Chapter 85: My stomach hurts

He remembered that she didn't feel comfortable in her high heels yesterday, and she still wore those high heels when she left today. Her feet must be in pain and she couldn't walk anymore.

Now, he couldn't care less about his anger.

He only wanted Tang Xiaowei to stand in front of him safely.

He reached out to cover his chest. Once again, because of her, his chest suddenly showed uncontrollable fear and nervousness.

A few minutes later, more than a dozen black Bentleys were slowly driving down the mountain road. The one in front was a black Maybach.

These cars were usually quite fast, but today, they were crawling slowly like snails.

Apart from looking a little funny and strange, it was natural that their powerful aura could not be hidden.

The car drove all the way down, but Tang Xiaowei was nowhere to be seen.

In the Maybach, Huangfu Qiye's face was gloomy. He frowned and called Tang Xiaowei again and again, but his phone kept reminding him that the other party had turned off the phone.

He held the phone tightly in frustration, as if he was going to crush it.

The woman who had accompanied him yesterday and was obedient by his side this morning had suddenly disappeared, and the phone couldn't be connected.

It would be fine if he knew that she had returned home safely, but now it was obvious that she hadn't returned home, and it seemed that she had never left this place. Then where had she gone?

"Damn it!" He was extremely anxious, and suddenly threw the phone fiercely at the window.

Unfortunately, the glass on the window wasn't broken. After all, it was bulletproof, and only his phone screen was smashed.

"Stop the car!" His entire body was filled with cold air. He looked like an Asura that had just walked out of hell.

The driver in front had long been scared pale by the cold air in the car. Now that he heard the owner say to stop the car, he hurriedly stopped the car on the spacious mountain road.

The dozens of cars behind him also stopped in an instant.

Huangfu Qiye could not wait for the people around him to open the door for him. He pushed open the car door and walked toward the forest beside the mountain road.


It was only a single word, but it carried a chilling and sinister majesty.

He took the lead and walked into the forest alone.

Behind him, dozens of bodyguards immediately swarmed out of the dozens of cars. All of them were tall and strong. Everyone followed behind him and walked into the forest.


Tang Xiaowei realized that the bus was not heading toward the city, but in a more remote direction.

Under such circumstances, she could not think of a way to escape safely.

Half an hour later, the bus was already on a very remote and bumpy path. It was obviously a wilderness, and there seemed to be a two-story abandoned house in the distance.

At that moment, the bus suddenly stopped. The men on the bus immediately stood up, took out a few knives, and stared at the kidnapped men menacingly. "Get out of the bus!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, another man opened the door and escorted the two kidnapped men out of the bus, walking towards the abandoned house in front.

The kidnapped people were all frightened by the knives in the hands of these kidnappers. They didn't dare to make a sound at all. Everyone obediently followed them out of the car.

Soon, most of the people in the car had gotten out, leaving only the few people behind and Tang Xiaowei.

"You guys, don't dawdle. Get out of the car quickly!" The kidnappers impatiently pointed in Tang Xiaowei's direction with their knives.

The people around Tang Xiaowei, including the girl who was talking to her just now, were so scared that they trembled and hurriedly stood up.

Although Tang Xiaowei wanted to escape now, she was not prepared to let her family give money to these kidnappers. However, it was not the time to be willful. She did not say anything and got off the bus with these people.

After getting off the bus, the bus was immediately driven away by one of the men among the kidnappers. No one knew where he was driving to.

Among the remaining men, two were already escorting those people in front. The other two were escorting Tang Xiaowei to the abandoned house.

The few of them were pushed and shoved into the abandoned house by the kidnappers.

At that moment, all of them inside were all required to squat on the ground. Two men were holding knives and forcing them.

After Tang Xiaowei and the rest entered, they were also required to squat in the crowd.

There were a total of five people in this group of kidnappers. Now, one of them had gone to park the car. There were only four men holding knives and threatening them.

Tang Xiaowei roughly looked at the people who were kidnapped. Other than the six women including herself, there were nine other men. However, these nine men were really useless. It was fine if they couldn't protect the people in this car. However, they couldn't even protect themselves. These nine men were thoroughly subdued by the five kidnappers.

Tang Xiaowei knew that she didn't have much ability. She definitely couldn't save this car of people. Moreover, she wasn't a saint. If there was a chance later, she would naturally want to save herself first.

After the kidnapped group obediently squatted down, one of the four kidnappers began to speak. He took out a cell phone from his pocket and asked the people who were squatting down, "Whose cell phone is it?"

"It''s mine," a man who was squatting on the ground said in fear.

The kidnapper immediately handed the phone to him and warned him fiercely, "Immediately lie to your family and tell them that you urgently need 100,000 yuan. Don't say that you've been kidnapped. Tell them to transfer the money to you immediately, or I'll cut you with this knife!"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll do it now." The man was scared to death. He took the phone. Because he was forced by the kidnapper and the knife, he did not dare to call the police. He could only call his own family and quickly followed the kidnapper's instructions. He said what the kidnapper indicated.

After that, the kidnapper was very satisfied. Then, according to his instructions, he asked the other people to make the call as well.

In the other corner, Tang Xiaowei was a little anxious. It didn't take long for the others to make the call. It was almost her turn.

She didn't want to give money to these people for free.

So, she had to think of a way.

Although her hands were tied, they were not tightly tied. She could still make some small movements.

Her hands slowly moved below her thighs.

Just as the kidnappers were about to walk in front of her, she suddenly frowned and groaned in pain, " stomach hurts."

In the abandoned house that had been quiet, she suddenly cried out in pain. Everyone's eyes were on her.

The kidnappers also left the others alone. They walked in front of her with fierce expressions and angrily asked, "What happened? Why are you making so much noise?"

Although Tang Xiaowei was still afraid of these kidnappers, she still deliberately showed a pained expression at that moment. "My stomach hurts. It's menstrual pain. Let go of me quickly. I need to go to the toilet."