Chapter 109: She was mine from the start to the end

She did not want to marry a man she did not fall in love with just because of the child. She did not want to be responsible for her life at all.

However, just the thought of aborting the child made her heart ache.

This was the first time her heart actually hurt to such an extent.

She bit her lower lip and tears slowly appeared in her eyes.

What should she do?


When Huangfu Qiye arrived at the entrance of the hospital, he saw Yuan Shan. Yuan Shan didn't expect her young master to come here after he was done with work at the company, but she quickly understood.

After all, Miss Tang that young master liked was here.

As soon as Huangfu Qiye got out of the car, he walked into the hospital. When Yuan Shan saw him, she hurriedly came over and reported, "Young master, Miss Tang hasn't come out since she went in this morning. At first, I went in to look for her, but after she found me, she told me not to go in and disturb her, so I didn't dare to go in after that. However, she must still be in the hospital now."

"Where is she?" Huangfu Qiye only wanted to know where Tang Xiaowei was at that moment. He desperately wanted to see her.

Last night, he had been too impulsive and rude. That was why he had left in a hurry this morning. He did not dare to face her for fear of quarreling with her.

But now, after a day, he was not afraid of quarreling with her or losing his temper. He only wanted to see her, hug her again, and remember what had happened last night. He did not regret it, nor did he feel that he had done anything wrong.

She was already his woman. He was already at his limit of his endurance until the second time he touched her last night.

"I saw Miss Tang this morning. She was in the lobby on the first floor, but she said at that time that she was going to see her mother. I think she should be in her mother's ward now," Yuan Shan answered carefully. After all, she did not know where Tang Xiaowei was. She only knew that Tang Xiaowei was still in the hospital and did not go out.

Huangfu Qiye did not ask further and took the elevator directly. His destination was the floor of the ward where Tang Xiaowei's mother, Ning Xintian, was staying.

However, a few minutes later, when he got someone to open up Tang Xiaowei's mother's ward and found that there were only Tang Xiaowei's parents inside, Huangfu Qiye's expression immediately turned ugly.

Tang Xiaowei was not here. Could it be that she had escaped?

She deliberately said that she came to the hospital to visit her mother, and then escaped from the hospital?

The more Huangfu Qiye thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. After all, there were several times when Tang Xiaowei had run away under his nose with all kinds of tricks.

If he had to say that she might have really run away at this moment, he would believe it.

However, he still stared at Tang Xiaowei's father, Tang Qingxuan, in disbelief. "Mr. Tang, where's your daughter?"

It had been a long time since Tang Qingxuan had seen Tang Xiaowei. Of course, it had also been a long time since he had seen Huangfu Qiye. Just now, when Huangfu Qiye suddenly brought people over to open the door, he was stunned for a moment.

Now, seeing that Huangfu Qiye's tone was not good and was still questioning his daughter's whereabouts, Tang Qingxuan recalled that his daughter had clearly said that Huangfu Qiye had given up on her and that he had nothing to do with her. Now, it seemed that his daughter had gone to a classmate's house.

Tang Qingxuan had previously said that he would no longer pay attention to Huangfu Qiye and did not want to involve his daughter withHuangfu Qiye anymore. Therefore, he braced himself and said, "Mr. Huangfu, you and my daughter are merely strangers. She said that you have already given up on her, so why are you pestering her now?"

"Very good, she even told you this. So, she has really run away now, right?" Huangfu Qiye's gaze became colder and colder.

He felt that his guess was right. Tang Xiaowei might have wanted to run away again because of what happened last night, and she even secretly came to meet her parents and said that she had nothing to do with him.

At that moment, she might have run away to an unknown place!

Damn it!

Huangfu Qiye wanted to kill someone!

"Mr. Huangfu, a person like you can have whatever you want. Please be merciful and stop pestering our Xiaowei." Although he saw Huangfu Qiye was very angry, Tang Qingxuan was still not afraid of death and wanted to persuade this devil again.

Huangfu Qiye sneered. "Don't pester her? Your daughter, Tang Qingxuan, are you old and confused? Do you really think you are Tang Xiaowei's father Don't forget, I was the one who saved her. I was the one who entrusted you to raise her. In the end, you were able to work as a manager in my company and earn money to support your family. It was only because I paid you to raise her. From the beginning to the end, she was mine. The two of you can only be considered as nannies!"

Huangfu Qiye said all this coldly and gloomily, his gaze even gloomier as he stared at Tang Qingxuan.

Tang Qingxuan immediately became dispirited. His face was slightly pale. At the same time, the sober Ning Xintian's face was frighteningly pale.

Both husband and wife knew that Tang Xiaowei was indeed not theirs from 12 years ago. Huangfu Qiye knew that they did not have children and could not bear children, so he brought Tang Xiaowei to them to raise. At that time, Huangfu Qiye only told them to raise Tang Xiaowei like a daughter and did not say that he would come and take Tang Xiaowei away in the future.

But now, everything Huangfu Qiye said was irrefutable. Tang Qingxuan was suddenly speechless.

However, Ning Xintian thought for a moment, and she raised her head and looked at Huangfu Qiye seriously. "Mr. Huangfu, are you in love with Xiaowei? If you promise me that you can treat her well, take care of her, and protect her, we will trust you with her."

"She is mine to begin with. Why do you need to take care of her?" Huangfu Qiye interrupted Ning Xintian coldly and asked impatiently again, "Where did she go? Are you still unwilling to tell us?"

Tang Qingxuan still did not want to tell him, but Yuan Shan suddenly approached Ning Xintian and took out a dagger from her pocket. She stared at Tang Qingxuan with a sneer. "Mr. Tang, you'd better tell our young master the truth directly. Otherwise, it will be bad if your wife gets hurt accidentally."

Ning Xintian's body was still recovering, so she could not move at all. Tang Qingxuan loved his wife the most. At that moment, there were so many people like Huangfu Qiye. He could not resist at all. Moreover, what Huangfu Qiye said just now was true.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't hurt my wife. I'll tell you."

Yuan Shan then put away the dagger.

The ward was abnormally quiet. Huangfu Qiye's people were waiting for Tang Qingxuan to tell them the truth.

Ning Xintian looked at her husband worriedly and said softly, "Qingxuan, we can't treat Xiaowei like this."

Tang Qingxuan thought about his cute adopted daughter. In fact, they both liked Tang Xiaowei very much. If Huangfu Qiye hadn't suddenly appeared in their lives... Both of them almost forgot that Tang Xiaowei was their adopted daughter.