Chapter 217: He could not wait any longer

"Mr. Huangfu, I suddenly remembered that that b*tch, Huangfu Yuner, would never think of such a scheme to hurt my people. I think it was your idea. Since you dare to provoke me like this, I just want to tell you that you two better not let me catch you, or else I will kill you too!" Huangfu Qiye said angrily. He immediately cut off the call.

After hanging up the phone, Huangfu Qiye turned to look at the other person in the room. "Yisen, how is it? Have you found the other party's location?"

When he was on the phone just now, he had already winked at Mu Yisen, so Huangfu Haoming's phone had already been bugged.

Mu Yisen nodded and a smile appeared on his face. "I've found them. They're in a city in Korea."

"Korea?" Huangfu Qiye frowned when he heard that.

"Although we don't know why they are there, we should hurry and find someone to catch them," Zhou Chen reminded him.

Mu Yisen nodded. "Don't worry. I will contact the people in Korea immediately."

Huangfu Qiye saw that the matter was almost settled, so he pushed the door open and was ready to leave. But before he left, he paused. "I will leave the matter of catching the murderer to you. Inform me immediately after you catch the murderer. I will go out first."

"Brother, you didn't rest last night. Didn't you say that you would rest for a whole morning before going to look for them?" Zhou Chen said worriedly.

"That's right. There are many of us outside now. They will call sister-in-law Xiaowei when they find her. Brother, you should rest for a few hours first." Mu Yisen was also very worried.

Huangfu Qiye didn't say anything. He shook his head, pushed the door open, and walked out.

In the room, Zhou Chen and Mu Yisen looked at each other helplessly. Because they were really too tired, they planned to rest in the hotel this morning and then go out in the afternoon to help look for her.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he walked out of the hotel.

He looked up and realized that the weather today was not bad. It was no longer raining like it had been a while ago.

However, his heart was still uncomfortable, and it was especially painful.

That day at the hospital, he only knew that she had suddenly disappeared from the hospital. He had searched for so long but still could not find her. He also could not find that she had left the country. Even if he called the police to look for her, they still could not find her.

He was really afraid, afraid that she would encounter danger after leaving the hospital alone.

What if she met a bad person?

She had no money on her, she was hungry and thirsty, what if she didn't have a place to rest?

These questions were very realistic. He had been looking for her here for more than a week, and the longer it went on, the more worried and afraid he became when he couldn't find her.

If she was lost, he should be able to call the police.

She had disappeared for so long without calling the police. Even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to wonder if she had met a bad person and couldn't get away. That was why she disappeared here, and that was why he couldn't find her.

Therefore, today, he was no longer purely looking for her in a normal place.

He closed his eyes and suppressed the fear in his heart. He walked out of the hotel, got into the car outside, and went directly to some local trading places that could not be made public.

A few days ago, it was not that he did not think that she would be kidnapped by a bad person to such a place, but he did not want to believe it, so he did not dare to go to such a place to look for her.

But today, he could not wait any longer.


Ever since the injection of the antidote that day, Tang Xiaowei was finally completely relieved.

She no longer felt pain in her body every day, and there was no longer any sudden blockage of her breathing.

Her condition was gradually improving, but the color of her skin was still morbid.

Because during this period of time, her thin figure was tortured by the poison, and she didn't recover immediately.

However, she still felt much, much better.

At least, now that she had detoxified, her body was no longer in pain and suffering, and she only needed to recuperate for a few months before she could become a normal person.

After this, she wanted to continue her studies and work hard to strengthen herself. Then, she would seek revenge on Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Qiye.

She would never forget these two people. She would only be willing to let them go when she saw them receiving their retribution with her own eyes.

However, these two days, when Ellen was helping her check up on her body, she always had a puzzled expression on her face when she looked at her head.

This made Tang Xiaowei faintly feel uneasy.

Because she had not seen Ling Yijue for two days, it was boring for her to stay in her room alone. The only person who accompanied her the most every day was Doctor Ellen.

That morning, Ellen gave her a routine check-up. After the check-up, she did not say anything like she did two days ago. Instead, she suddenly looked at Ellen. She asked, "Dr. Ellen, you've been staring at my head for the past two days. Is there something wrong with my head? Is it because the toxins have not been cleared out yet, so there are remnants in my head?"

If that was really the case, then why didn't she feel a headache?

Upon hearing this, Ellen did not expect that his little move would be discovered by Tang Xiaowei.

He was stunned. He had indeed discovered that there was something wrong with Tang Xiaowei's head. However, he wanted to wait for young master to wake up and tell him about this. Then, he wanted to ask young master's opinion before deciding whether to tell Tang Xiaowei or not.

However, young master had not woken up yet. Therefore, in the past two days, Ellen had been worried and curious about Tang Xiaowei's head. That was why he had inadvertently stared at her head and let her discover it.

However, he still wanted to cover it up first. "It's... It's nothing. I just think that you're too skinny now. I'm just thinking about what kind of food you should eat to nourish your body."

"Really? " Tang Xiaowei saw that although Dr. Ellen was stunned by her question, his explanation seemed to be quite serious.

So, could it be that she was really overthinking things.

"Of course it's true. I'm thinking that you should eat more vegetables now so that you can replenish your body's energy. You can also recover your previous skin color," Ellen teased. "When you first arrived at Moqi hospital, your skin color was still pretty good. Now, it's really too yellow."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei was instantly furious. Although she was a yellow person, she had always been the kind of person with a fair skin color since she was young.

In the past, people had always praised her for being fair.

But now, because she was sick, a white person said that her skin color was yellow. Because she would occasionally joke with Ellen these two days, she immediately glared at him angrily. "I'm just sick now. When I recover, I won't be yellow anymore."

Ellen smiled. Seeing that she was angry, she knew that the topic had already changed. Then, she hurriedly said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry. I'm joking. When you get better, you'll definitely be very white. Maybe even whiter than me."

Tang Xiaowei was even more angry. No matter how white she was, she couldn't possibly be whiter than a Caucasian.

However, Tang Xiaowei knew that he was indeed joking, so she felt that Ellen was actually quite easy to get along with.