Chapter 235: You must be my adopted daughter

That was because she was originally surnamed Shangguan. However, when she was seven years old, something happened to her family and the whole family was in trouble, leaving her alone.

Ling Shitian quickly regained his senses and looked at Tang Xiaowei with some excitement. "It's not enough to just say Shangguan. What are your parents' names, especially your mother's nickname? Also, do you have a jade pendant on you?"

"My father is called Shangguan Li, and my mother is called Shangguan Yu. My mother's nickname. I won't tell you about such private matters. As for the jade pendant you mentioned, is it this one?" Tang Xiaowei said her parents' names. Then, she hooked a transparent thread from her neck and pulled it out. Below it was a small jade pendant.

After hearing her parents' names, Ling Shitian's expression became even more serious. After seeing her take out the jade pendant, he excitedly pointed at the jade pendant. "It's the same jade pendant. Oh right, it's you. You're Yuyu's daughter."

"I was my mother's daughter to begin with." Tang Xiaowei kept the jade pendant, although her tone was very calm.

She thought of her real parents, Shangguan Li and Shangguan Yuyu.

Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian were only her foster parents.

She had forgotten her real parents because of an accident when she was seven years old. It was only recently that she remembered them.

Now that she thought of that gentle and beautiful mother in her memory, she suddenly felt a little sore in her heart and her eyes started to redden.

If her parents had not died, she definitely would not have lived in such difficult circumstances as she did now.

What she meant by difficult was that she was alone, with no one to accompany her, and she had even been framed by others.

Ling Shitian was already completely sure that the girl in front of him was the daughter of the person he loved, Shangguan Yuyu. Therefore, when he saw that Tang Xiaowei's eyes were red, he also felt uncomfortable and stood up. He looked at Tang Xiaowei carefully. "I remember that your name was originally..."

"Shangguan Qiongwei." Tang Xiaowei raised her head and smiled lightly.

Her original name was because her mother liked Qiongwei, so her father named her Qiongwei.

Ling Shitian was even more certain that this girl was Shangguan Yuyu's daughter.

"Little rosette, since your parents are no longer around, can you be my daughter in the future? I'll be your foster father, and I'll take good care of you on behalf of your mother." Ling Shitian looked at Tang Xiaowei with anticipation and nervousness.

Since he believed in Tang Xiaowei, he naturally wanted to take care of her. After all, this was the child of the woman he had once loved.

Since Shangguan Yuyu was no longer around, he wanted to take care of her child on her behalf.

Tang Xiaowei immediately shook her head when she heard this. "No, I already have adoptive parents now. I don't need an adoptive father anymore. Besides, I've grown up so I don't need anyone to take care of me. I can take care of myself."

She rejected Ling Shitian's offer of adoption because she was not familiar with this person at all.

She had heard from Jack that Ling Yijue's father was not very good to Ling Yijue. Moreover, she was suddenly captured by this person's subordinates last night. Such a person did not seem to be reliable.. Why would she agree to be his foster daughter?

Moreover, if she had not been able to take out the jade pendant just now, and if she had the memories from before she was seven years old, she might have been killed here.

Such a terrifying person, Tang Xiaowei did not want to be his foster daughter.

"No, you have to be my foster daughter." Ling Shitian did not have his previous noble temperament, nor did he have his usual calmness and calculation. At the moment, he only felt anxious and walked around nervously.

"I don't want to." She still wanted to refuse.

However, Ling Shitian suddenly thought of something and was delighted. He immediately said, "Little rosette, as long as you agree to be my adopted daughter, I will let the most powerful pharmacist in the Moqi family be your master and teach you how to make poison. How about that?"

Although he had been protecting Tang Xiaowei ever since Ling Yijue brought her with him, Ling Shitian had always been the one to protect her.

However, as long as Ling Shitian wanted to investigate something, there was nothing that he couldn't find. He just needed time.

Therefore, Ling Yijue had protected Tang Xiaowei for almost a month. In those two days, Ling Shitian had found out the problem. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei was only captured by Ling Shitian's men yesterday.

Ling Shitian also found out that Ling Yijue had found many teachers to go to his villa during this period of time to teach Tang Xiaowei all kinds of things.

Especially when learning how to make poison, Tang Xiaowei was especially serious in her learning.

Therefore, at this moment, he had proposed such a condition.

After hearing Ling Shitian's words, Tang Xiaowei was suddenly stunned. Then, she thought of what Jack had said before. He vaguely mentioned that Ling Yijue had gotten an antidote from some old man to detoxify her poison.

So, this person in front of her was the master of the Moqi family?

She was a little in disbelief. "Who are you in the Moqi family?"

"Master, Ling Shitian." Ling Shitian raised his eyebrows arrogantly, looking high and mighty.

Tang Xiaowei actually didn't doubt it. After all, this person in front of her didn't look like an ordinary person. He even knew about her parents and was Ling Yijue's father.

Moreover, she remembered that she no longer loved Ling Yijue, but Ling Yijue still had feelings for her and was poisoned for her.

She should have thought of a way to repay his kindness and find an antidote for him.

Therefore, if she became this man's foster daughter, she would become Ling Yijue's sister. This way, her identity with Ling yijue would not be awkward, and she could also learn how to make poison here. The teachers that Ling Yijue had found for her before would not be as powerful as the regular pharmacists in the Moqi family.

She thought about it and felt that she did not lose anything by agreeing. Instead, she gained a lot.

However, she was a smart girl and did not want to agree immediately.

"If I agree to be your adopted daughter, will I only get the opportunity to learn how to make poison? This doesn't seem to be of any benefit," she said deliberately.

In fact, if she could become a student of the Moqi family's pharmacist, she believed that she could become a person who could make poison very quickly. This was exactly what she wanted now.

"Of course, it's not just that. I can give you a lot of pocket money every month. In the future, the Moqi family can also give you half," Ling Shitian was very generous.

"It's not like I'm doing it for money. Do you have any other benefits? " Tang Xiaowei smiled, so no one could tell what she was really thinking.

Ling Shitian did not know why, but he wanted this girl to be his adopted daughter. Perhaps it was because the first time he saw this girl, at that time, she had just been born, a little meaty ball who was especially cute.

However, he was not Shangguan Yu's lover. The person Shangguan Yu liked was married to Shangguan Li. Therefore, Ling Shitian had only peeked at Tang Xiaowei once.