Chapter 231: She was locked in a dark room

Even though his heart was stirring, he still stood stiffly on the spot and coldly glanced at Huangfu Qiye.

Then, without waiting for Huangfu Qiye to notice, Ling Yijue turned around and left in another direction.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he was anxiously looking around with a worried and cold expression.

However, all of a sudden, he faintly felt a gloomy gaze staring at him, as if it carried threatening intent.

He was stunned, thinking that he had met some kind of enemy here.

He immediately stopped, and because he had suddenly stopped, the others around him also stopped and looked at him nervously.

Huangfu Qiye's gaze looked in the direction that he felt was strange. He wanted to see who had just looked at him with a killing intent.

However, when he looked over, he only saw a crowd.

Many foreign people were either silent, serious, or happy as they walked by. They also saw some backs, but they could not find see their expressions just then.

Could it be that he was wrong?

He frowned slightly. He did not believe that he was wrong, because the feeling just now was so intense.

At that moment, he realized that there were several men in black in front of him. They looked like bodyguards, but they had English faces. They were talking to a handsome man with an eastern face.

Huangfu Qiye did not know that man with an eastern face, but he felt that this person made him feel uncomfortable.

Could it be that the person who looked at him just now had a murderous gaze that belonged to this man?

As long as Huangfu Qiye was suspicious, he would naturally not let it go easily.

He ordered Yuan Qi beside him in a deep voice, "Get someone to follow those people over there and see who they are and what they are doing."

Yuan Qi nodded in response and ordered a bodyguard to follow quietly.

Huangfu Qiye's gaze lingered on those people for a few more seconds, then he did not stay any longer. He took the others and left immediately.

On the other side.

After Ling Yijue met up with his own bodyguards, he asked a few questions but still did not get any clues. He waved his hand and told them to continue searching.

However, when Willam saw that his young master's hand was injured, he carefully observed it. It was probably self-injury due to anger. Thus, he hurriedly and carefully said, "yYoung master, your body has not fully recovered yet. Don't hurt yourself. Your hand looks very serious. Your subordinate will accompany you to the hospital to bandage it."

"It's more important to find Miss Tang!" Ling Yijue coldly glanced at Willam. "Don't waste your breath on me. Go and find her immediately!"

Hearing his young master's words and being looked at by his gloomy eyes, Willam didn't dare to say anything more and left first.

Only then did Ling Yijue prepare to leave.

However, he faintly felt that there was someone following behind him.

Ling Yijue thought of Huangfu Qiye just then, and he immediately guessed something.

Thus, he simply separated from Willam and the others and walked towards a remote direction alone.

Then, he quickly found a corner to hide. As expected, after waiting for a while, a man dressed in black immediately followed him.

However, this man was obviously not an ordinary person. He seemed to be a bodyguard who knew some kung fu. Moreover, he was like the eastern faces around Huangfu Qiye, and not the European and American faces around himself.

Thus, Ling Yijue knew that he had guessed correctly.

He immediately hid from this man. Before the bodyguard could react, he gave him a hard knock on the neck, and the bodyguard immediately fainted.

Ling Yijue looked at his bleeding hand and left with a cold expression.


That night, Huangfu Qiye still couldn't find Tang Xiaowei. When he returned to the hotel to rest, Huangfu Qiye had almost forgotten that he had asked someone to follow the person he thought was strange outside of the hot spring hotel.

However, the bodyguard who had been knocked out woke up after dark and rushed back to the hotel. Then, he carefully reported the matter to Huangfu Qiye.

"You said that he knew you were following him and knocked you out?" Huangfu Qiye frowned after hearing the report from the bodyguard.

The bodyguard who was knocked out by Ling Yijue immediately nodded. "Yes, young master."

"So you didn't find anything?" Huangfu Qiye's voice became colder.

"Young master, your subordinate is useless. Please punish me, young master!" The bodyguard immediately knew that his young master was angry and didn't dare to say anything. He could only ask for punishment.

Huangfu Qiye waved his hand. "Get out! You are not allowed to rest tonight. Go back and find that man!"

Useless man! Since he couldn't track him, he would stay up all night to look for him!

Huangfu Qiye didn't expect his bodyguard to be so useless. He was even discovered in stalking of that man and was even knocked unconscious. It was really embarrassing for him.

The bodyguard knew that his young master had made a mistake during this period of time when he was not in a stable mood. He was lucky to only be punished to stay up all night and not be allowed to rest. This was already the greatest gift, so he hurriedly retreated.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye call over Yuan Qi and ordered in a deep voice, "Find two able people and keep an eye on that man today. I think he's not very capable!"

He had almost forgotten about that man, but now that his bodyguard had been knocked unconscious, it proved that that man was not someone that could be easily dealt with.

In that case, that gaze with killing intent was very likely that man's, and if that man looked at him with that kind of killing intent, then there would definitely be a big problem. Huangfu Qiye would not let such a person off.

Did he want to kill him?

That would depend on whether he agreed or not.

If he did not agree, no one else in this world could kill him!


When Tang Xiaowei was taken away, she fainted after smelling the fragrance of flowers in the car. Some time later, she woke up and found that she was still tied up.

Moreover, she found that she seemed to be locked in a dark room.

God knows, she was most afraid of the dark.

Even though she had been hurt by Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner, she felt hatred in her heart and her attitude had changed a lot.

However, she was still afraid of being alone in a dark place.

Especially in such a dark place where there was no light around.

It was as if this was a room with no doors or windows.

Such a room reminded her of the basement where she and Huangfu Qiye were trapped when they were in France.

At that time, the basement was also like this. It was dark all around, so dark that one could not see one's own fingers.

But at that time, she was not particularly afraid because he was with her.

Even though she hated him to death at that moment, it could not be denied that at that time, in the basement, his acting skills were particularly good. He had completely deceived her.