Chapter 95: Desire

Tang Xiaowei's original thoughts of leaving the room were completely blocked.

She could only stay in the room in a daze, but for some reason, she felt that she was still very awake and not tired.

However, after eating, she slowly felt very tired and wanted to sleep.

After that, she slowly fell asleep on the bed.

The two maids guarding her in the room saw that she had fallen asleep and quietly left.

Not long after, the door was pushed open again. This time, the person who came in was no longer the maid, but Huangfu Qiye.

When she was awake, she was very disobedient, unless he used violence to make her behave better. But he did not like to be able to get close to her every time after he used violence on her.

So, he had just asked someone to put a drug in her food that could make her sleep for a few hours that would not harm her body.

At that moment, seeing that she was asleep, he walked to her side and quickly lay down next to her.

He did not tell her that ever since she was drugged last time, he had desired her even more after he treated her as an antidote to cure the effects of the drug.

If she had not been running away and hiding, he would have wished for her to stay in his arms every minute and every second of every day.

With this thought in mind, Huangfu Qiye reached out and pulled her defenseless body into his embrace.

His desire for her grew deeper and deeper, more and more bone-eating.

It seemed that he could no longer allow her to continue resisting. He had to do something.


The next day.

When Tang Xiaowei woke up, she was the only one in the large bedroom. She slept until her back ached and her hair was as messy as a bird's nest.

She did not realize that she had slept in someone's arms last night, and that someone did not want her to find out, so she got up early and left.

After Tang Xiaowei got up, the maid outside heard the sound and carefully pushed the door open to enter. She asked gently, "Miss Tang, are you up?"

Tang Xiaowei had already gone to the bathroom. When she heard the maid's voice, she answered. However, she had to start brushing her teeth, and then she did not speak.

The maid outside knew that she had woken up, so she left. She called her young master and told the chef downstairs to prepare breakfast.

The clothes that Tang Xiaowei wore yesterday could not be worn anymore. When she came out, she found a new dress, a long coat, a scarf, flat shoes, and socks by the bed. All of them were new, and they were her favorite colors.

The injury on her foot was no longer very painful, so she could wear shoes to go out today.

When she saw these clothes and shoes, she must have known that Huangfu Qiye had asked someone to prepare them for her. Since he had asked someone to prepare these things for her, he must want her to go out today.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaowei excitedly put on all her clothes and shoes.

The injury on her foot was a little better and did not hurt much. The broken skin had also started to harden and become old and looked like it was about to be taken off. It seemed that the ointment given by the doctor yesterday was quite effective.

However, although she had applied the ointment on her thigh, it was, after all, a small cut made by a piece of stone, so it had not completely healed yet. It was just that the bleeding had stopped, but the wound was still a little painful.

She simply asked the maid to find two band-aids for her to put on the wound, and then went downstairs to eat breakfast with ease.

After breakfast, Tang Xiaowei took her bag and was ready to leave.

However, just as she reached the door, she was blocked by two tall bodyguards. Yuan Shan also quickly walked out from the corner. She told her gently, "Miss Tang, you can't go out. Young master has instructed that after you get up and have breakfast, you should go back to your room. Someone will come to style you in a while."

"What styling?" Tang Xiaowei didn't understand for a moment.

Yuan Shan explained patiently, "Aren't you going to your classmate's birthday party today? So I'm going to do your hair and make-up."

"I don't plan to go to that birthday party today." Tang Xiaowei really did not want to go.

Yuan Shan frowned in embarrassment. "But young master has already instructed that if you don't agree to do the style, he will immediately come back from the company to hug you and do it with you."

Tang Xiaowei was frightened by Yuan Shan's words.

It turned out that she had not seen him since she woke up in the morning. Moreover, she could still go downstairs to get her things because he was not at home.

Furthermore, just the thought of him coming back and carrying her by force made her hair stand on end.

Therefore, although she did not really want to go to Wang Yueyue's birthday party, Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to return to her room and agree to the styling.

Tang Xiaowei spent the entire day in the forest manor in a chaotic state, and her image had also changed completely.

Before the styling in the morning, her hair was black and smooth. It was long and draped over her shoulders. There was not a single trace of foundation on her face, making her look light and beautiful.

But now, her hair was curled up by the stylist using a one-time method. It was still black hair, but with exquisite makeup and cherry-red lips. At that moment, she had completely turned into a pure, sexy, and soulful demoness.

After the stylist had agreed, the sky outside also darkened.

Tang Xiaowei stood up with the help of the maid. She stared blankly at herself in the mirror. For a moment, she almost couldn't come back to her senses.

She had never dressed herself like this before.

She was really beautiful, so beautiful that she could not believe that it was her.

However, she quickly regained her senses. Today was someone else's birthday, and Huangfu Qiye had someone dress her up like this. Was he trying to make others hate her?

However, before she could think about it for a few more minutes, Yuan Shan walked over. She said in a low voice, "Miss Tang, it's already 6 pm. It will take more than 40 minutes to reach young master's Huangting hotel from the manor. You can leave now. Young Master said that he might not be free to accompany you tonight, so I will drive you there now."

Hearing Yuan Shan's words, Tang Xiaowei immediately came back to her senses.

A relaxed smile appeared on her face. "He really doesn't have time to accompany me?"

She was worried that Huangfu Qiye would shamelessly follow her there, and then she would be embarrassed.

She felt very relaxed after not seeing him for the whole day. Now that she heard that he might not be able to go, she felt even more relaxed.

Since he was not going, she did not feel too conflicted about going to Wang Yueyue's birthday party alone.

"Young master just called. He did say that." Yuan Shan lowered her head slightly and looked serious.

Tang Xiaowei immediately believed Yuan Shan. "Then let's set off now."

"Okay." Yuan Shan nodded and went to prepare the car.

Ten minutes later, the car that escorted Tang Xiaowei to the city was already on the road.

Tang Xiaowei called Tao Yuyan and had something to ask her.