Chapter 215: Ling Yijue was poisoned because of her

He said with a faint smile, "Ah Jue, it's already very late. You should stay here tonight. You haven't been home for a long time. Father is very lonely at home. You don't seem to like the medicine that father gave you last time. This time, father has asked someone to improve it. You will definitely like it."

When Ling Yijue heard this, he raised his head and stared at Ling Shitian.

However, Ling Shitian had already put away his previous smile and stood up. His pale face showed a strange expression, "Ah Jue, father is not someone who would make a loss."

After he said that, his pale vampire-like face revealed a smile once again. Then, like a ghost, he quickly left the living room and went upstairs.

Ling Yijue Sat on the sofa in a daze.

His hands were tightly clenched into fists.

He knew that the antidote wouldn't be so easy to take.

The people outside had been poisoned by the old man. He wouldn't save anyone unless he was in a good mood. However, he would ask the other party to provide him with conditions that he was satisfied with. Those conditions were terrifying and abnormal.

And he was his adopted son. He wouldn't let it go either.

However, from what he said, he would only inject him with the medicine.

Ling Yijue did not need to guess to know what kind of medicine this was.

Since the Mochi family and the Ling family would be his in the future, then his adoptive father would definitely want him to become like him.

Although he had been extremely disgusted from the start, he did not want to become like his adoptive father.

However, Xiao Wei needed the antidote at this moment. Only he could help Xiao Wei. He could not give up.

"Men, go and clean up my previous room." He stood up and instructed the maids in the castle to stay.


The next day.

In Ling Yijue's private villa.

Tang Xiaowei was woken up by a sharp pain.

She opened her eyes and found that her arm was being held tightly by someone, and someone was injecting medicine into her arm.

The person who injected the medicine was Ellen, and the person who held her hand was also the doctor.

She was very surprised.

Because in the week after she left the hospital, she had been living in Ling Yijue's villa, and Ellen had been here to observe her condition every day.

However, every time her body was in pain from the poison, Ellen was helpless.

Why was Ellen injecting medicine into her body today?

"Dr. Ellen, what is the medicine you injected?" She did not dare to move, afraid that she would mess up the needle that Ellen was holding.

She could feel that after the medicine entered her body, her body actually felt warm.

Ellen did not notice that she had woken up, and now hearing her voice. Ellen immediately said excitedly, "Miss Tang, this is the antidote. This morning, Mr. Ling brought back the antidote. He said that after injecting this medicine into you, you will rest for another six months, and your body will be fine."

After a week and a month of torture, Tang Xiaowei had actually become so skinny that she was only skin and bones. Moreover, her skin was no longer snow-white. She was thin and sallow, looking as if she was terminally ill.

Therefore, if the poison in her body was removed, she would indeed need to rest for a long time before she could completely recover.

When Tang Xiaowei heard Ellen's words, she was instantly stunned.

Ellen was not lying to her, right?

Ling Yijue had actually gotten the antidote within a week. He was actually so amazing.

She suddenly felt very touched.

He had saved her. This was equivalent to saving her life.

But why didn't she see him? Didn't he bring the antidote back? Why was there only Ellen and her in the room at this moment?

At that moment, Ellen had also injected all the antidote into her body. Then, in the next second, his hand was grabbed by Tang Xiaowei.

There were tears of appreciation in her eyes, and she was extremely excited. "Dr. Ellen, where's Ah Jue? Didn't he bring the antidote back? Why isn't he here?"

At the mention of Ling Yijue, Dr. Ellen's expression changed, and she was also stunned.

How could Tang Xiaowei not see that something was wrong with Ellen's expression? She immediately remembered that this poison was made by the Moqi family. Then, it must be very difficult for Ah Jue to get the antidote.

She still did not know that Ling Yijue was a member of the Moqi family.

She did not care about her weak body and got off the bed. "Is it because Ah jue was injured in order to help me find the antidote? I want to see him."

"Miss Tang, don't be anxious. Wait..." Ellen hurriedly chased after her, trying to stop Tang Xiaowei.

However, Tang Xiaowei thought that if Ah Jue got hurt trying to help her get the antidote, she would feel sorry for him.

Therefore, she had to see him safe and sound at this moment so that she could be at ease.

Ellen could not stop her, so she ran out of the room.

Outside the door, she saw Jack, who was often by Ling Yijue's side a few days ago.

Therefore, she immediately went forward to grab Jack's hand and asked anxiously, "Jack, do you know where Ah Jue is? I want to see him."

Jack remembered how the young master looked when he came back this morning, and then he remembered that the young master was like this because of this girl. He immediately glared at Tang Xiaowei fiercely and said, "It's all your fault. If it wasn't for you, the young master wouldn't have become like this. It's all your fault..."

"Jack, shut up!" Willam suddenly appeared and punched Jack fiercely. Then, he pushed Jack to the side and warned him darkly, "You've forgotten what the young master told you. Go down and don't appear in front of Miss Tang again."

Jack glared at Tang Xiaowei angrily and then left reluctantly.

Tang Xiaowei had just been yelled at by Jack when she was stunned.

But she had heard what Jack said and what Willam said after he appeared.

Jack suddenly had such hostility and hatred towards her. It must be because something happened to Ling Yijue in order to help her get the antidote.

She was so anxious that tears fell again. Although she didn't want to die and wanted to get rid of the poison in her body, she didn't want to harm Ling Yijue because of herself.

That day, he suddenly confessed to her, said he still loved her. He did not love anyone else, she felt sorry for him at that time.

And now she doesn't want to be sorry for him.

She grabbed Willam's arm. "Willam, don't lie to me. Did something happen to Jue? Did something happen to him because he helped me find the antidote?"

"There is no such thing, Miss Tang. The young master did not have an accident. He just took the antidote back, and suddenly had an urgent matter to deal with, so immediately went abroad. He might be back in a few days. Jack said that just now because he was worried that the young master had not rested well these two days. Don't worry." Willam's expression was serious. It did not seem like he was lying at all.

"Is that really the case?" However, Tang Xiaowei still faintly did not want to believe it.