Chapter 234: Her original surname was Shangguan

After the head surgery that day, she regained her memories before the age of seven, so she knew that her parents had already passed away when she was a young child.

"As expected." Ling Shitian's eyes flashed with pain when he heard that.

This was exactly the same as the result of his investigation. That person had indeed passed away at that time.

However, he thought that their child had also died at that time. Although he did not expect that their child had survived, at that moment, he looked even more like her.

"What's your surname?" Ling Shitian continued to ask. Although he felt that this girl might be that person's child, he did not want to mistake her for someone else.

"My adoptive father's surname is Tang. As for my original surname, do you really want to know?" Tang Xiaowei felt that the man in front of her was rather strange. When she first came down, he clearly looked very scary. He even wanted someone to smash her face.

Now, after seeing her face, he had become like a child, pestering her with questions. The expression on his face changed drastically in an instant.

"If what you said is wrong, I will have someone kill you and drink your blood." Ling Shitian felt that the girl's tone was a little threatening, and his gaze turned cold.

Ling Shitian thought to himself that although this girl looked like that person, if this girl couldn't tell him her surname, then he must have mistaken her for someone else. Then this girl would definitely die today.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know the person opposite her, but this person was Ling Yijue's father. He had someone capture her and ask her why she bewitched Ling Yijue. He probably wanted to get rid of her.

Since that was the case, if she had the chance to save herself, she would naturally not let it go.

She deliberately showed a frightened expression. "Do you not want me to be with your son? If that's the case, I will immediately leave him and never appear in front of him again."

"That's no longer important. What I'm asking you now is what your surname was in the past and what were your parents' names." Ling Shitian just wanted to confirm that this girl in front of him who looked very much like an old friend was indeed that child.

Tang Xiaowei took the opportunity to state her conditions. "If I tell you, would you not kill me, would you not drink my blood, and would you let me go?"

"Let's talk about this after you give me a satisfactory answer first." Ling Shitian was not someone who would do business at a loss, so of course, he would not agree in advance.

Tang Xiaowei was not going to be threatened for the sake of her own life, so she naturally was not stupid. "If you don't agree to let me go, I won't tell you."

Anyway, seeing that this person immediately changed his attitude after seeing her appearance, she knew that she had the capital to threaten him.

She was right. Ling Shitian really did not know what to do after being threatened by her.

He glared at her for a few seconds before grunting, "Alright, I promise you. If your answer satisfies me, I will definitely not kill you or drink your blood. I will even let you go."

"What if you lie?" Tang Xiaowei would not easily believe a stranger.

"I have already agreed to your conditions. You do not have the right to continue talking to me." Ling Shitian glared at her when he heard that. Then, he walked to the sofa at the side and sat down.

He was obviously angry, but because he had not gotten the answer he wanted, he could only continue to endure it.

It had been so many years since he had been so furious. At that moment, he felt quite uncomfortable being angry.

After he sat on the sofa, he could not help but think of a face that was very similar to Tang Xiaowei. Instantly, he felt a warmth in his heart.

Tang Xiaowei saw him like this and knew that if she continued to ask, there would be no good outcome.

She could only walk over and sit on the sofa opposite the man. She did not care whether the owner invited her to sit or not, because she had just stood there for more than two hours and her feet were sore.

"Are you an enemy of my parents, or a friend?" After she sat down, she blinked her eyes and deliberately asked the man opposite her in a light tone, who seemed to be lost in thought.

Ling Shitian was actually already 50 years old. It was just that his appearance was well-maintained, and the reason why he was so well-maintained was because he continued to inject blood charm.

Therefore, even though he looked young on the outside, his personality was actually more mature.

In front of the people he did not care about, he led a sinister and terrifying existence. He was even more of a weirdo.

However, in front of the people he cared about, he had become a little childish.

Although the people he cared about were no longer around, there was a girl beside him who looked like the person he cared about in the past. Hence, the childishness in the depths of his body had been re-discovered.

After hearing Tang Xiaowei's question, he returned to his senses and looked at her. However, he saw that the girl had a lively and cute appearance. This face seemed to be overlapping with that of the past. He vaguely felt that he was seeing things.

However, after a few seconds, he regained his composure. He knew that the girl at this moment only looked like that person. She was not that person at all.

He frowned and said in a self-deprecating tone, "What do you think?''

"You shouldn't be an enemy, and you shouldn't be a friend," Tang Xiaowei analyzed seriously.

That was because, according to her memories before she was seven years old, she was with her parents and lived very happily every day. However, the person sitting opposite her at this moment did not appear next to her parents.

Therefore, this person should not be her parents' friend or enemy.

However, this person knew her parents and seemed to have some feelings for her mother.

"Why do you think so?" Ling Shitian's interest was piqued when he heard Tang Xiaowei say that he was neither her parents' friend nor enemy.

He put away his previous loneliness and looked at Tang Xiaowei expectantly.

"You seem to care a lot about what our family thinks of you. Be honest, do you like my mother?" Tang Xiaowei could not help but raise the corner of her mouth.

"You haven't even said your original surname. Do you think I really believe that you are her daughter?" Ling Shitian's face turned from pale to slightly red. He roared fiercely, trying to hide his feelings from others.

"My original surname is Shangguan. Are you satisfied now?" Tang Xiaowei finally knew that the person opposite her could not be teased. Otherwise, he would get angry, so she could only reveal all her trump cards.

"Shangguan?" Ling Shitian was as stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

Tang Xiaowei just sat quietly opposite him, not saying a word. She seemed especially calm.

She was betting that this person was not her parents' enemy and that he liked her mother. Hence, after feeling that there was no danger, she released her trump card. She hoped that this person would not make things difficult for her and would let her leave in a while.