Chapter 87: Running and being chased

As he walked forward, he suddenly wanted to call his big brother and secretly touch the two women. Although one of the two women had her period, the other did not.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman. The more he thought about it, the more he could not help but feel excited.

Tang Xiaowei, who was squatting in the grass, did not show any fear when she saw the man walking towards them. Instead, she pretended that she did not notice the man coming over.

The man did not make a sound because he had a lewd and wretched thought in his mind. He did not want to make the two women shout out loud for fear that others in the abandoned house would hear him.

He quickly walked to the side of Tang Xiaowei and the others. Then, he slowly squatted down and reached out his hand to grab the two women.

However, he had just squatted down when he saw two black shadows flash past in front of him. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain on his head and his vision went black. He immediately fainted in the grass.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei and the girl, who were holding a stone in their hands, stood up from the grass.

The man was knocked out by the stone in their hands.

Seeing that the man had fainted and his head was bleeding, Tang Xiaowei reached out to touch the man's nose. She found that he was still breathing, so she was not worried that she might have killed him just now.

She took out a phone from the man's pocket, then pulled the girl beside her and ran out frantically.

She had thought of a way to get out of the abandoned house in order to escape.

However, the man was watching them, so they had to knock him out before they could escape easily. If not, the man would definitely call out the people inside if he found out that they were escaping, and then they wouldn't be able to escape.

Tang Xiaowei called the police station as she ran and quickly explained the current situation. However, she didn't know where this place was. She could only tell the police that the bus had left from Huangfu Manor. There should be surveillance cameras there, so they could check from there.

After making the call, she was about to pull the girl and run out together.

However, the voices of the kidnappers came from behind.

"F * ck, how dare you hurt my brother! Don't run, you two women!"

"F * ck, F * ck, if I knew these two women were going to run, I wouldn't have let them go to the toilet!"

"Stop, don't run!"

Two men obviously came out to check on the situation, but they found that the man who had been watching Tang Xiaowei and the others had been knocked unconscious on the ground. When Tang Xiaowei and the others were running on the wasteland out the front, they immediately understood what had happened.

There were still two men in the abandoned house, and the two men who had come out were now quickly chasing in the direction where Tang Xiaowei and the other girl had left.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer, Tang Xiaowei started to panic.

Her feet had been in a lot of pain because she had been walking in high heels for too long. Just now, in order to act like she was on her period, she had even secretly picked up a small piece of rock on the ground and cut her thigh. Now her feet were in pain, her thigh was in pain, and there were people chasing after her. She could not run fast at all.

Previously, when they were kidnapped, these kidnappers only wanted money.

But now that they had done something to escape, these kidnappers would definitely not let her go easily.

Tang Xiaowei did not want to admit defeat. She gritted her teeth and let go of the girl's hand next to her. She said to her, "The two of us will run slowly while holding each other's hands. You go first."

Just now, the two of them had been running hand in hand, so running like this was indeed not fast enough.

Moreover, her feet were really in a lot of pain now, so she did not have the strength to pull this girl.

The girl saw that Tang Xiaowei's face was slightly pale, and then she lowered her head to see the bloodstains on Tang Xiaowei's feet and thighs. She originally looked weak, but now she suddenly bit her lips and pulled Tang Xiaowei with all her strength to run forward.

"Sister, I won't run away alone. Let's go together."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei nodded even though the pain on her body was unbearable. She and the girl quickly ran to the small path ahead.

The two kidnappers who were chasing them were gradually catching up with them.

"Stop, you two damn women. I told you to stop, did you hear me?"

"If you don't stop, I'll beat you to death!"

Tang Xiaowei and the girl ignored them and only ran forward.

While the kidnapper was talking, Tang Xiaowei and the others had already run onto the path. However, the path was not smooth, and it was full of mud and rocks.

Tang Xiaowei and the other girl ran even harder.

At that time, the two men had already gradually approached them.

Tang Xiaowei was unable to run at all because of her high heels. Moreover, the road here was uneven, so it was not suitable for her to continue wearing high heels. She turned around and saw that the two men were about to approach, so she could only stop. After taking off her high heels, she ruthlessly threw them at the two men's faces.

Fortunately, her luck was good, and the high-heeled shoes landed accurately on the two men's faces.

They were in pain from being hit, so they had no choice but to stop and rub their faces. They shouted angrily, "B * tch, how dare you hit me in the face with your shoes. I'll beat you to death after I catch you!"

"F * ck, it hurts so much!"

After throwing the high-heeled shoes at them, Tang Xiaowei and the girl quickly ran forward, not daring to stop at all. She did not care about the kidnappers' insults.

However, it was not convenient for her feet to be in pain when she was running in high-heeled shoes. Now that she had taken off her shoes, although there were no high-heeled shoes to grind her feet, her bare feet stepped on the dirt and rocks on the path, and her feet were somewhat unable to bear it.

"Sister, what should we do now? Your feet look very serious." The girl who had been with Tang Xiaowei saw that Tang Xiaowei's feet were covered in blood and was very worried about her.

"Go and pick up those stones. If they come close, throw them hard at their faces. Don't use your body." Tang Xiaowei thought about it and could only do this for now.

Under normal circumstances, when a person's face was attacked, they would have no choice but to close their eyes and stop what they were doing previously.

Therefore, if they wanted to force the two kidnappers to retreat, they could only pick up the stones beside them and throw them at the two kidnappers without the help of external forces. Moreover, they could only throw them at their faces.

When the girl heard this, she quickly squatted down and picked up a few big rocks. Then, she threw them at the faces of the two kidnappers behind her.

The two kidnappers had been hit in the face by the high heels, and there were a few bruises on their faces. However, they still threw the high heels and continued to chase after them.

Unexpectedly, they had only chased for a few steps when they were hit in the face by the rocks again. Moreover, one of them seemed to have been hit on his nose, and the blood immediately flowed out. The two kidnappers were both angry and had no choice but to stop.

Taking advantage of this moment, the girl hurriedly helped Tang Xiaowei, who had an injured leg, and ran off with all her might.

Soon, some distance was put between them and the two kidnappers.