Chapter 209: He definitely won't LET THE OTHER PARTY OFF EASILY!

Subconsciously, he felt that the other party wasn't lying, and there was another possibility...

Perhaps they had been deceived by their appearance before, and now it was the truth.

At that moment, Tao Yuyan slowly calmed down. Especially after seeing Huangfu Qiye in such pain, she also started to be silent.

Could it be that everything before was really done on purpose to frame Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye?

In the end, after Zhou Chen and Mu Yisen brought out a lot of evidence, Tao Xian discovered that Huangfu Qiye had indeed never returned to the country ever since he separated from Tang Xiaowei in France. He had indeed returned to the country two days ago.

Therefore, the Huangfu Qiye who had hurt Tang Xiaowei might not be him, but someone else who was pretending to be him.

Therefore, he let his parents and sister go back to their own rooms. Then, in the living room, he told them about the day he went to the Golden Hotel and saw Tang Xiaowei unconscious and covered in blood, as well as how he found out that she had been poisoned. He also told Huangfu Qiye and the others that she said that Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner had poisoned her.

He had yet to tell them where Tang Xiaowei was.

He could not completely trust Huangfu Qiye and the others at the moment. He could only say that he would only be willing to tell them Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts if they could produce real evidence and find the real murderer.

Huangfu Qiye left the matter of finding the murderer to his subordinates.

He did not want to deal with these matters at the moment because he knew that Tang Xiaowei had been hurt by a substitute who might have looked like him on purpose and had even caused their child to be miscarried.

He only wanted to see Tang Xiaowei at the moment.

She must be in a lot of pain, not only physically, but also in her heart. She must hate him to death.

Her classmates all said that she wanted to kill him when she woke up.

She hated him to the point of wanting to kill him. That substitute must have done something too excessive.

He felt sorry for her and wanted to see her immediately and explain to her. Then, he would catch the murderer and avenge her.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me where she is?" Huangfu Qiye had just sat for a while and his body had recovered a little.

Although his heart was still in pain, it was not to the extent that he could not even stand properly like just now.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to expose her whereabouts before I see the real murderer being caught." Tao Xian was unwilling to say. At that moment, there was only Tang Xiaowei in England.

He was afraid of being wrong at this moment and being deceived by Huangfu Qiye.

Then, when Huangfu Qiye knew where Tang Xiaowei was, but deliberately went there to hurt Tang Xiaowei again, then no one would be able to save her.

Tao Xian knew very well how much Tao Yuyan valued this friend, so he could not easily expose Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts.

"Yuan Qi, go and tie up all his family members. If he still doesn't want to tell us a minute later, shoot on of his family members every minute." Although Huangfu Qiye had just learned from Tao Xian that he had not returned, he wanted to know how Tang Xiaowei had been bullied.

However, this young man who knew where Tang Xiaowei was did not tell him where she was at the moment.

Huangfu Qiye couldn't bear it anymore.

"Huangfu Qiye, have you always been this cruel? If that's the case, I'm still a little doubtful if I trusted you wrongly. So, I won't tell you where Tang Xiaowei is at the moment." Tao Xian didn't show any fear. Instead, he calmly said, "Tang Xiaowei is poisoned. Without the antidote, she won't live for more than two years. If you dare to kill anyone in my family, I won't tell you where she is even if I die."

Tao Xian was gambling.

After he finished speaking, he calmly looked at Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye was also looking at him.

But in his heart, he was thinking about what this man had just said.

His Xiaowei had been poisoned. Without the antidote, she would not live for more than two years.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. His fists tightened and loosened.

Finally, he said in a deep voice, "Okay, I won't kill your family. In one day, I will find the murderer, and then you will immediately tell me where Tang Xiaowei is."

Huangfu Qiye did not dare to take Tang Xiaowei's life as a joke.

If Tang Xiaowei was really poisoned, she would not be able to live for more than two years without the antidote.

In that case, he could not vent his anger no matter how upset he was. He could only compromise and find the murderer to clear his name before he could find her whereabouts.

Tao Xian did not expect this Huangfu Qiye in front of him to actually agree with him.

This man clearly looked so fierce and inviolable just now, and he had an extremely arrogant attitude.

If he had never changed his heart, he would have always loved Tang Xiaowei. And if the Huangfu Qiye who had hurt Tang Xiaowei was just a substitute, then that would be great.

However, Tao Xian still said worriedly, "I hope Mr. Huangfu, you will find the real murderer."

He was still a little worried. He was just afraid that Huangfu Qiye was the one who had hurt Tang Xiaowei, so he was afraid that he would randomly find a substitute a day later and say that he was the murderer.

"Don't worry, I love her more than anyone else. After I find her, no one has the right to worry about her anymore." Because, Tang Xiaowei could only belong to him, Huangfu Qiye.

He could only worry and protect her safety.

Tao Xian did not expect Huangfu Qiye to say such words with a serious and solemn expression.

After Huangfu Qiye finished speaking, he immediately left the Tao family with everyone.

He only left two bodyguards on the small path outside the Tao family to observe the situation here.

After he, Zhou Chen, and Mu Yisen left the Tao family, they got into the car. The tired look on his face disappeared.

"Go to the Golden Hotel immediately!"

One day. He had to find the murderer in one day. If possible, it would be better if he found the murderer earlier.

He had to find the murderer immediately and find Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts.

His Xiaowei.

Now, she must hate him to death. She must be in extreme pain because of the loss of her child and the poisoning.

No, she thought that he was the one who hurt her. She must also hate that child.

Huangfu Qiye covered his face with his hand. His eyes were sore and painful, as if something was about to flow out.

But in the end, he held it in.

He couldn't bear to hurt someone. Who was it that dared to hit his woman so hard?

When the murderer was found, he would definitely not let him off so easily!


Inside the Golden Hotel.

They rushed in like devils, scaring the hotel management to death.

In particular, some of the hotel security felt that they didn't look like they were staying in a hotel, so when they wanted to come forward to stop the interrogation, they were immediately scared to death by the gun in Huangfu Qiye's bodyguard's hand and hid in a corner. They didn't dare to make a sound.