Chapter 220: surgery, will there be any danger?

He did not care about what happened to her in the past. Now and in the future, he only wanted her.

However, he still did not find out who poisoned her. He asked her, but she did not tell him.

He began to guess. Could it be Huangfu Qiye?

"Xiaowei, what are you thinking about?" He suddenly moved closer to her. He could not help it and finally kissed her.

However, just as his lips touched her, she immediately came back to her senses and stepped back. "Ah Jue, don't be like this."

She did not expect him to suddenly kiss her, even though he had confessed to her again and said that he had no choice but to break up with her.

However, there was nothing she could do. She did not have the same feelings for Ling Yijue as before. Moreover, she had been hurt so badly by Huangfu Qiye. What she hated the most at that moment was love.

Therefore, she really did not like Ling Yijue kissing her.

"Xiaowei..." Ling Yijue looked at her with some hurt. "Are you really in love with Huangfu Qiye?"

"No, that scumbag. I won't love him anymore. Who cares if he dies!" When Tang Xiaowei heard that, she immediately exploded like a small bomb that had been set off.

She couldn't wait to kill Huangfu Qiye with her own hands. She hated him so much. How could she still love him?

Seeing her so agitated, Ling Yijue felt that he was probably right. The Devil's poison, which was hard to buy, might have been obtained by Huangfu Qiye and then used to attack Xiaowei.

That was why Xiaowei was so angry at this moment

He thought of the woman he loved so much that he was afraid of hurting her and had to break up with her. Being hurt like this, his heart was filled with a fire that could not be extinguished.

He immediately hugged her and said in a cold and serious voice, "Don't be afraid. With me here, no one will dare to bully you. I will never let go of your hand again. I will help you take revenge. I will help you kill him!"

So what if Huangfu Qiye was awesome? If he dared to hurt Xiaowei, he, Ling Yijue, would not let him go!

"I want to kill him with my own hands." Tang Xiaowei broke down and cried in his arms. Hearing that he was willing to help her take revenge, she could not control her tears no matter how she was comforted.

"Okay, I will capture him and let you kill him with your own hands." Hearing her words, Ling Yijue knew that he did not need to investigate to find out who had harmed Xiaowei. However, he did not want a girl like her to kill someone. He would help her with matters such as killing and getting revenge. When he captured Huangfu Qiye in the future and let her vent her anger, he would help her kill him!

... ...

Ling Yijue accompanied Tang Xiaowei downstairs to have another careful check on her body. Then, he accompanied her to the restaurant for breakfast.

After that, he told her to go back to her room to rest.

Then, he saw Ellen again.

After asking her again, Ellen still answered as before, "Young master, there is really a blood clot in Miss Tang's head, and it seems that it must be taken out."

"If the surgery is performed, will there be any danger?" Ling Yijue was only worried about this question.

Upon hearing this, Ellen's tone immediately became confident. "Young master, don't worry. The surgery will not be dangerous. I have done this kind of surgery many times, but I have never failed."

"I don't want any accidents to happen!" Ling Yijue stared at Ellen with a cold and gloomy gaze.

After being stared at by him like this, Ellen instantly lost her confidence, but she still said carefully, "Young master, don't worry, I..."

"You can't guarantee it, right?" Ling Yijue revealed a cruel smile, as if he was going to kill someone in the next second.

Hearing this, Ellen's face immediately changed in fright. He hurriedly raised his hand and swore, "I swear, I swear that there will be no accidents. If there are any accidents, you can do whatever you want to me."

"Okay, you can leave first. I'll call you over after I've thought about what to do." Ling Yijue waved his hand.

Ellen could only leave carefully.

Ling Yijue knew that the blood clot in Tang Xiaowei's head had to be taken out. This surgery had to be done.

Although at the beginning, Ellen said that there would be no problems and no accidents would happen.

However, he naturally could not be completely at ease about the person he cared about the most being in danger.

Although he had obtained Ellen's oath and knew that this doctor who loved his life would definitely work very hard to perform this surgery, Ling Yijue was still worried.

He immediately called Willam into the study and ordered him in a low voice, "Go and find a few more experts in the brain department and secretly send them here. Also, prepare everything necessary for the surgery."

Willam immediately nodded and left.

Ling Yijue hid Tang Xiaowei in his villa and did not let her go out because he was afraid that his adoptive father would know. His adoptive father would not allow him to care so much about a woman. His adoptive father did not know what love was at all. He was just a bloodthirsty maniac.

Therefore, if he wanted to perform surgery on Tang Xiaowei now, he could only do it in his villa.

However, the operating theater in his villa was already more advanced and safe than the operating theaters in many large hospitals, so he could be reassured by this.

After taking care of these things.

He left the study and came to the door of Tang Xiaowei's room, wanting to tell her this news.

The blood clot in her head would affect her body, so he was very clear that he would tell her after he had taken care of everything. Even if she was afraid, she would not panic.

"Xiaowei, what are you doing?" He pushed the door open and entered. He found her back facing him, sitting on the chair. He did not know whether she was in a daze or sleeping.

Tang Xiaowei heard the voice and turned around to see Ling Yijue. She smiled at him. "Ah Jue, I'm reading. I saw this in the room."

She handed the book over. Ling Yijue looked at it and saw that it was only a magazine.

He was not interested in putting down the magazine, and then he held her hand. "Xiaowei, I have something very important to tell you."

"Okay, go ahead." She nodded, but her hand started to struggle. It was obvious that she did not want to be held by him. "Ah Jue, I don't feel comfortable with you like this."

"Okay." Ling Yijue had no choice but to let go of her and take back his hand.

She felt a little awkward. She felt that he was so nice to her, but she directly rejected him, as if she was not giving him respect.

However, she really could not accept the feeling of being held by him.

As if sensing her awkwardness, Ling Yijue smiled gently, stroking her hair,. He said, "Silly girl, don't let your imagination run wild. If you feel that you're not used to it now, we can take it slow. In the past, you didn't like me at first, but after that, didn't you come to like me?"

"Ah Jue, I probably don't want to be in a relationship for the rest of my life. I don't want to hold you back..." When she heard what he said, she couldn't help but open her mouth.

She didn't want to be single for Huangfu Qiye.

That was because she no longer loved Huangfu Qiye. Her love for him had already turned into hatred.

So, naturally, it was impossible for her to keep herself as pure as jade because of him.

She was just afraid, afraid that she would be hurt if she came into contact with her feelings again.