Chapter 75: Do you sleepwalk?

Then how did she end up in this room?

Was this the room where Huangfu Qiye said he was done with lunch and then went in?

There were so many questions in her mind. Her mind was screaming, she needed an answer.

The man standing at the door looked at her for a long time with a cold face, then walked in with a frown.

"Secretary Tang, you sure know how to enjoy yourself. You don't work during office hours, but you come to the CEO's bedroom to rest, and you sleep until it gets dark?" He walked in her direction, getting closer and closer to her.

Tang Xiaowei was shocked by his tall figure and his stern lesson.

Although she had always hated him and rarely admitted defeat in front of him, what he said seemed to make sense now.

Reviewing the current situation, it was indeed her fault.

However, she didn't understand one thing.

When she was taking a nap secretly today, she was clearly at her desk. Why did she come to this bedroom after that? Moreover, she slept until it was dark. She really didn't know.

She was afraid that he would get close to her, so when he approached, she retreated.

When she had nowhere to retreat, her back was against the French window. Behind her was glass, and outside of the glass was a drop of several thousand meters to the ground.

She only turned her head to take a look, and her legs felt weak, and her head began to feel dizzy.

Damn it, she was afraid of Huangfu Qiye who was approaching in front of her, and she was also afraid of the altitude behind her. Her acrophobia was very serious.

Finally, she could not help but squat down. She raised her head to look at the tall and handsome man who was standing in front of her. "President... I don't know why I'm here. I don't want to be lazy."

She was a little dizzy now, so her courage had become much smaller. She looked weak and pitiful, like a little white rabbit.

So for a moment, she didn't believe that she would appear here. It might be Huangfu Qiye's doing, because no one could let her into this room except him.

Huangfu Qiye saw that something was wrong with her. He suddenly squatted down in front of her, face to face with her.

He raised her chin with his slender fingers and asked in a deep voice, "Do you sleepwalk?"

"Ah?" Tang Xiaowei looked at him in a daze, unable to say a word.

She didn't know if she could sleepwalk, but it seemed that no one around her had ever said that she could sleepwalk.

But now that he mentioned it, she was originally sleeping in his office, but now she was in his office's bedroom. It seemed that there was no other reason to convince her than sleepwalking.

Unless he was the one who carried her in, but looking at the way he questioned her now, it didn't seem like he was the one who brought her in.

She frowned, not knowing what to do. "I don't know, maybe."

Huangfu Qiye didn't tell her, nor would he tell her that he was the one who carried her in. If that was the case, it would be strange if she didn't scold him until he was half dead.

He deliberately put on a dark face, then stood up and pulled her up. Her feet were unsteady, and she almost fell into his arms.

"Since you sleepwalked into your boss's bedroom to sleep as a miner, then you will be punished to continue working overtime tonight." He stared at her with an overbearing gaze.

She didn't realize that her clothes were a little wrinkled because she had slept for a long time.

Today, she was wearing a small suit and a suit skirt. The clothes on the outside were wrinkled, and the white shirt on the inside was also a little wrinkled. In addition, her hair was a little fluffy, and her cheeks were red because she had slept for too long. She couldn't help but attract his gaze.

"I still need to work overtime?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't accept it.

He had inexplicably asked her to work overtime in the afternoon, which caused her to sleep until now.

She was really worried that if she worked overtime next to him at night, she would not be able to do anything else.

"You haven't finished the work this afternoon. You have to finish it all today before you can get off work." There was an irrefutable dignity on his face.

She was stunned, then she could only lower her head and mutter, "Oh, okay, I'll get off work after I finish it."

She thought that he was right. She had slept until now and had not finished the work. If that was the case, then she would continue to work overtime.

At the same time, she felt that he wasn't angry at her for appearing in his bedroom, and she didn't want to mention this matter to him, so she didn't say anything more. She hoped that he would forget this matter, because she also wanted to forget it.

She tidied up her clothes and prepared to go out and continue working.

Who knew that just as she walked to the door, Huangfu Qiye followed behind her and walked out. He casually said, "It's already seven o'clock in the evening, and everyone in the company has finished work before six o'clock. So, I have to get off work too. Before I get off work, I will need to lock the office door, and I will do it myself."

Tang Xiaowei stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at him.

Her chest heaved for a while before she regained her senses and said anxiously, "President, if lock the door, how am I supposed to work?"

He had said it for her on purpose, and she already understood.

She had to stay and work overtime, but he had to lock the door and leave himself. Where was she going to work overtime?

"The documents in the company are confidential, you can't take them out. Unless..." Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly, as if he was in a difficult position.

Tang Xiaowei only wanted to know as soon as possible how to work overtime to finish those documents. She looked at him expectantly. "Unless what?"

"Unless they are under my supervision, these documents can't be taken out of the office. And I'm going home from work right now. What do you think?" He looked at her with a faint smile.

Tang Xiaowei's throat went hoarse, and she suddenly couldn't speak.

His meaning was very clear. Unless she took these unfinished documents to his home and finished them under his supervision, she couldn't take them out of the company.

She did not want to go to his home.

After she left the forest manor, she had not thought about going back again.

"Why don't I stay in the office tonight?" She did not want to go to his home, but she had to finish her work, so this was the only way.

Huangfu Qiye warned in a deep voice, "My office. Do you think I would be at ease letting a little secretary stay in there for an entire night? Do you think that in a big company like mine, there are no confidential documents in the office?"

Her expression was even more troubled.

She couldn't do this, and she couldn't do that either. Did she really have to go to his house with him to finish her work before she could get off work?

"Pack up and follow me." Huangfu Qiye had already walked out with big strides. He held the key in his hand and urged her.

"Okay..." In the end, Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to take the documents and her bag and follow him out of his office.