Chapter 224: Don't want to be her friend

His heart was filled with hatred and anger.

He suddenly rushed forward and snatched the saber from Yuan Qi, stabbing it fiercely into Li Yu's body.

Saber after saber, it kept stabbing into Li Yu's body.

Li Yu cried out in pain, but he was immediately slapped a few times by Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye's eyes were blood red and his face was gloomy. The strength in his hands was fast and heavy, and he was venting his anger.

For himself, for Xiaowei, and even for their child, revenge.

Yuan Qi was very worried when he saw his young master acting like he had gone mad, but he didn't dare to stop him at this moment.

This person who dared to impersonate young master and hurt Miss Tang deserved to die. He deserved it!

Yuan Qi was only worried that young master would be too impulsive and hurt his hand.

It wasn't until two hours later that Huangfu Qiye gradually stopped.

By then, his hand was covered in blood and his clothes, pants, and face were also covered.

However, the scariest person was Li Yu. He had long passed out, and his entire body was dyed red. The ground was also covered in his blood.

His arms, shoulders, and chest were all covered in knife wounds.

Huangfu Qiye did not kill him directly, so he did not injure the fatal part of him.

He only injured the part where he would hurt and bleed to vent his anger.

He did not want this person to die.

He wanted to keep the murderer and vent his anger on him every day. Then, he would cure him and not let him die. After that, he would continue to beat and torture him to vent his anger until Tang Xiaowei returned.

Huangfu Qiye would not be able to vent his anger just by killing this person.

He looked at the man in front of him who had hurt his woman and even caused the death of his child, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

He turned around and threw the knife on the ground.

"Let the doctor come in and save him. From now on, cut him a few times every day."

After saying that, he completely ignored the fact that his entire body was covered in blood and left the dungeon-like room with a gloomy expression on his face.

Yuan Qi remembered that it was Li Yu and Huangfu Yuner who had caused a lot of trouble and caused everyone to be in a terrible state.

Therefore, after picking up his small knife, he stabbed Li Yu's arm a few times and kicked Li Yu a few times before leaving.

Then, the next day, Huangfu Qiye left for England and continued to look for Tang Xiaowei.

In China, Yuan Qi arranged for a very obedient bodyguard to continue beating and torturing Li Yu every day. Then, he healed him and continued to beat him.

Ever since he had been stabbed so many times by Huangfu Qiye that day and was beaten every day after that, Li Yu was very, very regretful.

He regretted listening to Huangfu Yuner that day and injecting poison into Tang Xiaowei.

If he had known that he would end up like this, he would not have listened to Huangfu Yuner at that time.

However, it was too late now. He could not return to that day at all.


After Huangfu Qiye returned to England and saw Mu Yisen, he immediately received bad news.

He had initially called Huangfu Haoming and found out that they were in Korea.

However, the people sent by Mu Yisen did not manage to catch Huangfu Haoming and Huangfu Yuner.

The two of them disappeared from Korea, and it was unknown where they went.

When he heard the news, Huangfu Qiye revealed a cold smile.

"It's fine. Keep looking. There aren't many places for the old man to hide. One day, we'll find them." At that time, as long as he found the two of them, Huangfu Qiye would definitely not care about the relationship between grandfather and grandson. He must make Huangfu Haoming, the dead old man who advised Huangfu Yuner, pay the price.

As for Huangfu Yuner, her fate would definitely be worse than Li Yu's!

Of course, Li Yu's current situation was not the end he deserved!

"Alright, don't worry. Leave this matter to me." Mu Yisen nodded seriously.

Hence, Huangfu Qiye stood up again and prepared to leave.

Zhou Chen and Yuan Qi hurriedly followed.

"Brother, you just got off the plane. You should rest for a while. If you don't rest, you'll get sick." Zhou Chen followed beside him and suggested worriedly.

During this period of time, Huangfu Qiye would not rest for more than three hours a day. Sometimes, he would not rest for a few days.

Therefore, Zhou Chen was also very worried about his health.

Huangfu Qiye shook his head. "I'm fine. After we leave the hotel, split up and look for him. Remember to call me immediately after you find him."

After he finished speaking in a deep voice, he was in no mood to care about anything else and left the hotel.

Zhou Chen sighed and could only follow him out of the hotel.


Tang Xiaowei studied in the villa for more than half a month. During this period, because she was especially persistent and hardworking, she still learned a few things.

Moreover, because she had been eating food that replenished her body, she did not look like a bag of bones after the detoxification. She had finally gained some weight, but she still looked thin.

However, the good thing was that her skin color had become a little fairer.

At noon that day.

She had just finished some first-year courses that she had to go to school to study, and she had also learned taekwondo.

At lunchtime, because she had practiced taekwondo, she was sweating, so she went to take a shower and then went to the restaurant to eat.

In the restaurant.

Ling Yijue was holding a computer to deal with some things. When she arrived, he put down the computer and raised his head to smile at her. "Is class over?"

"Yes." She sat down opposite him, but said with some embarrassment, "Why do you wait for me like this every day? You can eat first."

"It's okay. I'm not hungry yet. It's okay to wait." Ling Yijue's smile became even more gentle.

Tang Xiaowei needed Ling Yijue's help now. She knew that after she succeeded in the future, she would need a lot of things. So, when the time came, she could totally return the help she had received from Ling Yijue.

So, she didn't want to get along with him, and she didn't want to get along with him ambiguously.

When he always said that, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

However, because he had saved her, she was unable to say anything to reject him. Therefore, at this time, she could only use silence to divert her thoughts.

She did not say anything else. She just picked up her bowl and lowered her head to eat.

When Ling Yijue saw her like this, he immediately knew that what he had just said made her uncomfortable.

During this period of time, he had already known that he was probably no longer in her heart.

She probably only wanted to be friends with him.

However, he did not want to be her friend. What he wanted was to marry her and be together forever.

However, it was still early, and she did not have him in her heart at the moment. All she had in her heart was hatred for others.

Therefore, Ling Yijue was not in a hurry. He felt that this matter needed to be done slowly. When she had taken her revenge and no longer had hatred in her heart, perhaps he would have a chance to enter her heart again.

"I will go to a hot spring hotel to handle work in the afternoon. You have been busy recently, and your body has just recovered, so you would not be able to take it. So later, you will go out with me and soak in the hot spring tonight. How about it?" Ling Yijue looked at her gently. His gaze was gentle, and then he suddenly spoke.