Chapter 221: Memories before the age of Seven

Even if the other party was Ling Yijue, she really could not open her heart to accept it at this moment.

"I know, I will wait." He would wait, no matter how long it would take.

"Ah Jue, but..." She still wanted to persuade him to stop wasting time and energy for her.

When they were together in the past, they were both each other's first boyfriend and girlfriend. They were both their first love.

Therefore, even though he had said goodbye to her in anger and pain, he had not particularly hurt her. She also wanted to treasure this pure first love, so she had never hated Ling Yijue.

She even felt that she could treat him as a friend.

However, he had been single ever since they broke up.

She was different. After breaking up with him, her heart had been given to someone else, her body had been touched by someone else, and she was even pregnant with someone else's child.

Although she didn't have a child now, and she had also broken up with that scumbag.

However, Tang Xiaowei felt that she was no longer worthy of Ling Yijue.

She hated love now, hated herself, and hated people with resentment. Her current goal was to strengthen herself and then take revenge.

Therefore, she didn't want to fall in love at all, and she didn't want to delay Ling Yijue.

"You silly girl, do you think I will let you go obediently just because you pushed me away?" Ling Yijue looked at her deeply and said gently, "Xiaowei, let's not talk about what you hate now. I have something else to tell you."

He knew that what she hated to talk about now was definitely something about love.

Therefore, he rationally didn't tell her his feelings.

Moreover, feelings were not the only way to go. He would slowly infiltrate her life and become the indispensable person in her life.

"What is it?" She also agreed to talk about other things and immediately accepted the topic.

"Do you know why Dr. Ellen has been staring at your head these days?" Ling Yijue said calmly.

He did not want to show her a particularly worried expression. That would scare her and make her imagination run wild.

"Why?" She was actually secretly guessing, but after asking Dr. Ellen yesterday, he said that it was nothing, so she did not think about it anymore.

Why would Ah Jue suddenly ask her now?

Moreover, she remembered that she had gone downstairs for a full body check today, and her body immediately stiffened.

Could it be...

Could it be that even if the poison in her body was removed, there would still be sequelae?

She looked at Ling Yijue with fear and nervousness. "Ah Jue..."

"Don't be afraid, it's fine. The toxins in your body have all been removed. I want to talk about another problem." Ling Yijue saw that she was afraid and wanted to hug her, but he was afraid that she would struggle and refuse, so he could only bear it.

"Then what problem is it?" She was willing to believe him, so she gradually relaxed.

"I want to ask you, do you still remember your childhood memories? For example, when you were a few years old, you probably can't remember everything that happened before that?" He looked at her seriously, not letting go of any of her subtle expressions.

When she heard that, her expression did not change much. There was still a hint of nervousness in it. However, she quickly frowned, and a confused expression appeared on her face.

"I...I didn't pay much attention to it in the past. Now that you mention it, I seem to only remember things that happened after I was seven years old. I can't remember anything that happened before I was seven years old. I used to think that it was because I was too young to remember, so I didn't think too much about it. Now that you're asking me this, is there something wrong with my head? Is that why I can't remember anything that happened before I was seven years old?"

She immediately thought it through and stared at him with her eyes wide open.

"Maybe you had an accident when you were seven years old, so you forgot a lot of things. Ellen said that you have a moving blood clot on your head, which is bad for your body. This might have been caused when you were seven years old. Xiaowei, you need surgery to remove the blood clot in your head." He was always worried that she would be afraid. After saying that, he looked at her solemnly.

"Blood clot? I need surgery?" Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

"Yes." He nodded.

"What will happen if I don't have the surgery?" She asked with a frown.

She knew that it was very dangerous to perform a head surgery. She might even lose her life on the operating table.

She had not taken revenge yet, so she did not want to die just because of the surgery.

Therefore, if the only option was to perform the surgery and take out the blood clot, then she would do it.

Because according to Ellen, this blood clot was caused by an accident when she was young. She had not had any accidents since she was seven years old, which meant that there had been an accident when she was only seven years old. This meant that this blood clot had been in her head for many years.

Since it had been fine for so many years, it should be fine if she didn't take it out now.

"If you hadn't been poisoned before, maybe you wouldn't need it taken out. It's fine if you forgot your memories before you were seven years old. It's fine if you don't have surgery. But you were poisoned before. The poison affected your body and also affected the blood clot. The blood clot wouldn't have moved before. It only affected your memories. But now it can move. If you don't take it out, it will affect your health in the future. You'll often have headaches." Ling Yijue saw that she didn't want to agree to the surgery. Although he did not know why she did not agree, he still told her the pros and cons.

He wanted her to think it through.

Because he really did not want to see her having frequent headaches in the future.

"Is all of this true?" Tang Xiaowei was a little sad.

She did not expect that there would be a blood clot in her head and that she had to take it out.

She was so afraid. If she died on the operating table, she would not be able to take revenge.

"Would I lie to you?" Ling Yijue sighed and touched her hair again. He held back from hugging her. "Don't worry, don't be afraid. I will find a very, very good doctor to operate on you. I will not let anything happen to you."

"Will I really not die on the operating table?" She was still worried and looked at him with slightly red eyes.

"Believe me, I won't!" How could he let her die on the operating table? This silly girl loved to let her imagination run wild and was very sensitive.

"Okay, I believe you." She nodded.


After more than ten hours, it was already late at night.

Ling Yijue waited at the entrance of the operating theater for more than ten hours. Finally, the door of the operating theater was opened and he saw Tang Xiaowei being pushed out by the doctor.

"How's the situation?" Ling Yijue did not show any signs of fatigue at all. He immediately stood up and went up to greet her. He looked at Tang Xiaowei, who was still unconscious, but he was asking Ellen.

Ellen hurriedly replied, "The situation is very good. The surgery was very successful. Tang Xiaowei will be able to wake up tomorrow."

"Okay, send her back to her room first." Ling Yijue was finally completely relieved.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei was sent back to her room with him.