Chapter 84: kidnapped

"What are you doing?" Tang Xiaowei was shocked and kept struggling.

At that moment, the tall man laughed coldly, "What are you doing? Can't you understand kidnapping? Ha-ha-ha..."

As soon as the man's voice fell, a few men stood up around them. They were all tall and fierce.

Among the remaining people who did not get up, she noticed that these people were also bound by their hands and feet. Many of their mouths were also sealed with tape.

Everyone's face revealed a look of fear. It was obvious that everyone in this car was controlled and kidnapped.

This included the driver. There was a man standing next to him. That man was clearly holding a knife and sticking it tightly to the driver's back.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei understand the situation. These people had been kidnapped.

She had also been kidnapped!

Moreover, the driver didn't want to stop the car just now. It was possible that he wanted to save her. However, she didn't know the situation and really wanted to leave this place. Of course, she got into the car.

She was suddenly a little nervous and panicked.

This was because she didn't know the situation just now because she wanted to leave this place. Moreover, there was only a bus here. It was impossible for her to think that she would encounter such a kidnapping in broad daylight.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a few seconds, but she was quickly tied up. Then, she was pulled by the man just now, and she was pushed to the back of the car to sit down He looked at her viciously and warned, "Don't make a sound. When you reach the location, Call your family again and ask them to send 100,000 yuan over."

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she suppressed her fear and replied, "My mother is very sick and just had a surgery. Our family doesn't have a single cent now. If you don't believe me, look at my wallet. I only have a little more than 100 yuan on me. You guys better let me go."

The man sneered. "Let's change tactics. A few people have said this just now. It's nothing new."

Tang Xiaowei had originally said the truth, but this man did not believe her at all.

She gave a helpless sneer and did not say anything else.

Anyway, looking at the current situation, she would not be injured. She had to think of another way to escape later.

Although these people were kidnappers, they did not come specifically for her. These people were probably the ones who hijacked the entire car. And she was just an unlucky person. She got into the car by herself, so she became an easy target for these kidnappers.

This was the first time she had encountered a kidnapping. At the same time, she had also been kidnapped. It was indeed quite scary, but she was not someone who would just accept it. So, of course, she had to think of a way to escape and then call the police.

The man saw that she was no longer talking nonsense, so he naturally did not pay much attention to her. Then, he got up and walked to the side.

They had kidnapped this car of people for the sole purpose of wanting money. Although they thought that Tang Xiaowei was quite beautiful, these men only wanted money now and did not want to provoke others, so they did not do anything to Tang Xiaowei.

Moreover, they saw that Tang Xiaowei was only wearing an ordinary office uniform, so they thought she was just a white-collar worker, so they didn't say anything to her.

The car continued to drive forward, and the surroundings were quiet.

Tang Xiaowei remembered that the man just said that when they arrived at the destination, they had to scam 100,000 yuan from their families. She thought that during this process, although these people who were kidnapped could make a phone call. They definitely wouldn't directly tell their families that they were kidnapped. These kidnappers obviously didn't want them to tell the others about the kidnapping.

After all, there were too many people who had been kidnapped. If they wanted to get the money without taking any risks, they naturally had to let everyone cheat their families out of their money.

However, Tang Xiaowei was very clear that she didn't have much money. Her mother was still in the hospital, and her father definitely had 100,000 yuan. However, she didn't want to give the money to these kidnappers for free when her family was in such a difficult situation.

She lowered her head and began to think of a way.

However, before she could think of anything, she felt someone beside her gently bump into her.

She turned around and saw a beautiful, delicate, and cute little face. She resembled a doll and looked like she was only 16 or 17 years old.

Next to the girl was a timid-looking girl who looked a little older than normal.

At that moment, both of them were staring at Tang Xiaowei, but it was clear that this delicate and beautiful girl was more interested in Tang Xiaowei.

When the men were not paying attention, she moved closer to Tang Xiaowei and said in a low voice, "Miss, do you think we will be saved? I don't have money now, and I don't dare to call my family to scam money. I'm so afraid that I can't escape."

Tang Xiaowei saw that the little girl was afraid, so she comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid, we will be fine."

She had just finished speaking. Perhaps the men in front had noticed that there was movement here, so two men immediately walked over with fierce expressions and shouted at them fiercely, "Don't talk. Whoever says another word will get a knife."

In the man's hand was a very long knife, which looked both sharp and dangerous.

Tang Xiaowei was still scared by such a threat, so she did not speak to the girl.

Only then did the men put away their knives and walked to the seats in front and sat down.

The car drove forward quietly. The people around did not dare to speak. Although many of their mouths were sealed with tape, some of them who had not been sealed did not dare to speak either. They could only lower their heads in fear and tremble all over.


In the Huangfu family's forest manor.

After waiting in the room for four hours, Huangfu Qiye had already reached his limit.

He called Yuan Qi into the study room and said with a gloomy face, "Go and see if she's home yet?"

He calculated that she should be getting on the bus at the bus stop at the foot of the mountain and on her way back.

Yuan Qi heard this and although his master didn't say who this 'she' was, it was definitely Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, Yuan Qi quickly went out to investigate.

A few minutes later, Yuan Qi ran back anxiously. Just as he pushed open the study room door, he saw his master standing in front of the French window with his back to him. He panted and said, "Young master, although Miss Tang has gone down the mountain, she seems to have suddenly disappeared at the foot of the mountain. She didn't head back home and no one passed by on the way."

"What?" The man who was standing in front of the French window turned around after hearing that.

"Young Master, it's true. Miss Tang seems to have disappeared." Yuan Qi started to imagine that Tang Xiaowei couldn't walk in a certain place on the road, so she was hidden by some trees in the middle of the mountain, which was why they didn't see her. Therefore, they didn't see her go down the mountain to go home.

Huangfu Qiye thought that she should be at home after four hours.

However, Yuan Qi's investigation wouldn't go wrong now.

Then, the only one who went wrong was Tang Xiaowei, who had suddenly disappeared.

"Get someone to search the mountain and find her immediately!" Huangfu Qiye subconsciously thought that Tang Xiaowei might still be on the mountain.