.

What a detestable man.

She didn't expect that he would set up such a trap just because she thought she had found a good job.

"No? A trap?" Huangfu Qiye knew from the beginning that she would be angry with him when she saw him after she walked into this office, and she would argue with him. He thought he could take it.

But now, he obviously couldn't take it anymore.

Damn woman, wasn't he good enough to her?

He had never been so gentle and patient with any woman!

She avoided everything he gave her as if the things he gave her were cheap and disgusting.

This time, he let her go easily because he heard that if he wanted to pursue a woman, he had to be nice to her, and he had to be nice to her unknowingly. It was also because of the way she looked in the bathtub at that time.. She was pitiful but extremely stubborn. He suddenly could not bear to continue pestering her and wanted to let her rest for a few days.

And today, he felt that she had rested enough. Whether she wanted to or not, from today onwards, she had to stay by his side.

He went forward and reached out to pinch her chin. He was very strong. There were faint red marks on her chin and she also felt a trace of pain. She frowned and wanted to hide. However, he hugged her waist tightly. "In my territory, if you don't want to agree, you have to agree. Otherwise, you have to pay back 30 million immediately."

He was certain that she didn't have 30 million, so he deliberately got someone to trick her into signing the agreement.

Tang Xiaowei thought that he was no longer interested in her. She had been thinking the same during this period of time.

However, in just a few days, he had actually pestered her again.

Moreover, this time, she owed him more money than the last time. She was suddenly at a loss, and her face was a little pale.

"Okay, I agree to be your secretary. Let me go first. Although you are the president, the agreement doesn't say that you can touch me." She quickly thought of a countermeasure. Since she couldn't pay him back, she also needed money. Then she would stay here and be his secretary.

The request he made just now was to marry him and be his secretary.

She thought that as long as she became his secretary, he wouldn't have any other ideas about her.

She would endure this for three years. Anyway, it was only a few months, because after school started, she didn't need to come to the company anymore.

After enduring for a while, three years would pass

"Are you sure?" Huangfu Qiye seemed to have guessed that she would choose to be his secretary, so he didn't show any surprise.

However, when he asked, the gloominess on his face slowly disappeared, and a slight smile appeared on his lips, making him even more handsome and charming.