Chapter 227: It's all your fault, woman

At that moment, the poison had suddenly taken effect. If she went crazy and hurt Xiaowei, or if she exposed herself and Xiaowei, Huangfu Qiye would definitely come looking for her.

"Ah Jue, what's wrong? Are you angry? I just can't accept intimacy just now, so..." Tang Xiaowei saw that after he was pushed away by her, he fell into the pool and couldn't get up. She was a little worried.

From the beginning, she was angry that he suddenly kissed her, and now she was a little worried about him.

However, she didn't dare to approach him because she was afraid that he would kiss her again.

"I'm just afraid that he will find you. Don't you want to avoid him?" Ling Yijue still sat in the pool and didn't get up. He didn't even raise his head, but he gritted his teeth and tried his best to speak to her in a normal voice.

Hearing his explanation, the discomfort and awkwardness caused by his kiss slowly dissipated. Tang Xiaowei bit her lips and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I really didn't want to be found by him just now. Thank you for showing up in time to help me."

If he hadn't suddenly appeared, taken the wig and put it on her, and even used his back to cover her, she would definitely have been found by Huangfu Qiye.

"It's okay, you don't have to thank me." Ling Yijue endured the pain, and his voice was firm and cold.

Tang Xiaowei could tell that something was wrong with him.

He shouldn't be such a stingy person. When she pushed him away just now, he shouldn't be particularly angry, but why was his tone so cold?

She began to squat down and reached out to touch his shoulder. "Ah Jue, did you fall somewhere?"

She thought that she had pushed him away and caused him to fall and hurt himself. Because of the pain, his tone had changed.

"I'm fine." Ling Yijue was in so much pain that he did not want to speak anymore.

He gritted his teeth, not wanting her to know about his situation.

He really wanted to leave this place immediately and return to his room. This way, even if it was painful, she would not see it. At the same time, after his adoptive father injected him with blood charm that day, he gave him a few vials of medicine. As long as he returned to his room and drank the medicine, he would be able to stop the pain.

However, Huangfu Qiye and his men were currently searching the hotel. Although Ling Yijue wasn't afraid of Huangfu Qiye, he wasn't feeling well at the moment. He didn't want Huangfu Qiye to see Xiaowei. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to protect her at this moment.

Therefore, he could only continue to endure here until Huangfu Qiye left before returning to his room.

Although he kept saying that he was fine, Tang Xiaowei still noticed that there was something wrong with his appearance.

His entire body started to tremble, and his face became paler andpaler. He lowered his head. She could only see the side of his face, but she still felt that his face was frighteningly pale.

She began to guess, could it be that his body was not feeling well, and was in pain?

At that moment, he did not look like he had hit anything, but as if his entire body was in pain.

She immediately stood up, ran to the side where she had just put her clothes, and took out her cell phone. Her previous cell phone had already fallen to an unknown place, and this cell phone was given to her by Ling Yijue this morning.

It just so happened to contain Ling Yijue's number, Willam's, and Jack's.

Her hand slipped and she immediately called Willam. She said anxiously, "Willam, your young master is at the hot spring. He seems to be acting strange. Come and see him quickly."

"Okay, we'll come over immediately. Miss Tang, please help take care of young master," Willam replied respectfully and then hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know how to take care of Ling Yijue, but after putting down the phone, she went back to Ling Yijue's side again. She squatted down and looked at him worriedly.

At that moment, he seemed to have lost control of himself.

He seemed to be in pain all over his body. He was in extreme pain, and his lips were about to be bitten.

She had never seen him like this, and she had never seen anyone in front of her in such pain.

She hesitantly stretched out her hand and put it on his arm, comforting him, "Ah Jue, Willam and the others will come in a while. I can't help you. When they come, let them help you to the hospital."

However, Ling Yijue couldn't answer her at this moment.

He was still somewhat conscious just now and was able to speak a few words with her.

However, his body was getting more and more painful. He couldn't hear anything at all. He was only forcing himself not to go crazy. He couldn't casually make a move here, or else he would hurt her.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know what he was thinking at all. She could only stay by his side. Although she had nursed her body for half a month, her body was still thin. She couldn't help a tall man like him. That was why she didn't take the initiative to help him up.

Another important reason was that she did not know if Huangfu Qiye, who was looking for someone at the hotel, had left, so she did not dare to expose herself rashly.

She could only wait for Willam and the others to come in and take Ling Yijue away.

Just then, a series of hurried footsteps sounded.

Then, two worried voices sounded.

"Young master."

"Young master."

Tang Xiaowei immediately turned around and saw that Willam and Jack had appeared beside the hot spring pool. Then, the next second, both of them jumped down.

Willam immediately reached out to help Ling Yijue up.

Jack also wanted to help Ling Yijue up, but Tang Xiaowei had just squatted beside Ling Yijue, and she just happened to block Jack. Jack was instantly furious.

He pushed Tang Xiaowei away fiercely. He was so angry that he roared, "It's all your fault, woman. If it wasn't for getting the antidote for you, would our young master have been injected with blood charm by the old man? Look at how our young master is being tortured by the effects of the medicine now. He will be in this pain once a month in the future. Are you satisfied?"

Tang Xiaowei was pushed away by Jack and fell into the pool.

The hot spring water splashed and wet the golden wig on her head, making her look especially comical.

However, her face was full of shock.

She had just seen Ling Yijue suddenly feel pain all over his body. From the beginning, he was still able to talk to her, but after that, he was unable to speak. She thought that something was wrong with his body.

She had never expected that he would be in such pain because he got the antidote for her and was injected with poison.

And from now on, he would be in such pain once a month.

She looked at Ling Yijue in disbelief, and then looked at Jack. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course I'm telling the truth." Jack glared at her fiercely, as if he did not want to see her.

Willam was anxious about Ling Yijue's situation, and now that he had recovered, he punched Jack in the face again and warned him sternly, "You idiot! Have you forgotten what the young master told you? Who told you to say it!"

After saying that, he looked at Tang Xiaowei worriedly.

However, he discovered that Tang Xiaowei was sitting in the pool in a daze. It was obvious that she had already believed what Jack had just said.