Chapter 92: Stuffing money into her purse

And now, she and Ling Yijue have completely lost their relationship.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaowei felt her heart hurt as if it was being cut by a knife.

Her face became even paler, and the tears in her eyes rolled out.

Huangfu Qiye suddenly shouted at her angrily, "Why are you crying? Which wild man are you thinking of?"

He had just casually mentioned it, but she was actually thinking of other men. Her expression of being immersed in memories clearly irritated Huangfu Qiye.

How could he endure it!

"What has it got to do with you? He's not a wild man!" Tang Xiaowei cried until she was out of breath, but she still angrily shouted back at Huangfu Qiye this once.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, his expression became even more unsightly.

As expected...

As expected, this woman was indeed thinking about other men just now, and she even started to cry.

The 'he' she was talking about was definitely the man she liked previously, Ling Yijue.

The more Huangfu Qiye thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. He did not speak anymore, and with a gloomy face, he carried her to the bedroom.

After returning to the bedroom, he threw her on the bed and quickly went out to slam the door.

Tang Xiaowei was thrown on the bed and her head was dizzy. When she came back to her senses, he had already closed the door and left.

She was so angry that she ignored the injury on her foot and got out of the bed. She wanted to open the door and leave, but she found that the door was locked from the outside.

"Huangfu Qiye, open the door!"

She slapped the door hard a few times, but there was no reaction from the outside.

Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to return to the bedside and sit down helplessly. She had just walked for some distance so the injury on her foot began to hurt even more.

She sighed and sat by the bedside, biting her lip as she stared at her injured foot.

At that moment, in Huangfu Qiye's study.

Yuan Shan held a bag in her hand and gently knocked on the study's door. "Young master, I've brought the bag back."

"Come in." Huangfu Qiye's cold voice came from inside the study.

Yuan Shan pushed open the study's door and walked in. Then, she respectfully placed the bag on Huangfu Qiye's desk and silently left.

After Yuan Shan left, Huangfu Qiye walked to the desk and picked up the bag.

He opened it and poured it out. Everything in the bag rolled out.

Cell phone, wallet, tissue, lipstick...

Everything in Tang Xiaowei's bag was exposed in front of him.

He began by picking up her wallet, wanting to see how much money she still had in it.

After opening the wallet, he found that there was only one 100 yuan in it. The rest were only 10 yuan, one yuan. All the money added together didn't even make 200 yuan.

She was actually so poor.

He flipped through it and found that she still had a few cards, but he didn't know if there was any money on the cards.

His eyes darkened. He let go of her wallet, took a few steps, and took his own wallet from the table. He pulled out all the cash from it, and there was a thick stack. Then, he stuffed all the money into her wallet. Only then did he put down her wallet with satisfaction.

After doing all this, he started to look at her phone.

Her phone didn't have a password, so it could be opened directly.

He didn't check anything else, and directly opened her photo album.


When he saw a photo in her photo album, the hand that was holding the phone instantly clenched into a fist, and the phone was almost crushed by him.

"Damn it!"

Her phone actually kept intimate photos of her and other men.

He had previously asked people to investigate Ling Yijue, but they did not find any photos of Ling Yijue.

But when he saw this photo, Tang Xiaowei was wearing a high school uniform, with long black hair, looking young and delicate. The man standing next to her was also wearing the same school uniform as her, and the man was unusually handsome. He smiled and hugged Tang Xiaowei's shoulder. The two of them smiled sweetly as they looked at the camera.

This man must be Ling Yijue.

Huangfu Qiye's anger erupted uncontrollably

He gripped her phone tightly and deleted the photo.

He would not allow Tang Xiaowei's phone to have other men's photos.

After deleting the photo, he still felt indignant. He called Yuan Shan in and ordered coldly, "Take a few photos for me."

He stuffed Tang Xiaowei's phone into Yuan Shan's hand.

Yuan Shan was stunned for a moment. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

After all, she had never seen her young master take a photo before, and it was even with his phone.

What was going on today?

Yuan Shan was extremely surprised, but Huangfu Qiye was already impatiently urging her, "Hurry up!"

Only then did Yuan Shan hurriedly turn on the camera and only then did she realize that this phone did not seem to be the phone that her young master usually used. It looked a little like the one that Tang Xiaowei used.

Yuan Shan was not stupid. She instantly understood why her young master wanted to use this phone to take photos.

Thus, Yuan Shan carefully took a few photos of Huangfu Qiye from a good angle. Then, she carefully handed the phone to Huangfu Qiye.

After all, Huangfu Qiye's devilish appearance was displayed right here, so the photos looked really good after they were taken. Even without the need to fix the photos, they still looked as exquisite as a poster.

Huangfu Qiye took the phone and looked at the photos. Although he had a gloomy face the entire time when the photos were taken, the results were very good. He was very satisfied.

Therefore, his anger just now was slightly better because of these few photos.

He sent the photos on the phone to his own phone, then turned off Tang Xiaowei's phone and put it into her bag.

In the future, Tang Xiaowei's phone would have his photos, and only his photos.

No one else was allowed to appear.

He stuffed all the remaining things on the table into Tang Xiaowei's bag, then asked Yuan Shan next to him, "What is she doing now?"

Before he left the bedroom, he had locked the door on purpose. She would definitely not be able to come out, but she would definitely be anxious to think of a way out.

Yuan Shan naturally knew who her young master was asking about. She replied, "Miss Tang knocked on the door for a while, but there was no sound after that."

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he was afraid that the little woman would do something because he had locked her up, so he took her bag and walked out.

He quickly walked to the door of his bedroom and used the key to open the door.

In the bedroom, Tang Xiaowei was sitting by the bed.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she raised her head and looked in his direction.

Seeing that it was him, and her sharp eyes saw that her bag was in his hand, she immediately got off the bed and walked in his direction.

"Give me my bag."

"Go back and sit down." Huangfu Qiye closed the door and his face darkened slightly.

The injury on her foot had just been applied with ointment and had not recovered at all. She had been walking around since she just got up. He was really afraid that her injury would worsen.