Chapter 219: Don't think about him anymore

"Dr. Ellen, I heard that you've been taking good care of Xiaowei these past two days. It's not bad at all!"

The words 'not bad at all! ' Carried a faint hint of anger, and it made Ellen clench her teeth. When he heard that, his legs immediately went weak.

He hurriedly lowered his head and almost knelt down. He explained, "Young master, you've misunderstood. I only saw Miss Tang being alone all day. I was afraid that this would affect her illness badly, so I said a few jokes. I really don't have any other intentions. I won't dare to do it again in the future. "I'm really worried about Miss Tang's illness. Please don't misunderstand."

"Worried about her illness?" Ling Yijue's aura was not as scary as before.

He was just jealous and did not want to see Tang Xiaowei being teased by another man.

But if it was because it was related to her illness, then it was a different matter.

"Yes, after I injected the antidote into Miss Tang, my attention was attracted by a hidden problem in her head. I discovered that something seemed to have happened to Miss Tang's head. After taking a scan, I discovered that there was a blood clot left in her head," Ellen carefully explained her discovery.

In Ling Yijue's villa, there was a small operating room with all kinds of equipment. That was why he found out about this problem.

Because he had only noticed the poison in her body, Ellen had not found out about this problem before.

Hearing this, Ling Yijue immediately became worried. He grabbed Ellen's collar and said, "There's a blood clot in her head? She had an accident before? Are you sure?"

"It is my belief, that although I didn't find any wound on her head, this blood clot seems to have been left behind after the impact. It seems to have been there for a long time. Perhaps it happened when Miss Tang was a few years old. Why don't you ask her and see if she remembers what happened when she was a few years old? If she doesn't remember, then she might have forgotten the injury." Ellen was so scared that she was extremely nervous.

"Do we need to take out the blood clot?" Ling Yijue trusted Dr. Ellen, but he began to worry.

He didn't want to take the risk. If the blood clot didn't need to be taken out, then he wouldn't do it.

Otherwise, he was afraid that when the blood clot was taken out during the surgery, something might happen to Tang Xiaowei?

Now that the poison in her body had disappeared, she would slowly recover. He felt that this was a very good outcome.

In any case, the blood clot might only make her forget what happened a few years ago. It wasn't as if she had forgotten the memories of the past when she had known him.

"It might need to be taken out," Ellen analyzed and explained. "Because if it isn't taken out, it might affect Miss Tang. She might often have headaches in the future. This might be the reason why the poison in her body tortured her before, so the blood clot seems to be moving. If the blood clot is moving around in her body, it will be very bad for her."

"I'll check her again carefully tomorrow!" Ling Yijue did not think that there would be such a consequence if he did not take out the blood clot. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and gave the order again.

Ellen hurriedly nodded. "Okay."

"You all can leave!" Ling Yijue rubbed his aching temples, turned around, and walked to the balcony.

Ellen and Willam finally walked out.

After they left, Ellen finally relaxed and took a deep breath, then prepared to leave.

Willam remained at the door of the study, not daring to leave.

In the study.

At that moment, only Ling Yijue was left.

He leaned against the railing of the balcony, his back facing the darkness outside, but his gaze was looking at a balcony next door.

There, at that moment, only the faint yellow light shone through the curtains.

He knew that she was afraid of the dark, so he prepared a table lamp in her room.

He also closed the curtains, afraid that she would suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and be frightened by the darkness outside the window.

At that moment, she was sleeping.

He had fallen in love with her from the first moment he saw her.

Until now, it had been more than two years. Not only had this feeling not changed, but it had also sunk deeper and deeper. He found that he loved her more and more.

When he had not seen her, every day he thought of her until his bones ached.

Now that he had seen her, he still could not control the longing.

If it were not for the fact that they were still young, he would have waited for her to grow up, and also because he had someone to deal with.

Then, he would definitely take her to get married and lead a stable life.

But now, he couldn't complete all of this immediately.

He could only wait, wait for himself to succeed, and wait for her to grow up a little. This way, he wouldn't have to be with her during the day and would only be separated at night.

The next day.

Tang Xiaowei woke up and found Ling Yijue sitting next to her.

Before she could regain her senses, he revealed a smile and stretched out his big hand to rub her hair. "Little lazy worm, it's time to get up. Today, I'll accompany you downstairs for a check-up. After the check-up, we'll have breakfast."

She was dizzy from his hand rubbing her head. When she saw that it was only 8 am, she felt a little angry from getting up. She pushed his hand away and sat up by herself. "Isn't it still early?"

She narrowed her eyes and yawned. She did not feel like a little lazy bug at all because when she was by Huangfu Qiye's side previously, she always slept until noon because she was pregnant.

Her eyes widened and her face turned pale. She immediately clenched her teeth.

Why was she thinking about Huangfu Qiye and the child again?

That scumbag. He had caused her to be like this. Why would she still think about him?

She closed her eyes and endured the pain in her heart and the sourness in her eyes. She was afraid that she would be unable to control her tears again.

Damn it! Damn Huangfu Qiye. She didn't want to think about him anymore.

Her nails dug into her palms and the pain came.

In the future, every time she thought about him, she would have to pinch herself to remind herself not to think about this scumbag.

"Xiaowei, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Ling Yijue saw that something was wrong with her, so he grabbed her shoulders worriedly and lowered his head to look at her.

However, he realized that there was something wrong with her expression. It was as if she was filled with resentment, hatred, and endurance.

He asked her about it, but she did not seem to come back to her senses.

What was wrong with her?

He remembered that he had asked Jack to find out how she was poisoned, but he did not find anything out.

He only found out that she had been together with Huangfu Qiye after they broke up. But they hadn't been together for a long time, so they should have broken up.

Although he knew that she had been with another man after they broke up, he had known that the last time they met on that rooftop.

But when he saw the photos Jack had found of her and Huangfu Qiye together, he still felt a pain in his heart.

It was just that he only blamed himself, not her.

At that time, he was the one who said they broke up, and he was the one who pushed her out.

So even if he was jealous and regretful, he didn't have the right to blame her.

But now, she was with him now, and he would not let her go.