Chapter 226: Almost being seen by Huangfu Qiye

At that moment, the weather outside was still a little cold. After she saw the hot spring, she suddenly felt her whole body aching.

As expected, she should have listened to Ling Yijue and come here to relax, or else her body would definitely have problems.

She took off her coat, so that she wore only a tight-fitting dress, and then went down into the hot spring, soaking herself in it. Her back was leaning against the edge of the hot spring pool. Even after she sat down, the hot spring water only reached her neck.

She was very relieved, so she took a towel and wet it. She wrung it dry and covered her eyes. Then, she closed her eyes and stared blankly.


At that moment.

Huangfu Qiye had originally planned to go to other hotels to look for Tang Xiaowei after leaving the hot spring hotel.

As soon as he left the hotel, his heart began to hurt strangely.

Although he hadn't been able to find Tang Xiaowei in the past few days, his heart would also hurt when he thought of her and their child.

However, it wouldn't hurt as much as it did today.

The pain in his heart today was so strange that he couldn't help but wonder if it was a hint from heaven.

Perhaps, Tang Xiaowei was inside that hot spring hotel.

So, his heart would ache like this after he left?

Thinking of this, he didn't want to let go of any possibility. He immediately opened his eyes, and a hint of nervousness appeared in his dark eyes. "Go back, go back to the hotel right now!"

The driver was startled when he heard this, but he still hurriedly turned the car around and sped back to the hotel.

Half an hour later.

Huangfu Qiye once again stood at the entrance of the hot spring hotel.

This time, when he walked into the hotel, the front desk, security guards, and the manager who had tried to stop him earlier only looked at him warily and defensively, not daring to make a sound.

Huangfu Qiye didn't care how they looked at him.

He just coldly ordered, "Search again. Don't leave any corner unsearched!"

The group of bodyguards behind him who had just gotten out of the car immediately rushed into every part of the hotel and began to search.

He himself also walked in a certain direction.

He had a vague feeling that this direction was guiding him over.

He had a strong premonition that he would definitely find Tang Xiaowei here.

The direction he was heading towards was the direction of the hot spring.

There were many hot spring pools of various sizes built here.

In this area, there were many hot spring pools. There were many people in the large pools and not many in the small ones. However, almost every pool was filled with people.

Yuan Qi followed behind him. The two of them walked in aggressively. They did not even change their clothes and had fierce expressions on their faces.

A few people were soaking in the hot spring at that time, and they saw them coming in to search.

When they saw them again, they were so scared that they started to scream.

Huangfu Qiye couldn't be bothered with those people who were screaming. His gaze swept over them one by one, and he realized that every time he looked at someone, he could clearly tell that it wasn't Tang Xiaowei.

His heart started to ache even more.

Just where was she?

Why was it that he couldn't find her even after searching for so long?

At that moment.

Tang Xiaowei was soaking in the hot spring in the small hot spring pool. She had originally closed her eyes and soaked her body in the hot spring, but she gradually felt much more comfortable, so her mood was naturally much better.

Just as she was half-asleep, she suddenly heard a scream coming from outside.

She jumped in fright and hurriedly stood up to look at the branches.

The hot spring here was surrounded by short branches that were more than a meter tall, so she could clearly see the familiar figure walking towards her from the gap between the branches.

Her face instantly turned pale, and her eyes were filled with deep hatred.

It was him.

Huangfu Qiye had actually appeared here!

What was he doing here?

Was it a coincidence?

Or was it man-made?

If it was man-made, what was his purpose?

Could it be that he knew that she was here and knew that she had detoxified, so he wanted to hurt her again?

She did not have the capital to seek revenge on him, so she could not resist him.

She immediately retreated in fear, wanting to hide herself.

However, she was now frightened by the situation. Her entire body went limp, and there was no way to retreat.

The person on the other side was already slowly approaching her.

She was so worried that her body could not stop trembling.

At that moment, the sound of water suddenly came from behind her.

She was just like a frightened bird, so when she heard the sound, she immediately turned around.

Then, in the next second, a wig was put on her head. Then, a loud voice came over. She was held in the man's arms, and the man's kiss was on her lips.

She was almost scared to death. She reached out to push the man away because she could clearly see who the person who had suddenly appeared was. She did not want to be taken advantage of by strangers.

The man's low voice sounded softly, "Don't be afraid, it's me. If you don't want to be found by him, don't move."

She could tell that it was Ling Yijue's voice.

She did not know whether to relax or continue to be nervous.

Anyway, because she was afraid of being found by that scum Huangfu Qiye, although she did not like Ling Yijue kissing her like this, it was not really a kiss. It was just her lips touching his. She did not dare to move, and her whole body was stiff as she was held in his arms.

He immediately turned around, his back facing the corridor in front of him.

And in the instant that he turned around, Huangfu Qiye and Yuan Qi had already walked to the hot spring pool that they were at.

Huangfu Qiye didn't ignore any of the hot spring pools. He checked every single one of them carefully.

At that moment, when he suddenly saw the hot spring pool here, he paused for a moment.

However, he saw that it was a black-haired man with his back facing him. He was hugging a golden-haired woman and kissing her, so he didn't suspect that the golden-haired woman was his Tang Xiaowei. Therefore, he didn't stay for a few more seconds. Then, he immediately left with Yuan Qi.

He walked further and further away, gradually increasing the distance between him and this place.

Until he felt that he could no longer hear their footsteps.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei fiercely push ling Yijue's body away, and then she took a few steps back.

Meanwhile, Ling Yijue was pushed into the hot spring pool by her. The water in the pool was splashed by him.

He frowned and fell into the pool. He did not get up.

At an angle that she did not notice, he secretly clenched his fists, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Damn it!

Why was his body in so much pain all of a sudden?

Could it be that the blood charm that his foster father injected into him had taken effect?

He remembered that it would only take a few days for it to take effect, right Why did it happen so early?

Ling Yijue lowered his head, afraid that Tang Xiaowei would see his face that was slightly distorted due to the pain.

He did not want to scare her, and he did not want her to know that the reason why he was in so much pain at this moment, and that he would often be in such pain in the future, was because of her.

Moreover, Huangfu Qiye was still in the hotel at this moment. This man was not easy to deal with, and he did not know if he had deceived him just now.