Chapter 218: I feel like you've changed a lot

In the past two days, she had been in a slightly better mood because Ellen had occasionally chatted with her.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but laugh.

At that moment, the door to the room was pushed open, and a tall figure walked in. Then, a man's smiling voice sounded, "What are you talking about? Why are you so happy?"

When Ellen and Tang Xiaowei heard this, they both turned around and looked over.

Then, Ellen immediately returned to her usual calm state and lowered her head to the side in fear.

Ellen suddenly felt afraid.

These two days, he had discovered that Mr. Ling was the young master of the Moqi family.

At the same time, he had to stay here and take care of young master and Miss Tang with the doctors.

Although young master had not woken up for the past two days, he saw that although Miss Tang had been detoxified, she was still depressed, so he thought of ways to joke with her.

However, he did not have any other thoughts, so when he suddenly saw young master wake up and heard them talking, he was somewhat afraid that young master would misunderstand.

After all, his young master did not care about his own health for Miss Tang. The Moqi family members were also cruel. Ellen was really afraid that his young master might kill him because of a misunderstanding.

Tang Xiaowei, on the other hand, was not as paranoid as Ellen.

She finally saw Ling Yijue, so she immediately jumped off the bed in excitement and ran in front of him. She grabbed his hands. "Ah Jue, thank you. Thank you for helping me find the antidote. My pain has gone away for the past two days. Doctor Ellen also said that as long as I rest for a few months, I will soon be the same as before."

"Silly, I did such a thing for you. I don't need your thanks at all." He took the opportunity to hold her in his arms and took a deep breath in satisfaction.

It was so good to be able to hold the person he loved the moment he woke up and to know that she was fine. This feeling was really good.

It had been a long time since he had held her like this.

Ling Yijue had just woken up and immediately came to her room. However, before he came in, he heard Ellen talking to her, and it made her laugh and made him get angry at the same time. He was originally very angry and jealous.

However, after entering the room, he found that Ellen retreated to the side in fear, and Tang Xiaowei immediately rushed to him with a smile. Therefore, Ling Yijue did not want to talk about what happened just now.

"No, you completely saved my life this time. I will definitely have the chance to repay you in the future." Tang Xiaowei did not push him away because she felt that this was just a hug to show she was grateful.

Moreover, she felt that the antidote must have been hard-won. She did not want to covet Ling Yijue's things for nothing, so she wanted to think of a way to repay him in the future when she had the ability.

After all, he was the one who saved her life.

"Since you insist, I will reluctantly agree to it." He smiled and agreed. At the same time, he secretly thought that if she could give him whatever he wanted, he would definitely want this kind of repayment.

But he could not say such words. He did not want to force her.

"Oh right, where did you go after you brought the antidote back? I asked Jack and Willam. They both said that you went out, but why didn't you bring them with you when you went out?" Tang Xiaowei wanted to ask him where he had gone for the past two days.

At first, she did not find it strange, but Willam said that Ling Yijue had gone on a business trip, but why didn't he bring Willam and Jack with him?

Hearing this, Ling Yijue was only stunned for a second, then he immediately smiled and reached out to rub her hair. "The place I went this time was not dangerous, so I did not bring a bodyguard, only a secretary."

"Ah Jue, I feel that you have changed a lot." Tang Xiaowei withdrew from his arms, then walked to the sofa next to her and sat down.

Ling Yijue followed her and sat down next to her. He endured the turbulent waves in his heart and asked in surprise, "Why do I feel this way?"

When Dr. Ellen saw the two of them sitting together and chatting 'sweetly' in Chinese that he did not understand, he immediately felt that he could not stay any longer. Otherwise, young master would definitely get someone to fire him.

Therefore, he left quietly straightaway and left the room for the two of them.

Tang Xiaowei did not know that Ling Yijue had been poisoned because he had gotten the antidote for her. Now that she saw that Ling Yijue was fine, she believed that he had gone on a business trip two days ago.

Therefore, after sitting down, she raised her head. She said with some loneliness and envy, "It's not that I don't think you're getting better, it's just that you seem to be different from before. In the past, you only knew how to go out and play like a child. Now, you have actually started to work with bodyguards and secretaries. I feel like you've grown up and become more mature."

Ling Yijue's age was the same as hers. They were both 19 years old, but he was only a few months older than her.

But now, it looked like he had become much more mature in an instant after he graduated from high school and went abroad.

As for her, if she had not been hurt by Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner this time, she might still be as silly as before.

"It's only occasionally when I'm dealing with work. I can find time to take you out to enjoy yourself like before. When you recover, I'll accompany you wherever you want to go." Ling Yijue thought that she was not used to him being like this. He immediately smiled and explained, then leaned his head over and held her small face.

He stared at her carefully. She had been sick for a long time and was thin; she did not wear makeup and did not look as good as before.

But he still felt sweet and satisfied in his heart.

As long as she was by his side, that was enough. He loved her, so he did not care about these little problems.

"Xiaowei, don't feel unfamiliar with the how I am now. I am still the old Ling Yijue, your Ah Jue."

Tang Xiaowei stared at him in a daze. She did not know what to say, but she felt a slight pain in her heart.

She did not know if it was for him or for someone else.

Perhaps it was for herself, she thought.

She could really feel that Ling Yijue really liked her. The feelings in his eyes were so deep. Perhaps it was not love, but kindness.

However, was she still qualified to have the strength and courage to accept such feelings?

Ling Yijue found that she was absent-minded, but he was not angry. He hugged her gently. Although he wanted to kiss her very much, he was afraid of scaring her, so he could only endure it. Then, he hugged her and gently told her about the interesting things that happened when they were together in the past.


He had dinner with Tang Xiaowei and stayed with her until she fell asleep.

Only then did Ling Yijue leave her room.

A few minutes later, the door to the study was opened and he sat on a chair. Ellen and Willam brought him over.

The door to the study was closed.

He stood up and walked in front of Ellen.

The young man was only 19 years old, but because of the cold aura on his body, he carried a deterrent force. He walked in front of Ellen and was half a head taller than her as his height was at least 190 cm.