Chapter 96: Sarcasm

The phone was quickly picked up, Tao Yuyan's tone sounded very light: "Xiaowei, what made you think of calling me?"

"Today is Wang Yueyue's birthday. She said her boyfriend booked a box for her in the Royal Court. Do you want to go?" Tang Xiaowei wanted to ask this.

Tao Yuyan was stunned when she heard that. Then she replied, "Oh, I know. She called me yesterday, but when I heard that she was always bragging about having a rich second-generation boyfriend and was vaguely sarcastic that I didn't have a boyfriend, I said I was too busy to go. Why? Are you going?"

"I didn't want to go at first, but now I have to go. Why don't you go too? We'll both go. We'll sit there for a while and then we'll go somewhere else to chat. After all, we haven't seen each other for a few days." Tang Xiaowei had been living in fear these past few days. Suddenly, she really wanted to sit down with her good friend and have a quiet chat.

When Tao Yuyan heard this, she immediately agreed. "Okay, then you go first. I'll go over immediately after I change. Let's meet at the hotel entrance."

"Okay, that's all for now. You go and change your clothes quickly." Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief and then hung up the phone. Now that Huangfu Qiye was not following her, but her good friend was accompanying her, her mood was much better.

In fact, it was true that she did not want to attend Wang Yueyue's birthday party in the beginning.

But later, she was forced by Huangfu Qiye, so she had no choice but to agree.

Although Huangfu Qiye said that she could not go just now, she remembered that attending Wang Yueyue's birthday party meant that she could leave the forest manor in disguise, so she was willing to come out alone.

On the other side.

After Tao Yuyan hung up the phone, she immediately found clothes and pants to wear. Then, she put on a big scarf and hurried downstairs.

However, when she ran past the living room, her figure attracted someone's attention.

When Tao Yuyan ran to the door and was about to lower her head to change her shoes, a black shadow suddenly appeared on her body. The man's gloomy voice sounded, "It's so late. Where are you going?"

"Ah?" Tao Yuyan was shocked. She still held her shoes with one hand and looked up at Tao Xian. She pursed her lips and answered him, "Today is Wang Yueyue's birthday. She invited us all to attend. Xiaowei also went, so I..."

"Who is Wang Yueyue?" Tao Xian frowned impatiently.

Tao Yuyan explained helplessly as she changed her shoes, "Ah Xian, don't be so lonely. Wang Yueyue is our classmate. Don't you know her? She has talked to you many times."

Tao Yuyan was really speechless at Tao Xian sometimes.

He almost never paid attention to the names of the people around him or what they looked like.

He would only remember them if he wanted to remember them.

"She is just a classmate. Why would I remember her? What I want to know is: are you sure you want to go out now?" Tao Xian leaned against the wall and stared at Tao Yuyan with a deep gaze.

Tao Yuyan was changing her shoes and did not notice his expression. She replied softly, "Yes."

"I'll go with you." Tao Xian heard her answer and sighed slightly. Then, he walked to the shoe cabinet and started to change his shoes.

Tao Yuyan did not feel anything earlier. Now that he was close to her and wanted to change his shoes to go out with her, she immediately panicked.

She could not help but take a few steps back. "I don't think so. I'll go alone. Besides, I have Xiaowei to accompany me at the hotel entrance."

"With her accompanying you, you two are just two girls. It's not safe. Don't say anymore, I must go." Tao Xian did not give Tao Yuyan a chance to refuse and quickly changed his shoes.

Then, he grabbed her hand and used a wet tissue to wipe both her and his hands clean. He snatched her bag and walked in front. "Let's go."

Tao Yuyan's phone and wallet were in the bag. Now that Tao Xian had snatched the bag, she could only hurriedly chase after him. "Wait for me."

Tao Xian walked very fast on purpose, but there was an unconcealable smile on his lips.


Not far from the Huangting hotel, Tang Xiaowei asked Yuan Shan to stop the car and asked Yuan Shan to stop following her. She got out of the car alone and planned to walk for a few minutes to the entrance of the Huangting hotel.

However, just as she reached the entrance, she saw a Honda slowly driving over.

She moved aside to make way, but at that time, the Honda stopped beside her.

Then, the car window was opened, and a somewhat familiar female voice came from inside, "Is that Tang Xiaowei? Wow, you're really beautiful today. I almost didn't recognize you when I saw you just now. Have you just arrived? Why are you walking here?"

Wang Yueyue's face was full of surprise and slight mockery.

Tang Xiaowei originally didn't want to attend Wang Yueyue's birthday party, but now that she was being ridiculed like this, she only wanted to sneer.

She looked at Wang Yueyue with an indifferent expression and laughed lightly, "Student Wang, you really know how to joke. If I walked here, then my feet wouldn't be able to walk, he-he."

"I was just joking with you." Wang Yueyue did not expect that after Tang Xiaowei, who had lost her family fortune, was ridiculed by her, not only did she not show an embarrassed expression, she was actually so eloquent. She wanted to humiliate her.. But it had come back on her.

Wang Yueyue smiled awkwardly in the car. Then, she winked at her boyfriend and signaled him to open the car door for her.

Her boyfriend lowered his head and kissed her on the lips before he went to open the door.

After Wang Yueyue got out of the car, she went to park the car without introducing her boyfriend.

After Wang Yueyue got out of the car, she walked in front of Tang Xiaowei. She had spent a lot of effort to dress up tonight, but now standing in front of Tang Xiaowei, her clothes were not as good-looking as Tang Xiaowei's, and her makeup was not as exquisite as Tang Xiaowei's. Of course, her looks were even worse than Tang Xiaowei's.

Wang Yueyue was suddenly a little uncomfortable, but she still endured it. She only said with a fake smile, "Xiaowei, that was my boyfriend just now. His family is in real estate. He will be here soon. Let's go in first."

"You go in first. Yuyan will be here soon. I will wait for her here." Tang Xiaowei didn't show any jealousy toward Wang Yueyue for having a rich second generation boyfriend.

Wang Yueyue thought that Tang Xiaowei would be jealous of her if she told her that she had a rich second generation boyfriend, but she didn't.

The smile on her face suddenly disappeared. The smile on her lips stiffened. "Okay, I will go in first. We are in room 302 on the third floor. Don't go wrong."

Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Only then did Wang Yueyue turn around and leave. However, just as she turned around, the smile on her face immediately changed to disdain.

Not only was she now a university classmate with Tang Xiaowei, but she was also a classmate of Tang Xiaowei during the three years she was in high school.