Chapter 108: pregnancy

"Not yet," Tang Xiaowei answered seriously, but she vaguely felt that the doctor's tone was a little strange.

The doctor continued to ask, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Uh, we broke up." Tang Xiaowei subconsciously thought of Ling Yijue.

The doctor immediately put down the list when he heard that. He looked at Tang Xiaowei with a slightly disdainful gaze. "You're more than 20 days pregnant. The stomach ache is due to the miscarriage, and it seems to be caused by the excessive violence in the bedroom. Didn't you say that you're not married and don't have a boyfriend? Young lady, you're still young and beautiful. Why do you have to be so mean to yourself?"

Tang Xiaowei only heard the doctor say that she was more than 20 days pregnant.

She was actually more than 20 days pregnant.

Was it because she was drugged last time and Huangfu Qiye forced her to take the after-action medicine? Was that why she was pregnant?

The more she thought about it, the more scared she became. Her body unconsciously trembled, as if she was in a freezer at that time.

Because she knew that the hammer blow of this matter had made her unable to regain her senses for a moment, she naturally did not notice that the doctor's words just now were somewhat unpleasant.

Her face was even paler than before.

She did not want to marry Huangfu Qiye at all, nor did she want to give birth to his child. But now, she was pregnant with his child.

What should she do?

What should she do next?

"Hey...hey, miss, your name is Tang Xiaowei, right? Tang Xiaowei, don't be in a daze. Your current condition is not very stable. You can only take some medicine to stabilize yourself. If you want to keep the child, take good care of your body. Don't let anyone hurt your body. If you don't want to have a child, you can contact us for surgery after a few days of rest." The doctor shook her arm as he spoke earnestly.

Tang Xiaowei slowly recovered from the doctor's tugging.

She nodded in a daze and did not say anything. She took the form and left as if she had lost her soul.

The doctor had other patients to see, so he did not pay much attention to her. He withdrew his gaze and went to do his own things.

As for Tang Xiaowei, after she took the form and walked out, she no longer had the courage and mood to see her mother. She did not dare to go out at this moment because she was afraid that Yuan Shan would notice her strange behavior and tell Huangfu Qiye.

She found a seat in a corner of the hospital and sat down. She didn't move again for a long time.


Four hours later, it was lunchtime.

After working in the company for the whole morning and finally stopping himself, Huangfu Qiye sighed, took his phone, and dialed a number.

Last night, he went crazy and was angered by her, so he naturally did not regret touching her.

However, she was very angry at that time and seemed to be crying. When he left this morning, she had not woken up yet. He was somewhat apologetic and also felt sorry for her, so he decided to let her be quiet for the whole morning and not disturb her.

Therefore, when he found out that she wanted to go to the hospital to see her mother in the morning, he did not stop her.

However, it was already noon. He wanted to know if she had come back and eaten.

He realized that the more he touched her, the more he cared about her and wanted to possess her forever.

Although he had only touched her twice so far, he felt that she had been deeply engraved in his bones and heart, making him unable to forget her.

The call went through very quickly, but the person who answered the call was Yuan Shan. "Young master, are you looking for Miss Tang? She has not come out for almost four hours after entering the hospital. She said that she would only go back at night."

"Go prepare lunch for her and send more people to guard her. Don't let her escape, and don't let anyone hurt her," Huangfu Qiye instructed in a low voice before hanging up.

He had originally wanted to hear her voice and say a few words to her, but since she was already in the hospital, he could only see her at night.

She was practically his poison. After not seeing her for half a day, he felt uncomfortable all over.

He thought that he would be able to see her when he returned at night, and only then did he focus on work.

After dark, Huangfu Qiye also prepared to leave the company and go back.

Just as he left the company, he called Tang Xiaowei as soon as he got in the car. However, her mobile phone was still answered by Yuan Shan who carefully reported, "Young master, Miss Tang went into the hospital today without a mobile phone and she is not out now."

"Good, I know." Huangfu Qiye cut off the call. In a cold voice he commanded the driver: "To the hospital."

The Maybach was speeding towards the hospital.


In the hospital.

There were people coming and going everywhere. Other than the passing patients and their families, there were already many doctors and nurses paying attention to Tang Xiaowei who had been sitting on the chair for the whole day.

When the sky had just turned dark, a nurse felt that it was strange. She walked up to Tang Xiaowei and gently patted her shoulder. "Miss, are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?"

This nurse had passed by this place more than ten times today. Since the morning, she had seen Tang Xiaowei sitting there with her head lowered. Until now, she had not left even after the sky had turned dark. The nurse was worried that there was something wrong with her body.

Tang Xiaowei had already fallen into a long period of helplessness. She was at a loss about her pregnancy, but at the same time, she was also very afraid.

After all, she was only 19 years old, and she was still in school. At that moment, her relationship with Huangfu Qiye was even more unclear. She did not know that she was pregnant with his child and what she should do in the future, so she was very afraid and worried.

Because of this, she had been in a daze for an entire day and still could not come back to her senses.

Now that she was suddenly awakened by the nurse, she raised her head to look at her and could only shake her head. "I'm fine."

The nurse kindly reminded her, "I saw you sitting here for a whole day. It's already dark now. If you're fine, go home and rest. If you feel unwell, I'll bring you to the doctor."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei shook her head again. She did not need to go to the doctor.

After seeing the doctor today, she was now very clear about her physical condition.

She thought that she had actually sat here for a whole day. She did not even realize that so much time had passed.

Hence, she stood up and wanted to leave.

However, she had been sitting there for too long, and her legs had always been bent. As soon as she stood there, she felt that her legs were a little numb, so she had no choice but to sit back down. She said to the nurse embarrassedly, "my legs are numb. I'll go home after sitting for a while. Thank you for your concern just now, nurse."

Hearing this, the nurse smiled and said that there was no need to thank her. Then, she went to work on her own matters.

After the nurse left, the faint smile on Tang Xiaowei's face froze again.

She slowly reached out and touched her lower abdomen. A hint of warmth appeared in her eyes, but at the same time, there was more fear.

This child, perhaps, was not meant to be in this world.

She was too young to raise a child.