Chapter 228: Why did you kidnap her?

Willam wanted to explain more, but at that moment, he felt that his young master was tormented by the pain and he began to tremble violently again. He could only worry about his young master, so then he helped Jack and Ling Yijue out.

However, after exiting the hot spring pool, Willam still turned back to look at Tang Xiaowei and said, "Miss Tang, you can also leave with us."

"No, you guys can leave first. I want to soak in the pool again." Tang Xiaowei was still sitting in the pool, her expression dull.

Willam did not dare to delay any longer. He was afraid that the young master would feel even more uncomfortable, so he had no choice but to leave.

Although Jack had just been taught a lesson by Willam, he still did not want to pay attention to Tang Xiaowei.

He always felt that it was after Tang Xiaowei's appearance that his young master would suffer such torture, so he hated Tang Xiaowei very much. At that moment, seeing that Tang Xiaowei was not willing to leave with them, he could not wait.

Therefore, the two of them supported Ling Yijue, who was in so much pain that he could not think rationally, and left the hot spring.

Meanwhile, in the hot spring pool, Tang Xiaowei was still sitting in the hot spring water.

She could not help but tremble all over.

She felt extremely uncomfortable.

It had been almost a month since the poison in her body had been detoxified. Only then did she know that in order to help her get the antidote, Ling Yijue had actually suffered so much.

What Jack had said just now that Ling Yijue would be in such pain every month in the future, she really felt that she had let him down.

If she had known that he would suffer so much if he helped her get the antidote, she really would not have agreed to let him help her.

She would rather be the one in pain than hurt him.

This was not because of love, but because she was like this. She did not like to hurt others because of her own things.

This time, when they met again, he had personally confessed to her. She actually knew that he was serious, but now, seeing that he actually did not care about his body, just to save her, she felt touched. More than that, she felt that she was not qualified to accept it.

She lowered her head in pain and reached out to cover her face.

How was she going to repay Ling Yijue for all the affection he had given her?

She did not know how long she had sat in the hot spring pool. All she knew was that the sound of laughter rang out in the hotel. Then, someone passed by her pool. The group of men in black who had just come to the hotel to search had already left.

Only then did she come back to her senses.

Huangfu Qiye and the rest had already left, right?

She stood up, pulled off the wig on her head, and walked out of the pool stiffly. She changed her clothes and did not go upstairs. Instead, she walked out of the hotel directly.

Her heart was in a mess, and she couldn't stay in the hotel anymore.

So, since there were people in the hotel that she couldn't face at the moment, and Huangfu Qiye was no longer searching the hotel, she didn't want to stay.

She just wanted to leave the hotel and get some fresh air.

After walking out of the hotel, she walked alone on an unfamiliar street.

After the previous commotion, it was already dark.

Although she hadn't eaten dinner, she didn't feel hungry.

There were not many people on the streets. However, other than many people who were laughing and joking, many people were walking in a hurry.

No one was like her. Their footsteps were slow and their eyes were lifeless. They lowered their heads silently, as if the road ahead would never end.

She did not know where she should go.

Her home in the country was her adoptive parents' home. Moreover, her adoptive parents had been taken away by Huangfu Qiye. After she returned, she would not be able to return to the Tang family to live.

Naturally, she could not go to Huangfu Qiye's side either.

As for Ling Yijue's villa, she had originally planned to join him because she had nothing now. Then, she could rest in his villa and learn what she wanted to learn at the same time.

When she had the chance in the future, she could repay Ling Yijue after she took revenge and got what belonged to her.

But now, she no longer had the desire to see Ling Yijue.

She had been poisoned and did not know who to buy the antidote from. Therefore, at this moment, Ling Yijue had been poisoned for her, and she did not know how to save him.

She knew very well that she could no longer owe him anything, so she could no longer stay by his side.

Moreover, she did not love him. If she continued to stay by his side, it would not be good at all.

Just as she was thinking about these things until her head hurt, a black car suddenly stopped beside her.

Without her noticing, two tall British men suddenly got out of the car. They were wearing black clothes. After getting out of the car, one of them covered Tang Xiaowei's mouth and the other picked her up.

In the next second, before Tang Xiaowei could make a sound or react, she was grabbed into the black car by the two men.

After she was grabbed into the car, the British man ordered the driver in English, "The target has been captured, go back immediately!"

In front, the driver drove the car away.

Tang Xiaowei only regained her senses at that moment.

She looked like she had been kidnapped.

But, who was it and why did they kidnap her?

This couldn't be Huangfu Qiye's people. The people around him seemed to be from China, and there were fewer British people.

And these people didn't seem to be Ling Yijue's people.

Huangfu Qiye had fallen out with her, and it was indeed possible that he would find someone to kidnap her so rudely. However, these people didn't seem to be his people, so he could be excluded.

As for Ling Yijue, although most of his people were English, he hadn't fallen out with her yet, and his people wouldn't treat her so rudely.

So, for a moment, she really couldn't understand who sent these people to capture her.

Perhaps, these people were human traffickers, randomly committing crimes on the street?

Thinking that it might be the last possibility, she immediately became anxious.

At that moment, she hadn't left the street with any people. She didn't want to be taken to some dirty place by these people after leaving here.

Since there were people on the street outside the car, she had to save herself here.

After she was captured and put into the car, her hands and feet hadn't been trapped yet.

So, she began to push away the two English men beside her with her hands, and she punched and kicked them. She pushed them away, then opened the car door and jumped out.

However, her body had not fully recovered. She was very thin, so she did not have much strength.

Her hands were quickly tied up by the two Englishmen with ropes.

After they tied her hands and legs, they coldly warned her, "Our master wants to see you. If you don't want to die, don't struggle anymore!"

Tang Xiaowei frowned and could not escape. She was even tied up, and her mood was extremely bad. "Who is your master?"