Chapter 232: Being bullied

He had also gained all her trust, allowing her to confess her love. He had also made her not afraid of the darkness, and even less afraid of dying with him.

But at this moment, there was no one to accompany her.

Moreover, there was still tape on her mouth.

Her hands were tied behind her back, and her legs were also tied. At that moment, she was placed in a corner of the room.

She was originally lying on the ground, but it was too uncomfortable. She used a lot of strength to sit up with difficulty. She leaned her back against the wall and breathed heavily.

It was too dark in here.

She was really scared.

Who was it that caught her? Who wanted to see her?

If they wanted to see her, they could see her. Why did they have to lock her in such a place?

She really wanted to shout and ask if there was anyone outside. Unfortunately, her mouth was sealed with tape, so she could not make a sound.

The fear of the darkness made her whole body tense up.

She tried to lower her head, close her eyes, and start thinking about other things. She did not want to think that she was locked in such a place. Otherwise, she would become more and more afraid.

She confused herself like this. After an unknown amount of time, there was suddenly a sound outside the room.

It was as if there were footsteps coming from outside. The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Then, the sound became louder and louder. Finally, the footsteps stopped, and the next second, it was the sound of a lock being unlocked.

When she heard these sounds, she immediately knew that these people who had caught her wanted to take her out, or to meet her here?

She was actually nervous and afraid, because this matter had happened too suddenly and caught her off guard.

However, her state of mind was stronger than before, so she would not be so afraid that she would cry.

Now that she heard sounds coming from outside, she was suddenly not afraid of the darkness in the room.

When the door was opened, the light from outside immediately shone in.

The room she was in was also immediately lit up.

She was blinded by the light and quickly closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, she squinted her eyes and looked forward.

With this look, she saw the two Englishmen who had caught her earlier.

They looked down at her with a cold expression and said in English, "Get up. Our master wants to see you."

Tang Xiaowei's legs were tied and she could not stand up on her own.

Although she understood what they were saying, she did not move at all.

When the other party saw her like this, he did not think that she was unable to stand up. Instead, he thought that she did not want to stand up. Immediately, a man came forward in anger and grabbed her shoulders to pull her up. Then, he reached out and patted her face. Although it was not a slap, he was not weak either. He shouted at her impatiently, "Are you deaf? I told you to get up, but you didn't."

If Tang Xiaowei was not tied up and her mouth was not covered by tape, she swore that she would have definitely hit this man back to teach him a lesson.

Was this man blind?

Didn't he see that her legs and hands were tied up and she couldn't stand on her own?

He actually had the nerve to call her deaf.

"Let's go. Don't hurt her before master sees her." Another Englishman reminded the first man when he went to grab Tang Xiaowei and pat her face.

When the man heard this, he nodded in agreement, but in the next second, he pushed Tang Xiaowei fiercely. "What are you standing there for? Let's go!"

Tang Xiaowei was almost pushed to the ground. Fortunately, the other man quickly reached out to hold her, then let go of her. He turned to the rude man and said, "I told you not to do it, didn't you hear me?"

The rude man snorted indifferently. "It's just a push, why are you making a fuss? In a while, when master sees this woman, he might want to torture her, and after he tortures her, he might reward us with her. I'll push her in advance and make her behave, okay?"

"Let's not talk about this for now. We'll go and see master right away." The man, who had not moved, did not care what the rude man said. Then, he glanced at Tang Xiaowei and said, "I'll untie the rope on your leg. Don't think about running, or you'll die."

Tang Xiaowei nodded. She felt that although this man was not a good person, at least he was much better than the man who pushed her, hit her, and even said a lot of bad things.

Therefore, the rope on her leg was untied, but there was no rope on her hand.

Then, the rude man walked behind her, and she walked in the middle. The more polite man walked in front, and the three of them left the room together.

After leaving the room, Tang Xiaowei walked all the way and secretly observed where she was being kept. She found that she seemed to have been locked in a basement-like place. No wonder there were no windows.

The man who led the way took her through a corridor and turned a corner. Tang Xiaowei found that the other corridor was much more luxurious and beautiful than the one just now.

The corridor just now was as wide as a normal corridor, but the walls on both sides were only painted with white wall ash.

The corridor that turned at this moment was covered with wallpaper, and the floor was also covered with carpets. The one before was not covered with carpets.

It seemed that they were about to walk out of the basement area, so the decorations were already somewhat different.

She secretly guessed, whose territory is this? Who is it that wants to see me?

Just as she was thinking about this, she walked a little slower. The rude man behind her pushed her impatiently again. He shouted at her, "Walk faster. Why are you dawdling? Do you think this is a place for you to be in a daze? This is not your home."

Tang Xiaowei was almost pushed by this man again. Fortunately, her legs were not tied, so she stood still.

She was furious. She was already unhappy with this rude man. If there was a chance, she would punish this man severely. She would let him know that she, Tang Xiaowei, was not so easy to bully.

She glared at this rude man, her eyes revealing murderous intent.

The rude man thought that she was just a timid and timid Chinese girl, so he would bully her if he wanted to.

However, he didn't expect her to show such a frightening look.

The rude man was stunned for a moment, and a sense of fear actually rose in his heart.

As for Tang Xiaowei, after she glared at the man, she immediately turned around and followed the man in front of her, then quickly left.

Only then did the rude man slowly come back to his senses. Then, he showed a disdainful look and followed her.

Ten minutes later, under the lead of the man in front, Tang Xiaowei came to a living room with a particularly exquisite style that was filled with a strong European classical flavor.