Chapter 230: Both men are looking for her

As the punch landed, he clenched his fists and punched Jack without stopping.

Ling Yijue acted as if he had gone crazy. He was so fierce that it was frightening. "Who do you think you are? I can't even bear to scold someone. How dare you scold her and even push her? Do you f*cking want to die?"

He had always disliked swearing. However, today, someone whom he loved so deeply, who he held carefully and couldn't bear to hurt, was being bullied by his subordinates. She must have left in sadness.

So, of course, he could not care about anything else.

If he could not find her, or if she was unlucky last night and was found by Huangfu Qiye's men and taken away, then Ling Yijue would kill Jack!

Jack was beaten up by his young master. At first, he did feel that he had been wronged and did not know why his young master beat him up.

But later, when he saw that his young master was so angry and even told him the reason, he did not say anything. He quietly lay on the ground and let Ling Yijue's fist land on his body.

It was indeed his fault last night. He was too angry at that time, so he pushed Tang Xiaowei and said many unpleasant words. He even directly told her the reason why his young master's body was in pain.

However, Jack did not expect that Tang Xiaowei would leave the hotel directly because of this and not tell them. She obviously wanted to leave directly and never come back.

Jack knew that his young master liked Tang Xiaowei very, very much. Of course, he also wanted to see his young master have someone he liked.

However, he found out that Tang Xiaowei did not like his young master. Moreover, she had caused his young master to be injected with blood charm, but she did not know about it. Therefore, these reasons were all the reasons why Jack always targeted Tang Xiaowei.

But now, he was beaten by Ling Yijue, he felt that he really deserved it.

"Young master, the poison had just taken effect yesterday. Although you are better now, your body has definitely not fully recovered. Moreover, the most important thing now is to find Miss Tang. Jack should wait until you come back to deal with him." Willam saw that Ling Yijue was beating people like crazy Although he felt that Jack deserved it, he was still afraid that young master would hurt himself because of hitting people, so he hurriedly spoke up.

At that moment, Ling Yijue had already hit Jack's face until it was swollen, and the corners of his mouth and nose were bleeding.

He kicked Jack angrily and gritted his teeth to warn him. "You better remember this. If you dare to treat her like this again in the future, I will not let you off!"

After he finished speaking, he left angrily.

Willam glanced at Jack and said, "I told you earlier that young master values Miss Tang very much. He told you not to always target Miss Tang. If shei is not found this time, you will definitely die. Why don't you get up and go out to look for her?"

After saying that, Willam stopped looking at Jack and hurriedly left with Ling Yijue.

On the ground, Jack was a little unwilling. He felt that Tang Xiaowei clearly didn't love his young master, but she was still able to receive the young master's attention. However, he had been beaten up once, and he had been warned just now. He had learned to be obedient and would never dare to talk nonsense in the future. He would also never do anything out of line again.

On the other side, Ling Yijue came out after beating someone up. Half of his anger had dissipated, and the worry in his heart slowly rose.

Where on earth did she go?

She had left last night and had not returned until now.

He immediately took out his phone and dialed the villa's number, but very quickly, the villa's people told him that Tang Xiaowei had not gone back at all last night.

He frowned in frustration.

If he had known that such a series of things would happen yesterday, he would not have brought her out to soak in the hot spring.

As if he had gone mad, he barged into the other shops around the hot spring hotel. As long as the shop was open at the moment, he would ask the shop owner to pull up all the surveillance cameras in the shop.

Because he did not know where she went after she left the hotel, he could only search through the surveillance cameras.

Fortunately, this was indeed a very good idea. Soon, he saw the video footage of Tang Xiaowei walking past the shop's entrance last night from the surveillance cameras in some of the shops.

According to the surveillance footage, he finally arrived at the location where Tang Xiaowei was caught in the car yesterday.

The surveillance camera did not record the process of her being caught in the car because that location was a blind spot.

The surveillance camera only caught her walking past a shop before her figure disappeared. Then, she disappeared from the surveillance camera at the next shop.

When Ling Yijue saw the result, his face turned extremely dark.

"She disappeared here. Look for any clues you can find!" He ordered in a deep voice. Willam and Jack nodded and took a few bodyguards who had just been found to look around for clues.

Ling Yijue frowned in frustration and deep regret.

If he had known this would happen, he definitely would not have brought her out to the hot spring yesterday.

However, he did not expect that the poison in his body would take effect earlier than expected. It was still a few days away from a whole month.

If he had not been in so much pain that he could not care about her, Jack would not have treated her like that, and she probably would not have left.

Ling Yijue punched the wall beside him angrily. Blood immediately flowed from the back of his hand, and several pieces of his skin were broken.

However, this little pain could not compare to the pain and worry in his heart at this moment.

He was very clear that she did not have a single cent on her. If she left like this, something would definitely happen to her.

Thinking of every possibility, he felt uncomfortable and terrified.


After searching the entire street for a whole morning, Ling Yijue still could not find any trace of Tang Xiaowei.

He finally gave up on this place and planned to search somewhere else.

At that moment, on the road ahead, a group of people suddenly walked over in a hurry. They were also wearing black clothes. Everyone was looking around as if they were looking for someone.

Among those people, was a handsome man at the front. Ling Yijue naturally knew who it was.

Although he had never interacted with this man before, this man had lied to his Xiaowei and hurt her. These past few days, he had appeared out of nowhere, as if he was looking for her.

Although Xiaowei didn't tell Ling Yijue that Huangfu Qiye was the one who poisoned her, Ling Yijue was certain that Huangfu Qiye was the person that Xiaowei hated and wanted to kill because of her vengeful expression.

Therefore, Ling Yijue clenched his fists when he saw Huangfu Qiye walking over. He really wanted to rush over and kill him.

However, this was not a place where he could kill people openly.

Moreover, there were many people around Huangfu Qiye, so it was not easy to kill him.

Ling Yijue knew this very well, so he didn't act rashly.