Chapter 216: The murderer has been caught

She did not think that Jack would yell at her because Ling Yijue did not rest well.

Therefore, something must have happened when Ling Yijue went to look for the antidote.

She still did not give up. "Willam, if it's really like what you said, then give me a phone. I want to contact Ah Jue."

She had to know that nothing had happened to Ah Jue so that she could be at ease.

At that moment, although she had finally cured the poison, she could not be happy.

"Miss Tang, I'm very sorry. At this time, young master should be on the plane, so his phone will not be able to be connected. I feel that you have just injected the antidote, so you should rest well first. When young master comes back in a few days, you will be able to see him." William first shook his head and refused. Then, he continued to give her ideas.

When Tang Xiaowei heard him say this, she suddenly felt dizzy, as if the antidote had taken effect.

She had no choice but to nod. "Okay, then I'll go back and rest first."

Willam nodded and gave Dr. Ellen a look.

Ellen immediately went forward and helped Tang Xiaowei into the room.

Soon, Ellen walked out and closed the door. She whispered to Willam, who had been waiting outside the door, "Miss Tang has already fallen asleep. Perhaps the antidote contains sleeping pills. But it's okay. Let's go and see young master first."

Willam nodded and left with Ellen.

At that moment, in another room in the villa.

In the room with all the curtains drawn, the light was dim, causing the room to be abnormally gloomy.

At that moment, on the spacious bed, lay a handsome young man.

He was sleeping soundly, but his body was constantly sweating and faintly trembling. It was obvious that he was also suffering from an abnormally unbearable pain in his sleep.

His face was extremely pale, and his lips were abnormally bright red, as if they had been dyed with blood.

Ellen and Willam entered, followed by two doctors.

Each of them had seen Ling Yijue's appearance when he came back this morning.

At that time, he seemed to have gone mad, abnormally brutal. He would beat anyone he saw. He cried out in pain, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat. If it were not for a few fearless bodyguards who helped him back, he would not have been able to stand firmly.

Willam and Jack were almost scared to death, and they immediately called the family doctor in the villa.

A group of people sent the crazy Ling Yijue back to his room and forced him to be sedated. Only then did he fall asleep and did not go mad again.

He had been asleep for almost half an hour.

The reason why he knew that he had brought the antidote back and even gave Tang Xiaowei the antidote according to his arrangements was because Ling Yijue had instructed Willam before he left last night.

Ling Yijue had already guessed that he would definitely be injected with the antidote again. Therefore, he was worried that he would be in pain for a few days and would not be able to see Tang Xiaowei after he returned.

He took the antidote back and did not want to delay Tang Xiaowei for a few days because of him. He did not want her to continue to be in pain because of the poison in her body.

Therefore, when he had just come back, although he had gone crazy, Willam still took the medicine from his tightly clenched fist.

So, that must be the antidote.

At that moment, the few of them were guarding Ling Yijue's room worriedly, afraid that something might happen to him.


Another two days passed.

The group of people who were looking for Tang Xiaowei in England didn't even find her shadow.

After he suddenly fainted that day, Huangfu Qiye woke up, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes. He looked much better.

However, he became even more silent and gloomy than before.

He still didn't give up. He searched for another two days, but the results every day were the same, disappointing him.

That morning, Yuan Qi suddenly rushed into the room anxiously with his phone. "Young master, the murderer has been caught. The man who pretended to be you to hurt Miss Tang has been caught."

"Only that man has been caught, but Huangfu Yuner hasn't been found?" Huangfu Qiye's gloomy face became even gloomier at this moment.

After looking at the surveillance footage that day, he knew that the murderer was a man who pretended to be him and the real Huangfu Yuner.

However, he did not have the time to personally look for the two culprits in the past few days. His time was so precious, so of course, he could only use it to look for Tang Xiaowei.

In fact, if he had known that Huangfu Yuner had hurt Tang Xiaowei, he would not have let Huangfu Yuner off that day at the cemetery. However, he did not know at that time.

"Young master, that woman hid very well. Perhaps the old master helped her, so it is very difficult to find her." Yuan Qi lowered his head in fear when he saw that his young master was angry.

"Lock her up and teach her a lesson for a few days. Let her stay alive and wait for me to deal with her when I get back!" Huangfu Qiye ordered through gritted teeth.

After he found Tang Xiaowei and went back, he would make sure that the man, who dared to impersonate him to hurt her, died without a burial ground!

Yuan Qi hurriedly nodded and left to deal with this matter.

After Yuan Qi left, Huangfu Qiye gave Huangfu Haoming a call.

It rang for a long time before the other party picked up.

After the call was picked up, Huangfu Haoming's unhappy voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "You disloyal grandson, you actually have the nerve to call me."

Huangfu remembered that he wanted to visit his ex-wife that day. He wanted to visit her the day she was buried, but in the end, he was thrown out of the cemetery by Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards and almost beaten up.

He was also very proud, so of course he was angry.

"Where did you hide Huangfu Yuner?" Huangfu Qiye ignored the other party's curses and asked coldly.

He had been looking for Tang Xiaowei for the past few days, so he didn't have time to personally look for the murderer.

But now that Tang Xiaowei could not be found, and Huangfu Yuner might have been hidden by the old man, he naturally had to deal with it personally.

"Why are you asking this? Do you really want to hurt Yuner for that vain woman? Huangfu Qiye, let me tell you, I only acknowledge Yuner as my Huangfu family's daughter-in-law. No one else is qualified." Huangfu Haoming's tone was full of protection and indulgence for Huangfu Yuner.

"Since you think she can be the Huangfu family's daughter-in-law and you like her, I don't object to you marrying her." Huangfu Qiye sneered, his tone sarcastic. The coldness in his black eyes froze. "However, she hurt my people. If you want to protect her, let's see how capable you are! I will make her die a horrible death!"

" little b*stard! How can you say such things? I only treat Yuner as my granddaughter..." After being mocked, Huangfu Haoming immediately cursed angrily.

"You still don't want to tell me where you hid that b*tch?" HUANGFU Qiye deliberately ignored the angry old man and asked calmly.

"If I don't tell you, I won't let you see Yuner now. When your anger has subsided and you are willing to marry Yuner, I will..." Huangfu Haoming was very insistent. He kept chattering and wanted to brainwash Huangfu Qiye.