Chapter 88: Huangfu Qiye's appearance

However, before Tang Xiaowei and the others could take a few seconds to recover, the two kidnappers had been injured by the two women one after another, so they were also provoked.

They no longer cared about the injuries on their faces and ran in the direction of Tang Xiaowei and the other girl like crazy.

They shouted, "Damn women, I will definitely kill you today!"

"You actually beat my nose until it bled. I will make you pay the price!"

Tang Xiaowei turned around and glanced at them. She realized that they were running even faster than before. It was obvious that they had been angered.

She had a little confidence that she could escape successfully.

But now, it seemed that the situation was a little dangerous.

Just as she couldn't run anymore and the two kidnappers were about to run behind her and reach out to grab her, a horn suddenly sounded from the front of the path.

Then, more than ten black cars quickly drove over.

The sudden arrival of the motorcade not only scared the girl and Tang Xiaowei in front, but also the kidnappers who were about to grab Tang Xiaowei.

The few of them looked stunned as they stared at the car in front of them.

And Tang Xiaowei was the first to come back to her senses.

Although she did not know who the people in the cars in front were and whether they were good or bad people, she had to stay away from the two kidnappers for the time being.

She pulled the girl's hand and signaled the girl with her eyes. The two of them then moved to the side and prepared to leave.

But when the two kidnappers saw that they wanted to escape, they immediately came back to their senses. One of the men subconsciously reached out his hand to grab Tang Xiaowei. "Don't run!"


Suddenly, there was a deafening gunshot in the air. The birds in the surrounding forest flapped their wings and flew up.

The world seemed to have quietened down in an instant. Everyone and everything seemed to have stopped.

However, it was only a few seconds. After a few seconds, the kidnapper who had just reached out his hand cried out like a ghost, "Ah! It hurts so much. I've been shot..."

The other kidnapper's hurriedly supported his companion, but he did not say anything.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a few seconds. She suddenly felt that something was wrong. The kidnapper had clearly wanted to capture her, so why was the kidnapper shot the moment the gunshot rang out?

Was someone helping her?

She subconsciously looked in the direction of the dozen or so cars.

From the looks of it, only the people in the cars that suddenly appeared would shoot.

Then who were these people?

Her heart began to faintly panic.

She began to suspect, and images began to appear in her mind to remind her who the people in the cars could be.

However, she didn't dare to believe it, and she didn't want to guess who the person in the car was.

Her hand subconsciously grabbed the hand of the girl next to her, and her face was even paler than before.

However, the door of the car in front was opened, and a pair of long legs stepped out of the car. Then, when the handsome and tall man got out of the car, she finally couldn't help but look away and lower her head.

It was actually him, Huangfu Qiye.

Didn't he tell her to get lost this morning?

Why was he here? And he even helped her deal with the kidnappers just now?

How did he get here?

Her heart was in a mess.

She thought that she could escape, but she was chased by the kidnappers miserably.

She thought that she might be captured by the kidnappers and beaten up, but the Huangfu Qiye that she hated suddenly appeared like a savior and helped her.

Looking at the way his people attacked these kidnappers just now, he must have come to help her today.

For some reason, although she still hated him in her heart, she was a little touched by his appearance and help at this moment.

However, she did not know how to express it, so she could only lower her head and did not dare to look at him.


Huangfu Qiye led dozens of bodyguards and searched the forest for half an hour, but they did not find Tang Xiaowei at all.

He guessed that she might not be in the forest, so he asked most of them to withdraw, leaving only a few people to continue searching in the forest.

After that, he sent people to investigate the surveillance cameras around the manor and the mountain. Only then did he realize that Tang Xiaowei had boarded a public bus more than an hour ago.

After that, he brought his people and chased after the direction where the public bus had disappeared.

They only arrived at this bumpy path after driving for more than ten minutes.

From afar, he saw a familiar figure on the path. She was pulling an unfamiliar girl. Behind her were two fierce men chasing after them.

His expression instantly turned ugly, and he coldly ordered Yuan Qi to aim his gun at the two fierce men.

Later, when he saw that Tang Xiaowei's arm was about to be grabbed by those fierce and unfamiliar men, he angrily took his gun from Yuan Qi. Even though the distance was a little far and he was still in the bumpy car, he still shot the arm of the man who wanted to grab Tang Xiaowei.

He also threw down his gun, pushed open the car door, and wanted to immediately bring Tang Xiaowei back.

However, the closer he got to her, the more he felt that something was wrong with her.

She wasn't wearing any shoes, and her bare, fair feet were bleeding.

Moreover, there were traces of blood on the dress she was wearing, especially the blood on her legs under the dress. It looked like it was flowing from her thighs.

At that moment, she looked extremely miserable.

This scene immediately provoked Huangfu Qiye.

He subconsciously felt that Tang Xiaowei might have been ruined by those men who wanted to chase after her.

His pupils constricted as he gripped the gun in his hand tightly. He took a few steps forward and ignored Tang Xiaowei. Instead, he charged at the two kidnappers furiously.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After a few gunshots, the two kidnappers were injured and rolled on the ground in pain.

" hurts..."

"Sir, who are you? We didn't offend you. Please let us go."

The two kidnappers looked at Huangfu Qiye in pain and fear as they begged him.

Their hands and feet had been shot.

However, they were in extreme pain, but they could not faint.

They did not know Huangfu Qiye at all, nor did they know why there were so many cars on this small road. Moreover, many tall and strong men in black got out of these cars, as well as the handsome man leading them. They looked very angry and scary.

These two kidnappers were just ordinary small kidnappers. Now that they had been shot, they were scared silly by Huangfu Qiye's appearance and style.

"Yuan Qi, drag them down and beat them to death!" Huangfu Qiye put away his gun. He did not want his slender and clean fingers to touch these kidnappers, so he gave his orders with a gloomy face.

Although he really wanted to use his fists to severely beat these two fellows who did not know the immensity of heaven and earth.

However, he had just fired a few shots at these two people, and his anger had been vented to a certain extent.

What he was more concerned about now was Tang Xiaowei, who stood at the side in a sorry state and was injured.