Chapter 76: "I thought you were afraid of the cold in the dark. "

He was locking the door. Tang Xiaowei looked down at the floor tiles and thought about what to do later.

After locking the door, Huangfu Qiye turned around and walked to the elevator at the side. Seeing that she did not come over, he had no choice but to reach out and press the button to open the elevator door. Then he said calmly, "Tang Xiaowei, in the future, you will do things like opening the elevator door."

Hearing his voice, Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses. She nodded in a daze.

He walked into the elevator. Seeing that she only looked at him and did not come over, he waved impatiently. "Why aren't you coming in?"

Tang Xiaowei did not want to go in, but she had no choice but to move her steps and slowly walk over.

At this moment, only the two of them were left on this floor. She walked to the elevator door and saw that he was the only one in the elevator. However, inside the elevator was a sealed space. She suddenly felt a little timid and did not dare to go in and be alone with him.

However, the corridor behind her that was originally brightly lit, all of a sudden, the lights were extinguished. Her surroundings instantly turned dark.

Her courage became very small in the dark night.

Only then did she hurriedly walk into the elevator in fear, but after entering, she stood far away from Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye had been ignored by her many times, and now his expression was filled with displeasure.

He coldly reminded, "First floor."

Tang Xiaowei realized that he was talking to her, and she was standing closer to the door. She hurriedly pressed the button for the first floor, but she did not dare to look back at him.

The elevator door slowly closed.

She felt that the elevator was slowly descending, and the number was getting closer and closer to the first floor. She gritted her teeth and endured it, because from the moment she entered the elevator, she felt the gaze of the man behind her staring at her as if he was on fire.

At that moment, she had just come out of the air-conditioned office. There was no air-conditioning in the elevator, so the temperature here was much lower. When he looked at her like this, she suddenly felt cold all over.

She secretly prayed that the elevator would quickly reach the first floor so that she could breathe in the air outside and escape the suffocating atmosphere.

However, she did not notice that the man standing behind her had openly sent a message to someone on his phone.

However, she didn't look back, so she didn't notice it.

Just a few seconds after the man's message was sent, the elevator suddenly stopped and there was a sound of collision. However, the elevator didn't shake and the lights were still on.

Tang Xiaowei didn't notice it and thought that the elevator had already reached the first floor. Therefore, she was still waiting for the elevator door to open before she went out.

However, Huangfu Qiye suddenly asked, "Why did you stop here?"

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei raised her head and looked at the unopened elevator door and the display screen beside the button. It showed that this was the third floor and they hadn't reached the first floor yet.

She was also shocked.

Huangfu Qiye went forward and patted the elevator door. There was no response from the elevator, and the number on the display screen was still the third floor.

He frowned slightly and looked gloomy. "The elevator is broken!"

"Ah? Broken?" Tang Xiaowei went forward and patted the elevator door hard a few times in disbelief. She did not believe that the elevator would break down at this time.

However, she had only patted the elevator a few times when the lights in the originally bright elevator suddenly flickered and went out.

In the elevator, it was completely dark. The feeling that she could not see her fingers made her freeze on the spot.

"How could this be?" She stepped aside in fear, her back was already pressed against the wall of the elevator.

The cold wall made her feel even colder.

She wore a skirt to give everyone a good impression on her first day at work. The clothes she had on were not very warm, and she did not wear a scarf. Now, she felt that she was getting colder and colder.

Huangfu Qiye walked towards her in the dark and reached out to pull her into his arms.

Before she could struggle, he warned her in a low voice, "The elevator is broken now. Someone might come to fix it tomorrow. If you're cold, Hug me tightly."

Tang Xiaowei pushed him away without thinking. "Let go of me. I won't hug you even if I'm cold. Moreover, you're the CEO of this company. Now that you're trapped, someone will definitely come to fix the elevator as soon as you make a call. Don't take the opportunity to touch me. I'm just your secretary now."

Her words were angry and cold. Even in the dark, Huangfu Qiye couldn't help but frown.

He pushed her away and took out another phone and threw it to her. His voice was cold. "See for yourself!"

Tang Xiaowei easily broke free from his arms. It should be said that he easily let go of her. She took the phone and was a little confused, but she still opened the phone and looked at it.

Unexpectedly, the phone showed no signal.

She bit her lip and knew that it was wrong for her to yell at him so impulsively. She didn't hesitate to return the phone to him and lowered her head. "I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now. I didn't know there was no signal in here."

"I thought you would be afraid of the dark and cold, so I just wanted to comfort you. Since you don't need me, I won't force myself to do anything for you." Huangfu Qiye put away the phone and walked to a corner on the other side, leaning against the wall.

It was very dark in here, but he didn't look scared at all and was very calm.

His words also revealed that he just wanted to be a good person, but he was let down by Tang Xiaowei.

Although Tang Xiaowei had always hated him, she still felt that she was really too impulsive just now when she heard him say that. She was angry at him without understanding the situation.

Fortunately, he was not angry now. Otherwise, her life would not have been enough for him to play with.

Although she did not know why he would be so kind and gentle to her. After all, she had rejected him, hadn't she.

But now, she only wanted to treat him as a stranger, and then be his secretary for the next three years to earn some money. After graduation, she would find another job and never see him again.

"Thank you, but I'm not afraid of the dark." She was actually afraid of the dark, but at this time, she felt that there was no need to tell him.

Especially in such a dark environment, with a dangerous person like him accompanying her and spending an entire night with her, her heart was actually panicking, but she did not dare to show it.

She was afraid that he would take advantage of her when he found out.

After all, the things he had done to her before made her understand that he was not a person to be trifled with, and of course, he was not a good person. She would not change her opinion of him just because of his gentleness at this moment.

She could only maintain a high degree of vigilance and silence at the moment so that she could be alone in the elevator with him tonight. She would be safe when she went out tomorrow.