Chapter 89: "You're injured. Who did this to you? "?

After he gave the order in a cold voice, Yuan Qi immediately led a few of his bodyguards and dragged the two kidnappers away.

Although the two kidnappers were still begging bitterly, Yuan Qi only sneered and ordered people to beat them up.

Although he didn't know who these people were, they actually dared to hurt his young master's woman. Even if they didn't die today, they would at least lose a layer of skin.

Huangfu Qiye looked at Tang Xiaowei who had her head lowered. He walked over quickly, his entire body filled with coldness and anger.

Therefore, he looked very fierce at this moment, much scarier than the two kidnappers just now.

Seeing him walk over gloomily, the girl who had been running away with Tang Xiaowei hurriedly stood beside Tang Xiaowei and looked at Huangfu Qiye warily. "Who are you? Don't come any closer."

"Get lost!" Huangfu Qiye didn't even look at the girl's appearance. He pushed the girl away fiercely and reached out his big hand to grab Tang Xiaowei's shoulder.

Although the girl was pushed away, she wanted to stop Huangfu Qiye because she was worried about Tang Xiaowei.

After all, Huangfu Qiye didn't look like a good person. The girl was afraid that Huangfu Qiye would hurt Tang Xiaowei.

The girl was very grateful to Tang Xiaowei who had just saved her.

However, just as she was about to come over, a bodyguard immediately grabbed her arm and warned her coldly, "Don't move!"

The girl wanted to cry but had no tears. She could only call Tang Xiaowei, "Sister..."

After being grabbed by Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei's entire body started to tremble.

Only when she heard the girl's cries did she see that the girl had been grabbed by Huangfu Qiye's men. Although she did not want to and did not dare to look at Huangfu Qiye, she still bit her lip and raised her head to look at Huangfu Qiye. "Tell your men not to hurt her."

"Bring her to the car," Huangfu Qiye immediately agreed.

The two bodyguards who had grabbed the girl immediately took the girl away. Although the girl was still struggling, because she could not defeat these bodyguards, she had no choice but to be taken away.

Tang Xiaowei looked in the direction where the girl had left with some worry.

Huangfu Qiye could see that Tang Xiaowei cared about the girl, so he impatiently instructed Yuan Qi who was beside her, "Yuan Qi, you go and guard that girl as well."

Although Yuan Qi felt that it was unnecessary for him to guard that strange girl, since young master had already instructed him, he nodded and went over.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye stretch out his hand to pull Tang Xiaowei's chin, and his gloomy expression also fell into her eyes.

"You're injured. Who did it?"

He only cared about the injuries on her body, especially when he saw the bloodstains on her legs just now. He felt a weight weighing down on his heart. If he didn't get a satisfactory answer, he was afraid that he would go crazy.

Her shoulders were in great pain from his pinch, and her legs and thighs were also in pain. She frowned and groaned in pain, "It hurts..."

Huangfu Qiye heard her voice, and his gaze fell on her feet again. He saw that her originally fair feet were now full of injuries, and he also frowned fiercely.

He suddenly bent down and carried her up domineeringly. "Let's go back first!"

Although the matter of her injuries made him want to lose control of his temper, he had to take her back and let the doctor clean her wounds.

"Wait a moment. When Tang Xiaowei heard him say that he would go back first, her hands subconsciously clutched onto his shirt. She said carefully, "There are still people in the abandoned house over there. Today, a whole car of our people were kidnapped by the kidnappers. There are two kidnappers inside. Can you also save those passengers?"

She knew that Huangfu Qiye was not easy to communicate with, and he was not the kind of person who was willing to care about everything.

Of course, she herself was not a good person.

But after all, she had been saved. The people who were still kidnapped were right in front of her, and there were so many people around Huangfu Qiye. She could not help but ask him for help if she could save someone.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he stopped and looked at her coldly. "You realize that I saved you. Then why don't you say something nice? I saved you, but you didn't even say thank you. You actually want me to save someone else. Do you think I'm that free?"

"Thank you. For what happened just now, thank you for saving me." She was not angry at his sarcasm. Instead, she looked at him seriously and thanked him weakly.

Although she said she was weak, it was actually because her feet were too painful. She did not have the strength to speak loudly at all.

Seeing that her face was getting paler and paler, and that she had obediently thanked him, and that she did not look like she was messing with him, Huangfu Qiye's expression became a little better.

He glared at her and then told the bodyguards beside him, "Go and save the people inside."

After that, he didn't stay any longer. He carried Tang Xiaowei and quickly left the scene and got into the car.


In the fast-moving car.

Huangfu Qiye's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word. Tang Xiaowei was tightly held in his lap.

His gaze was fixed on her injured foot.

He began to feel regret in his heart.

If he hadn't told her to get lost in anger this morning, she wouldn't have been kidnapped and wouldn't have been injured.

"What's going on?" He withdrew his gaze unhappily and looked at her face.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know him well, but now that he had saved her, she wanted him to know what had happened. She felt that there was no need to hide it from him, so she told him everything.

"You told me to get out, but I only walked for more than three hours, and my feet were bleeding. I waited for a bus with great difficulty, but I was kidnapped. I thought I could escape, but I was almost caught just now. Fortunately, you came..."

Her voice was soft and gentle.

Her face was also very pale.

After hearing what she said, Huangfu Qiye's face was still very ugly.

What she said was that he told her to get out. She had walked for more than three hours, and her feet were bleeding.

When he saw that her feet were injured, he thought that it was caused by the kidnappers, but now he heard that it was because of him.

In his heart, he regretted chasing her away in the morning.

However, his pride prevented him from apologizing. He only hugged her with a slightly gentler expression and whispered, "Don't worry, I will teach those who dared to kidnap you a good lesson."

"Be gentle, you're strangling me." She didn't know why, but when she heard his voice becoming gentler and comforting her, she felt a little uncomfortable and had no choice but to change the topic.

Besides, he was indeed holding her very tight just now.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, the strength in his hands relaxed a little, but he still hugged her tightly.

However, the thing that he was afraid of didn't happen. She had just explained that the blood on her thigh was caused by her trying to escape, and it wasn't like what he suspected, so the stone in his heart was finally relieved.