Chapter 225: passing by

Tang Xiaowei thought that after she fell silent, he would not say anything and would also start eating quietly.

She did not expect him to suddenly bring up such a matter.

Indeed, she had been working very hard these past few days, and she was also learning what she wanted to learn. Her body was actually very tired, and it was somewhat unbearable.

But the hatred in her heart had always supported her, and she gritted her teeth and persevered.

Now that he mentioned it, although she really wanted to relax, she did not want to waste an afternoon and an evening.

She thought about it and wanted to refuse.

However, Ling Yijue had probably already guessed that she would refuse, so he didn't wait for her to speak. He continued, "Don't refuse yet. I asked Dr. Ellen, and he said that you can't continue to force yourself like this. You have to rest and relax once in a while. Otherwise, your body will have problems. Do you want to get sick?"

"Really?" Tang Xiaowei was a little embarrassed.

"Of course it's true. So after you finish eating, go back to your room and take a nap. After that, we'll go to the hot spring hotel together," Ling Yijue said gently.

"Alright then." She nodded in the end and agreed.

Seeing that she agreed, Ling Yijue gently told her to continue eating so that she wouldn't starve.

However, from an angle that she didn't notice, a hint of a smile flashed across his eyes.

In the past few days, he had seen that she had made herself very tired in order to learn various things, but she was unwilling to relax. He had been worried for a long time, so he had just said that he had asked Ellen.

Actually, he had never asked Ellen. He had only deliberately said that he had asked Ellen in order to let her relax for a while, because she would always believe the doctor's words.

Alas, he suddenly felt that his words were actually not as useful as those of a doctor in her heart. His eyes deepened, and he suddenly felt very jealous of Ellen.


Huangfu Qiye had searched for her in a very thorough manner.

Today, he had brought a group of people to a hot spring hotel and had begun to conduct an investigation.

Even if the people in the hotel were frightened and said how awesome their boss was, he would not allow Huangfu Qiye and the others to search the hotel, and even called the police because they were searching the hotel wantonly.

However, Huangfu Qiye did not care at all.

He was only worried that Tang Xiaowei had been kidnapped, so every hotel, no matter how big or small, could not be let off.

However, when two hours had passed, the entire hot spring hotel had been searched, and every guest's room had also been searched, but they still could not find any information about Tang Xiaowei.

Finally, the police who had called the police from the hotel also came. The police originally wanted to directly take away Huangfu Qiye and the others, who were considered to have caused trouble in the hotel, but after receiving a call from his superior, he immediately warned the hotel not to tell anyone about what happened today. Then, he nodded and bowed to Huangfu Qiye, saying that they could help if they needed it.

However, Huangfu Qiye couldn't be bothered with such people, so he left with them.

After leaving the hotel, his car was at the door.

He got into the car and impatiently instructed the driver, "Let's go to a hotel."

The driver drove the car out.

Huangfu Qiye reached out and rubbed his aching temples, the pain in his heart tightening.

He felt more and more uneasy. He kept feeling as if something was going to happen.

He even felt that this matter had made his heart especially flustered and painful. His face turned pale and he frowned.

At that moment, the car he was in brushed past a car on the side of the street.

He did not realize that the driver was driving the car away quickly, getting further and further away from the car that brushed past him.

Vaguely, Huangfu Qiye felt that his heart was hurting even more.

As if he had lost something, the pain made him unable to breathe.

He did not know what he had just missed.

If he had not closed his eyes because of the pain in his heart, if he had been staring out of the car window, perhaps he would have been able to find Tang Xiaowei.

However, it was a pity that some things happened in an instant, making it impossible to predict.

At that moment.

In the car that had brushed past him, Tang Xiaowei had opened the window and sat beside Ling Yijue because she would get carsick.

Ling Yijue sat beside her.

She didn't talk to him because she really didn't know what to talk about.

In order to avoid embarrassment, she had been deliberately looking outside and staring away from him.

In fact, she didn't see anything. Her eyes were completely lost.

Although her eyes were open, she was actually absent-minded and thinking about other things.

Until they finally arrived at the hot spring hotel.

The car stopped, but she was still absent-minded.

Ling Yijue couldn't help but bend over when he saw her absent-minded look. He asked gently, "What are you thinking about? We're already here."

"Huh?" She immediately came back to her senses and looked at him. She realized that she was too close to him. She subconsciously stepped back and avoided his gaze. "Then let's get out."

She reached out to push the car door open and hurriedly got out from the other side.

In the car, Ling Yijue touched his chin helplessly.

In the past, when the two of them were in love, he had no choice but to let go. He thought that she would not forget him.

But now, the two of them were together again. Her heart did not have his presence in it at all.

He suddenly felt very disappointed, and at the same time, his heart began to ache.

However, in the end, he forcefully endured the pain in his heart and got out of the car together.

He walked over and approached her. "Let's go in together. Hold my hand and don't get lost."

Tang Xiaowei felt that holding his hand was not a big deal, so she nodded, put her hand on his arm, and went in with him.

Ling Yijue was very satisfied with her action, and the pain in his heart slowly dissipated, turning into sweetness.

After entering the hotel, he found that the front desk and the manager inside all had an odd look on their faces.

However, Ling Yijue and Tang Xiaowei did not care about this. Ling Yijue booked two rooms. Then, he handed a key card to Tang Xiaowei. "You can rest in your room first, or you can take a dip in the hot spring. I have to go deal with work now. Maybe I can meet you for dinner."

"Okay, I got it. Don't worry about me." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Ling Yijue did have an appointment at this hotel. He did not know whether the other party was here or not, but after separating from Tang Xiaowei on the first floor, he went straight to the top floor.

As for Tang Xiaowei, she went to the room that Ling Yijue had booked for her.

After staying in the room for a while, she couldn't stand being alone again.

Then, she got up and went downstairs. After asking the hotel staff for the direction of the hot spring, she went there alone.

She found a hot spring where she could bathe alone.