Chapter 214: Worshiping Vampires

This man was Ling Shitian.

He was already 50 years old, and he was a complete weirdo.

He worshiped vampires very much, and he even liked strange poisons.

Therefore, he gathered many scientific geeks and had them make many poisons for him.

At the same time, there was also a type of medicine that he especially liked.

These medicines were medicines that were injected into the body every day, and they would cause the body's functions to undergo a transformation.

It would make the person become younger, and at the same time, the person would look very pale on the outside, looking very much like a vampire.

What was even more terrifying was that after a week of this kind of medicine, as long as it was injected for seven days, it would become addictive.

Other than making people pale and young, this medicine would be fixed for a certain time every month, and the whole person would be in extreme pain, as if all the muscles and bones in the body had been misplaced.

Even a person with a gentle personality before would have a huge change in their personality on this day, as if they had become a real vampire. Only by drinking the blood added with the medicine could the pain in the body be calmed.

After this day, the person who had been injected with this potion would return to his previous state. However, his body and face would become paler and paler, and he would also become younger and younger.

This was the effect that Ling Shitian was pursuing. Although he could not completely turn into the vampire that he worshipped, he was satisfied with it.

Ling Shitian treated this potion as a holy potion that could turn him into a vampire and named it: Blood Charm.

However, this blood charm was essentially a poison.

Once, Ling Yijue had secretly discovered the secret of his adoptive father.

That's right, this man, the boss of the Mochi family, the perverted man who worshipped vampires to the point where he created a poison and injected it into his body, was his adoptive father.

Ling Yijue had come to England after graduating from high school. After he had accidentally found out that his adoptive father was such a person, he had also been injected with that medicine once.

At that time, his adoptive father had accidentally injected him with the medicine when his body was in pain that day. After that, when his adoptive father woke up, although he did not force him anymore, he had said that he would inject him with the medicine when he turned 20. He wanted all the men in the Ling family to become noble vampires.

Ling Yijue was shocked at that time. At the same time, he also felt that his adoptive father was very crazy and scary.

He spent half a year breaking away from his adoptive father and getting his own power. Therefore, he did not dare to go back to his country to meet Tang Xiaowei.

He wanted to wait until his wings were full and he was no longer under the control of his adoptive father. Then, he would look for Tang Xiaowei. However, this plan was no longer feasible now.

It was not easy for him to break away from his adoptive father. There was still a year to do so. He was already planning to get rid of his adoptive father a year later so that he would not be injected with such a corruptive potion in the future.

He did not want to become the vampire aristocrat that Ling Shitian mentioned. He just wanted to be a normal person.

But today, he still came to see his adoptive father.

His goal was to get the antidote to the devil's poison in Tang Xiaowei's body.

Previously, he had called the butler beside his adoptive father, David. At that time, his adoptive father was in Laos. Now, a week had passed. These few days, Tang Xiaowei was by his side. Every day, her body was tortured by the poison. Every day, she was in so much pain that she fainted. His heart ached terribly so he could no longer care about himself.

He only wanted Xiaowei to be fine, and everything else was no longer important.

"Father." He walked over, stopped in front of Ling Shitian, and greeted him calmly.

Ling Shitian put down the coffee that he had just drunk, but the coffee seemed to have a faint red color. He must have ordered someone to add some ingredients into the coffee.

Ling Shitian was a weirdo from the bottom of his heart. He was clearly a human, but he especially worshipped vampires, and he also liked the taste of blood.

When he saw his adopted son, he smiled stragnely and spoke. His voice was as young as a 30-year-old man, and not as old as his real age.

"Ah Jue is here. Quickly sit down."

Ling Yijue nodded and then sat down opposite Ling Shitian.

However, before he could speak, Ling Shitian picked up the cup of coffee with a faint red tinge and smiled at him. "Ah Jue, are you thirsty? Do you want the servant to prepare a cup of coffee for you?"

"Okay." Ling Yijue nodded in agreement, his expression still calm.

He did not reject Ling Shitian directly like before because he came here today to ask Ling Shitian for something.

Hearing his answer, Ling Shitian's smile suddenly froze. He put down the coffee and asked in a questioning tone, "You are Ah Jue?"

"Why would father ask that?" Ling Yijue heard that there was something wrong with his tone and raised his head to look at Ling Shitian.

Ling Shitian also stared at him closely. After a few seconds, he suddenly smiled again. "It's nothing, father just hasn't seen Ah Jue for a long time. I was just joking with you."

He thought that the man in front of him was not his adopted son because ever since his adopted son saw him drinking blood, he would not eat here again every time he came here.

So, he was suddenly surprised just now.

However, he saw very clearly that the person in front of him was indeed his adopted son, and not someone else who was acting.

"Father, Ah Jue came here this time because he has something to ask of you." Ling Yijue saw that Ling Shitian looked at him suspiciously just then, but now he had already returned to normal. He then started to say, "A few days ago, when I went to discuss a certain business deal, I met someone who poisoned me. It was my most capable Willam who blocked it for me, so now, I want to ask father for an antidote."

"Antidote? What kind of antidote?" Ling Shitian smiled faintly, as if he was talking about daily life with Ling Yijue.

"Devil." Ling Yijue's face was still calm. Ever since he entered the castle, he had always had this expression, and his expression had never changed because of what he said.

Ling Shitian stared at his adopted son for a long time, but he still could not tell if his adopted son's words were true or false.

However, for his adopted son to suddenly ask for the antidote, someone must have really been poisoned.

"If you want the antidote, father will naturally give it to you. After all, the entire Moqi family and the entire Ling family will belong to you in the future. Father only has you as a son, so father will not make things difficult for you." Ling Shitian had that same smile on his face again. It was just that these smiles did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

"I know, but I still have to thank father." Ling Yijue's calm expression finally contained a trace of emotion.

However, it was not because he knew that the entire family would belong to him in the future, but because he heard that his foster father was willing to give him the antidote.

However, he was not happy for long.

Ling Shitian stared at him. There was still a smile on his lips, but his gaze changed slightly. However, he still maintained the aura of a noble.

This gaze made Ling Yijue feel his scalp go numb.