Chapter 222: she must be strong

After sending her into the room, Ling Yijue stayed behind and continued to guard her room.

Until the next day, when she woke up, she found him lying on the side of her bed, sleeping soundly.

But because the wound on her head was faintly painful, she could not move her body. After seeing that he was asleep, she did not want to disturb him, so she could did not call out to him.

She looked at him for a while and then withdrew her gaze.

Because she had undergone surgery on the back of her head, she slept on her stomach.

It was not comfortable to sleep like this for a long time. She gritted her teeth and endured the pain, wanting to turn over.

However, the moment she moved, Ling Yijue immediately woke up.

He sat up straight, his eyes wide open. He grabbed her hand worriedly. "Xiaowei, you're awake?"

"Yes." She responded and then asked, "My neck is almost crooked from sleeping. Help me get up and change my position."

Since he was awake, she would ask him for help.

Ling Yijue immediately did as she asked. After she was done lying down, he changed his position, sat on the other side, and looked into her eyes.

"Xiaowei, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's just that the incision is still a little painful. It's just normal." The incision on Tang Xiaowei's head was indeed still painful.

"I'll go and call the doctor." Ling Yijue couldn't sit still when he heard that. He got up and ran out in a hurry.

He had just fallen asleep. When he woke up, he saw that she was already awake, so he forgot to call the doctor. Now, he felt that it was the right thing to call the doctor to check on her condition, so he left.

Tang Xiaowei did not stop him.

But after he left, a dark look flashed in her eyes.

Because after the surgery, she remembered some things and memories before she was seven years old.

Before she was seven years old, her name was not Tang Xiaowei, and she was not the daughter of Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian.

She did not expect that Ning Xintian, who loved her so much, was not her biological mother, and Tang Qingxuan was not her father. These two people were actually just her adoptive parents.

No wonder her father was willing to give her to Huangfu Qiye in exchange. It turned out that there was another reason, because she was not her father's biological daughter. At the same time, Huangfu Qiye had given her to them for adoption.

It was only at this moment that Tang Xiaowei found out that she was adopted by her parents. Moreover, the person who had given her to her adoptive parents was actually Huangfu Qiye.

If Ellen had not said that there was a blood clot in her head and that she had to undergo surgery to recover her memory after the surgery, Tang Xiaowei probably would not have remembered this incident for the rest of her life.

However, it was not too late to find out now.

After she found out about this incident, she hated Huangfu Qiye even more.

No matter what his original intentions were, he had destroyed her life twice. She would definitely seek revenge on him, and she would even get everything that belonged to her back.

Ling Yijue came back soon after calling the doctor.

Tang Xiaowei knew that she could not seek revenge from Huangfu Qiye quickly by herself. She could only seek help from Ling Yijue at the moment.

Therefore, when Ling Yijue brought the doctor over to check on her body and said that she was fine, the doctor also left.

She struggled to sit up and said seriously, "Ah Jue, I remembered something before I was seven years old. I want to ask you to help me. When I get what belongs to me, I will repay you."

"Remember? Tell me." Hearing her words, Ling Yijue immediately walked over worriedly. He looked at her nervously and expectantly.

However, Tang Xiaowei leaned over and whispered in his ear for a long time. Then, she slowly retreated.

"Ah Jue, I won't let him off for this matter, plus he poisoned me before. I want to ask you to help me." She bit her lip. She was afraid that he would not agree to her request.

Ling Yijue was shocked for a few seconds when he heard her whisper just now.

However, when he saw her looking at him worriedly, he immediately came back to his senses and gently touched her cheek. "Of course I will help you. How do you want me to help you?"

"I want you to help me hire many teachers to teach me things. I can't go to school until my body recovers, but I don't want to leave my homework behind. At the same time, I also want to learn some protective kung fu and how to make poison. I want to make a poison like the devil." Her tone was serious. At the same time, her eyes were full of sparks of desire.

She really wanted to learn how to make poison. In the future, she could take the poison she made and take revenge personally. That was her dream revenge!

"Xiaowei, are you sure?" Ling Yijue's eyes were filled with worry. However, he did not want to stop her. As long as it was what she wanted, he felt that he could not stop her.

"I'm sure." She nodded heavily.

"Okay, then you should rest for a few days. I will find a teacher for you in a few days and arrange a lesson for you. You can learn whatever you want." He looked at her gently and agreed.

No matter how unsuitable her request was, as long as it would not hurt her, he was willing to agree.

Because, after hearing her talk about her memories before she was seven years old, as well as the hatred in her heart, Ling Yijue was willing to give her everything she wanted.

Hearing that he had agreed to her request, Tang Xiaowei finally heaved a sigh of relief.

She had to be strong so that she could protect herself, take revenge, and take back everything that belonged to her.

After a few days, Ling Yijue indeed found many teachers for her to come to the villa.

Every day, she treated the villa as a school, and there were always many lessons that needed to be learned.

Therefore, she spent all her time every day to enrich herself.

Ling Yijue occasionally had things that he needed to go out to deal with, so it was impossible for him to accompany her in the villa every day.

However, as long as he had time to stay in the villa, he would always quietly accompany her when she was seriously studying.


Huangfu Qiye had almost searched the entire UK. Other than some places where people with status could not enter, he had looked everywhere else.

However, he still could not find Tang Xiaowei.

Just as he was feeling disappointed, Yuan Qi found him with his phone and said worriedly, "Young master, you've been away from the company for too long, and you haven't dealt with your work for almost half a month. Now something has happened in the company, you have to go back."

"What happened?" Huangfu Qiye did not want to go back at all. He had to find Tang Xiaowei here before he could leave at ease.

Yuan Qi replied, "It's about the cooperation with a few companies in France. You have to personally sign such a contract and you haven't shown up recently. Therefore, people in the industry have begun to wonder if something has happened to you, and the directors in the company have started to do something. Young master, you'd better go back and have a look.