Chapter 208: That person is definitely not me

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he immediately froze on the spot.

Zhou Chen and Mu Yisen did not expect this either.

When Huangfu Qiye heard that Huangfu Yuner and 'him' had caused Xiaowei to have a miscarriage, his heart immediately began to ache violently.

His face was as pale as a piece of paper, and his heart was in so much pain that it felt as if it was being cut by a knife.

He did not do anything at all. He had been staying in the United States ever since the day he separated from her in France.

He had just returned a few days ago.

If what this woman said was true, then was it possible that someone had impersonated him and hurt Xiaowei together with Huangfu Yuner while he was away?

Thinking of this possibility, Huangfu Qiye wished he could cut the person who had impersonated him and Huangfu Yuner into a thousand pieces.

He felt pain, hatred, and anger in his heart.

But he still forcefully suppressed it. Then, he forced himself to calm down and looked at Tao Yuyan. He said, "I think I have to explain. I went to the United States more than a month ago. I was in a car accident in the United States and was in a coma until I returned to the country two days ago. So, the person you mentioned just now was definitely not me."

Tao Yuyan revealed a look of disbelief when she heard that. "Is what you said true?"

Huangfu Qiye nodded seriously.

Although his God was extremely serious, he had a threatening aura around him.

At that moment, due to the various emotions being suppressed in his heart, he did not look like he was lying.

Moreover, after he finished speaking, the people behind him, Zhou Chen, Mu Yisen, Yuan Qi, and the other bodyguards all spoke up.

"Our big brother doesn't lie. He did stay in the United States for more than a month and only returned to the country two days ago."

"That's right. Our young master did return two days ago."

Tao Yuyan was stunned on the spot, unable to react in time.

However, she still felt that these people might be lying to her. "But Xiaowei said when she woke up that she saw you. It was you and Huangfu Yuner who injected the poison into her."

"I already said it wasn't me. Call her out immediately. I'll tell her directly." Huangfu Qiye couldn't hold it in any longer and roared again.

Tao Yuyan shook her head. "No, I don't believe you. I won't tell you where Xiaowei is."

Tao Yuyan was frightened by Tang Xiaowei's bloody appearance that day. She really didn't dare to take the risk. She was afraid that Huangfu Qiye would suddenly have a whim and want to bring Xiaowei to his side, and then hurt Xiaowei a few days later.

Therefore, she couldn't tell him where Xiaowei was even if she was beaten to death.

Huangfu Qiye really wanted to beat the woman in front of him to death. However, at the moment, this woman knew where Tang Xiaowei was, so he couldn't make a move.

At that moment, a car came to an emergency stop at the entrance of the villa. Two men, one young and the other old, ran out of the car.

Tao Baba and Tao Xian rushed into their yard and found that the iron gate was broken. The door was also broken, and there were a lot of men in black clothes blocking the entrance.

Something had indeed happened at home. When the maid called, they were on their way back from work.

So they immediately asked the driver to drive faster and rushed back.

Tao Xian was a master of Taekwondo, so when the bodyguards were not on guard, he rushed up and quickly pushed several bodyguards to the ground. He also rushed into the living room.

Seeing that someone had suddenly entered, everyone in the living room looked at him.

Mother Tao and Tao Yuyan were originally quite afraid. After all, Huangfu Qiye's group looked dangerous and terrifying.

But seeing that Tao Xian had come, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

And the people around Huangfu Qiye all had dissatisfied looks on their faces at Tao Xian. They wanted to throw out this man who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Unfortunately, Tao Xian was not a soft bun. He pushed away the bodyguards. Although it took him some effort, he still quickly rushed in front of Tao Yuyan and blocked her and his mother behind him.

He looked at the person in front of him angrily and realized that the person in front of him looked familiar.

Soon, he remembered who the person in front of him was.

"Huangfu Qiye, how can a scumbag like you still have the nerve to go out?" Tao Xian thought of how Tang Xiaowei was tortured until she was covered in blood that day and he did not have a good impression of Huangfu Qiye at all.

"Get out immediately! Don't pollute the air in my house!"

His cold tone and voice carried great disdain and contempt.

"Do you believe that I will immediately have someone kill you?" Huangfu Qiye frowned. He did not like people shouting at him like this and insulting him like this.

"Yes." Tao Xian sneered His eyes were full of sarcasm. "You are a grown man, but you actually deceived an innocent little girl and then tortured her to a miscarriage with your own woman. How can I not believe that you dare to kill people? I'm afraid that in your eyes, Huangfu Qiye, there is no law in this country. You can kill whoever you want, however you want."

When Huangfu Qiye heard the man who had suddenly appeared say the same thing, he believed his guess even more.

Someone must have impersonated him when he was not around, then hurt Tang Xiaowei and caused her to have a miscarriage.

Otherwise, her classmates would not hate him so much.

However, when he thought about how her and Xiaowei's child had been caused to have a miscarriage, and how Xiaowei thought that the substitute was him, he knew she must be in great pain and sadness.

Huangfu Qiye's heart was in so much pain that his face instantly turned pale.

He reached out to cover his chest, and his body swayed violently. If it weren't for Mu Yisen supporting him, he would have definitely fallen to the ground.

Seeing him like this, Tao Xian faintly felt that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, if Huangfu Qiye was really toying with Tang Xiaowei and had hurt her to such an extent, he would definitely know that Tang Xiaowei wouldn't be able to live for long without the antidote.

In that case, Huangfu Qiye shouldn't have come looking for Tang Xiaowei anymore.

However, Huangfu Qiye had come, and it seemed like he didn't know what was going on. Moreover, when he heard about Tang Xiaowei's situation, Huangfu Qiye's face actually revealed a pained and pained expression.

Mu Yisen saw that Huangfu Qiye's condition was not very positive. He looked at Tao Xian and said, "You must be mistaken. My brother went to the United States to take care of his sick grandmother after he separated from sister-in-law Xiaowei in France over a month ago. After that, my brother was in a car accident and was in a coma for over a month. He only woke up a few days ago after his grandmother passed away. So, if sister-in-law Xiaowei was really hurt, it definitely wasn't my brother."

Zhou Chen also said, "The current situation is very strange, so everyone should calm down first. I hope that the two of you can tell us everything you know. We will definitely be able to find the truth and avenge sister-in-law Xiaowei."

Tao Xian was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the other party actually say this.