Chapter 91: Do you know that you are very overbearing

She was very clear that he did not intend to marry her because he had taken a fancy to her. Therefore, she was still afraid when she faced such a cruel version of him.

Who asked her to not be as powerful as him, and to him, she was just a chess piece.

Therefore, whenever she was threatened by him, she could only choose to endure it most of the time.

"Okay, if you want to wipe it, then wipe it. But please be careful. I am a human. If I get hurt, it will hurt. Don't torture me like playing with a toy." Tang Xiaowei lowered her head and subconsciously tightened her skirt with both hands. Firstly, it was to cover her thighs so that he wouldn't see anything he shouldn't. Secondly, she still had a lingering fear about her feet being pinched just now, so she was so afraid that she wanted to find something to hold on to.

The matter of him casually pinching her sore feet just now made her feel pain and extremely dissatisfied with him.

Huangfu Qiye only relaxed his grip after hearing her words.

Then he thought of the meaning in her words. She said that she wasn't a toy, and that her wounds would hurt.

The strength in his hands became lighter, and regret began to appear in his eyes and heart.

However, after her struggle just now, he only wanted to apply the medicine on her as soon as possible. He couldn't think of any other way to subdue her at the moment, so he could only follow his previous style and ideas to control her.

Therefore, he couldn't control his hands and pinched the area where she was injured.

Now, it was even more impossible for him to apologize. The anger and fury that had been provoked by her had not dissipated, so how could he possibly apologize.

The only thing he could do was to return to his usual cold and gloomy self. Then, he tried to use as little strength as possible to apply the medicine on her.

However, even though he applied the ointment very, very gently, Tang Xiaowei still felt that her wound had been hurt quite a few times by his action of applying the ointment.

At first, she was still clenching her teeth and enduring it.

But later, she found that his action of applying the ointment was clumsy, and her wounds had been hurt badly by him one after another. She suddenly had the courage to push his hand away angrily. "Do you know how to apply the ointment or not? It hurts so much!"

"You woman, you still pretend to be obedient after taking advantage of me!" He threw the ointment on her body with some annoyance and stood up, his face even more unsightly.

It was his first time applying ointment on someone in his entire life, so of course he wasn't skilled enough. Tang Xiaowei, this woman, actually dared to despise him.

It was one thing to make him angry just now, but now she despised him. Did she want him to kill her?

When he applied the ointment just now, for a moment, he felt very sorry for her.

But Tang Xiaowei's scolding towards him really made him unable to accept it.

After he threw the ointment away, he stared at her unhappily for a few seconds, then suddenly turned around and left angrily.

Tang Xiaowei watched him leave angrily, and she was also so angry that she was somewhat speechless.

He was clearly not gentle enough, yet he still insisted on applying the ointment for her. Wasn't it normal for her to dislike him?

This man was too proud. He simply couldn't accept others'dislike for him.

She couldn't be bothered with him anymore. She took the ointment and began to apply it on the injured area. A few minutes later, all the wounds on her feet, thighs, and all the other parts of her body had been tended to.

She put away the ointment, but only then did she remember that now that her feet had been tended to, she could no longer walk freely.

And she was still sitting in his bedroom.

She didn't want to stay in this place forever.

In the morning, he had said that he would give her the day off. Now, she wanted to go home.

Moreover, she also remembered that her bag had been robbed by the kidnappers. The keys to open the door and many things, as well as the last 100 yuan she had on her, were also in her bag.

Thinking of this, she remembered that Huangfu Qiye had promised her to help the passengers, so the kidnappers must have been caught.

She had to go see the kidnappers and get her bag back.

So, ignoring the pain in her feet, she stepped on the carpet with bare feet and slowly moved to the door.

She went from upstairs to downstairs. No one dared to stop her on the way, but someone secretly went to report on her movements.

When she reached the door on the first floor and was about to go out, she suddenly heard footsteps behind her. Then, before she could react, her body was tightly hugged from behind.

Her entire body was lifted up, and the man's unhappy voice sounded above her head. "You're thinking of leaving before your injury is healed?"

Tang Xiaowei raised her head and looked at Huangfu Qiye. She did not know why he had left in anger and suddenly came to hug her now.

But she had to make things clear. "Let go of me. I have something to do and I have to leave as soon as possible."

"What is more important than your recovery?" Huangfu Qiye forcefully carried her back, not giving her a chance to leave.

"My bag is still in the hands of the kidnappers. My most important things are in my bag." Tang Xiaowei saw that he wanted to carry her back, so she had no choice but to tell him everything.

"It's just a bag. I'll get someone to bring it back for you. Now, you have to go back to your room to recover." Huangfu Qiye seemed to have forgotten that he had just angrily left his bedroom, and now he wanted to forcefully carry her back with him.

He said that he wanted to help her get her bag back. This was much easier than going to the kidnappers by herself.

Tang Xiaowei thought for a moment and accepted it. "Then thank you for your help. However, I want to go back to my home to recover. Don't carry me upstairs. I'll wait downstairs. I'll leave after I get my bag."

"I allowed you to leave?" Huangfu Qiye suddenly stopped. He lowered his head and stared at her with a heavy gaze.

She was a little flustered. "You clearly said that you would give me a day off in the morning. Moreover, I'm injured now and can't go to work. You can't go back on your word."

"You don't have anything at home. Why are you going back to recuperate?" He demanded coldly. "Recuperate at my place. There's everything here. You'll recover faster."

"I don't want to..." She was unwilling.

He sneered. "It doesn't matter whether you want to or not."

Only when he ordered it, could it be counted.

Even if she didn't accept him now, no one could resist his arrangement here.

"Huangfu Qiye, do you know that you're very overbearing, very shameless, and very unreasonable?" She gritted her teeth and looked at him hatefully.

"You don't like me being overbearing, shameless, and unreasonable? Then what kind of man do you like? Tell me." Huangfu Qiye carried her as he walked and spoke with a gloomy face.

What kind of man do I like?

Tang Xiaowei suddenly thought of Ling Yijue.

Ling Yijue was the person she liked, but it was impossible for her to be with him now.

At first, she could still try to comfort herself when he broke up with her on the phone. Maybe he was just confused and talking nonsense for a moment.

But after that, she lost her body to Huangfu Qiye. When she was no longer qualified to be with Ling Yijue, she met him again. That time, he was really standing in front of her, but he still apologized to her.

He really wanted to break up.