Chapter 71: Go and Change Out of your high heels

Tang Xiaowei didn't dare to and didn't want to see him like this. She immediately lowered her eyelids and lightly nodded her head. "Yes, it's confirmed."

Only then did Huangfu Qiye let go of her and said in a deep voice, "in that case, you can work there from now on. If I need anything at any time, you can help me do it." He stretched out his hand and pointed to another table beside his desk.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned, and a panicked look appeared on her face. Then, she shook her head vigorously. "No, I want to work in the office outside, the office where I was just now. That office just happens to be the secretarial department, so it's more suitable for me to work there."

Huangfu Qiye asked her to work with him here. She didn't need to think about it to know that he still had some designs on her, so she naturally didn't want to stay here. She had to go back to the secretarial department.

"Do you think you have the right to bargain with me?" Huangfu Qiye ignored her fear and struggle. His cold and overbearing expression made Tang Xiaowei's throat go hoarse and she couldn't speak anymore.

She bit her lip, then lowered her head and said resentfully, "Okay, I won't bargain. I'll go out and pack my things before coming in."

After saying that, she prepared to go out. However, she didn't want to pack her things. Instead, she wanted to find a washroom to vent her anger.

Damn it. When she met Huangfu Qiye, she knew that nothing good was going to happen. Her mood was also particularly bad. She really hated him.

However, Huangfu Qiye seemed to have seen through her little thoughts. He said coldly, "You've only been here for one morning. What can the secretarial department have to pack for you? Even if there is, I'll naturally get someone to pack it for you. Now, come to me. I have something for you to do."

Tang Xiaowei was about to turn around and leave, but when she heard him say that, she stopped in her tracks. Her body was a little stiff, but she still had to hold her breath and walk toward him.

She didn't say anything in front of him because her heart was full of anger. She was afraid that the moment she opened her mouth, she would scold him and cause trouble. She could only endure it.

However, Huangfu Qiye took out a document and threw it in front of her. He said in a deep voice, "Go and make 50 copies of this document. Also, there are slippers at the door. Go and change your high heels. You've stepped on my carpet and dirtied it!"

When Tang Xiaowei first heard that he wanted to make copies of the document, she felt that it was good for him to instruct her to do things, which made her feel relieved. After all, he had no intention of playing tricks on her.

However, when he said that she had stepped on his carpet and dirtied it, she immediately felt a little ashamed and embarrassed.

When she took the document, she lowered her head and looked at her high heels. She had been wearing high heels since she left the house today. The soles of her shoes were indeed a little dusty, and the carpet in his office was covered with a white fur carpet. Although he was wearing leather shoes, his shoes were clean, Cheng Liang. Hers could not be compared to his at all.

She could not say anything to explain herself, because her shoes were indeed dirty.

In the past, in front of him, she either hated him or was annoyed by him. She had always treated him as the person she hated the most.

Now, being despised by him, she suddenly felt uncomfortable and very ashamed. She was too embarrassed to say anything else. She could only silently walk to the door to get a pair of slippers to change into. Then, she quietly went to the corner of the printer to print some documents.

In the distance, the man's gaze was still fixed on her body. To be more precise, it was on her ankle.

He had heard from Yuan Shan in the morning that Tang Xiaowei was wearing high heels today, but she did not seem to be used to it. He had observed her ankle just now and it seemed to have been worn out.

However, this woman still had the strength to argue with him, but she did not know how to deal with her injury.

Now that she had changed into soft slippers, he heaved a sigh of relief and lowered his head to start working.

Tang Xiaowei stood beside the printer, staring blankly as she waited for the printer to print.

She also began to realize that the part of her ankle that had been sore after changing into the slippers was no longer as painful as before. Moreover, this pair of slippers was really soft and extremely comfortable to wear. She couldn't bear to take them off.

Her thoughts drifted further and further away.

"Tang Xiaowei, you haven't made the photocopies yet? Are you that useless?" Suddenly, a man's deep voice rang out behind her.

Tang Xiaowei, who was staring blankly, turned around and saw that Huangfu Qiye, who was supposed to be at the desk, had unknowingly walked behind her. Moreover, he was much taller than her. Now that the two of them were standing very close to each other, the moment she turned around, she almost bumped into his chest.

She couldn't help but blush and feel a little uncomfortable. She took a step back, lowered her eyes, and didn't look at him. She replied, "I'm almost done. Please wait a moment, president."

Her tone was respectful and distant.

Huangfu Qiye couldn't help but want to tease her when he saw that she was in a daze. Now that she was treating him so coldly, how could his proud heart obediently listen to her and wait a moment.

He said in a deep voice, "You're really useless. You haven't finished copying in all this time. Be my secretary in the future. I still have many things for you to do. Can you do it?"

"I obviously don't..." When she heard his disdainful tone, she wanted to say that she obviously didn't want to be his secretary, but before she could finish her words, she remembered the agreement she had signed, so she changed her answer. "I'm sorry to have made you wait for so long, president. The documents will be copied immediately, and I'll work well in the future."

"Why are you suddenly so obedient? " Huangfu Qiye thought that she would quarrel with him, but seeing that she suddenly became obedient, he was not only a little satisfied, but also a little unaccustomed to it.

However, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly put away the printed document and handed it to him. She answered in a business-like manner, "President, the document has been copied."

She had no intention of answering his questions outside of work.

Seeing that she completely ignored him and only showed that she wanted to work seriously, Huangfu Qiye's desire to tease her was instantly extinguished.

A faint and cold smile hung on his lips. After taking the document, his slender fingers seemed to inadvertently pinch her fingers. Before her expression changed slightly and she hurriedly withdrew her hand, he turned back to deal with work in satisfaction.

Tang Xiaowei stood where she was. There was still the faint warmth from when he had just touched her fingers. Her heartbeat unconsciously quickened, and she felt that she had become a little strange.

She stood where she was for a few minutes when someone suddenly knocked on the office door. She was stunned for a moment, and then, as if she had been startled, she was at a loss.

She did not know who was knocking on the door, and this was the first time she had come to Huangfu Qiye's office. Although she was his secretary now, it was only her first day at work, so she was a little afraid that someone would come in She was a little nervous.