Chapter 223: teach the substitute a lesson

"There are still people here. Everyone will definitely find Miss Tang." Yuan Qi explained the whole situation in detail and then pleaded worriedly. In the end, he emphasized that he would definitely find Tang Xiaowei.

He was especially afraid that his young master was unwilling to go back.

This was because his young master gave the impression that he was forgetting about the company for the sake of love.

More importantly, even if his young master had a lot of assets, if his young master continued to ignore the company like this, the company would have no owner to manage it. Sooner or later, something would happen.

Moreover, the Huangfu family had told him that if something happened, he would definitely lose a lot of money.

Hearing Yuan Qi's words, Huangfu Qiye frowned.

Of course, he knew that he had not gone to deal with the company's matters for more than half a month and had not arranged for people to deal with it in time. Therefore, the company would fall into chaos sooner or later.

However, in his eyes, the company was not as important as Tang Xiaowei.

Still, he could not really ignore the company's matters.

"Go and arrange a plane. I will go back to China today." He finally relented and was willing to go back. However, he only planned to go back for a day and deal with the matters that needed to be dealt with. The rest would be handled by someone trustworthy.

Yuan Qi was still worried that his young master would abandon his empire for the sake of a beauty.

At that moment, when he heard that his young master had agreed to return to their country, he immediately nodded and went out to prepare.

The next day.

Huangfu Qiye returned to the country.

After he got off the plane, he directly took a car to the company headquarters.

He hurriedly settled a few contracts that required him to settle and sign. Then, he handed over all the other matters, big and small, to his trusted subordinates to manage. He also had a meeting with the other directors of the company. The cold and powerful CEO appeared once again. Needless to say, he directly frightened those directors who had wanted to do something sneaky.

At the same time, he fired two of the most arrogant directors in front of everyone. This act of killing a chicken to warn a monkey immediately made many people obedient.

After settling the matters in the company, he heaved a sigh of relief.

However, he did not want to go to England immediately.

It was not easy for him to come back. Since the man who had impersonated him to hurt Tang Xiaowei was caught, he had to go and take a look.

After leaving the office, he got into the car and said in a deep voice, "Go to the place where the murderer is being held."

Yuan Qi immediately gave the driver the address, and then the driver drove off.

An hour later.

Yi finally arrived at his destination.

This was a villa, and underneath the villa, there was a large room that looked like a dungeon.

There were all kinds of torture props inside, and all of them were real. After the large iron door was opened, one could see that the light inside was very dark. At the same time, there was a faint smell of moisture and blood.

Huangfu Qiye and Yuan Qi walked in together.

At that moment, there was a person tied to a wooden stake that was fixed to the ground inside. This person had many injuries on his body, and his clothes had been torn by the whip.

His entire body was covered in wounds, dirty and disgusting.

His eyes were closed, and it was unknown whether he had fainted or fallen asleep.

Huangfu Qiye walked closer to take a look. This person did indeed look a bit like him in terms of height and appearance. As for his appearance, if it was after makeup, he could also look a bit like him.

But now, this man's face was covered in wounds, so he no longer looked like him.

Huangfu Qiye sneered.

Huangfu Yuner, that sl*t, was so disgusting that she actually found a substitute for him. Just thinking about it made Huangfu Qiye feel like vomiting.

However, what he couldn't accept the most was that this man actually ganged up with Huangfu Yuner, that sl*t, to hurt his Xiaowei.

"Wake him up!" Huangfu Qiye frowned fiercely and suddenly shouted.

Yuan Qi immediately picked up a bucket of ice water and poured it over this man's body.

The moment the ice water was poured on the man, his entire body quivered and he regained consciousness.

The moment he regained consciousness, the pain in his body reminded him that he was still locked in a dark dungeon.

He was Li Yu, Huangfu Yuner's toy boy. He was also the person who pretended to be Huangfu Qiye to hurt Tang Xiaowei.

However, when Huangfu Yuner escaped this time, she couldn't care about Li Yu at all. Therefore, not long after Huangfu Yuner escaped, Li Yu was captured.

After that, he had been locked up here and beaten up cruelly every day.

At that moment, he opened his eyes when he woke up and looked across.

He originally wanted to cry out in pain and beg the bodyguard who had been beating him but had never spoken to him to let him go.

However, just as he looked over and was about to speak, he realized that the person standing across from him was not the bodyguard who had beaten him every day.

It was actually...

It was actually Huangfu Qiye himself.

Of course, he knew about Huangfu Qiye. Ever since he was taken in by Huangfu Yuner and brought to her side, he had been specially acting as Huangfu Qiye, so of course, he had seen Huangfu Qiye's photo.

"Mr. Huangfu, I beg you. I know I'm wrong. Please let me go. I won't dare to do it again in the future." He began to beg for mercy.

Because he knew that only Huangfu Qiye was the boss here. As long as he was willing to let him go, no one would dare to stop him.

However, he didn't understand. When he had hurt Tang Xiaowei like that, and he had pretended to be Huangfu Qiye to hurt Tang Xiaowei, Tang Xiaowei had misunderstood Huangfu Qiye. He had even caused Tang Xiaowei to have a miscarriage, be poisoned, and cause her to disappear now.

It was impossible for Huangfu Qiye to let him off for such a thing.

"Cut out his tongue!" Huangfu Qiye said angrily. He didn't need this man to testify at all, so he didn't want to hear this man's voice.

Yuan Qi didn't show any surprise on his face. He immediately took out a small knife from somewhere on his body and went forward.

Li Yu heard what Huangfu Qiye said, and he was scared to death.

Although he had been beaten up for the past few days, it was only a flesh wound, so he shouldn't die.

However, if his tongue was cut off, he wouldn't be able to speak in the future. No matter how he thought about it, he felt terrified.

"Mr. Huangfu, please don't cut off my tongue. I have something very important to tell you," Li Yu said hurriedly in fear.

Yuan Qi had already walked up to Li Yu. When he heard this, he stopped and turned to look at Huangfu Qiye, wanting to see young master's decision.

However, Huangfu Qiye couldn't be bothered to listen to what Li Yu wanted to say. At that moment, his eyes and mind were filled with images of Tang Xiaowei from the surveillance camera footage. She was unconscious and covered in blood.

Furthermore, his and Xiaowei's child had already been miscarried. He was no more. The child that was not fated to be with them would never have the chance to come into this world again.

At that moment, because of this series of events, his Xiaowei had disappeared from the UK. He had searched for so long but still couldn't find her.