Chapter 110: hold her tightly in his arms

Tang Qingxuan had no choice. In order to protect his wife from being hurt, he thought of what Huangfu Qiye had just said. Tang Xiaowei had indeed been raised by them since young and Huangfu Qiye had actually made an invisible contribution.

He sighed and said, "Xiaowei came to see us some time ago and said that she was going to participate in a teacher's assignment and live at a classmate's house. But we don't know which classmate's house it is."

Tang Qingxuan was telling the truth. When Tang Xiaowei had to go to work a few days ago, she had no choice but to tell her parents that she was going to stay at a classmate's house.

However, Huangfu Qiye was not satisfied with this answer at all. He sneered. "Some time ago? Mr. Tang, I'm asking about what happened today. Didn't she come to see her mother today? After she entered the hospital, she didn't go out. Didn't you see her today?''

"What? Xiaowei came to the hospital today?" Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian were stunned. They really didn't know.

Tang Xiaowei was really going to visit her mother today, but after she found out that she was pregnant, she was shocked and forgot to visit her mother. But at that moment, no one in the ward knew about this.

"You don't know whether she came or not?" Huangfu Qiye looked at Tang Qingxuan and his wife coldly. "Do you still want to continue pretending?"

"We really didn't see Xiaowei. Mr. Huangfu, are you mistaken? If you don't believe me, go check the surveillance footage. Xiaowei hasn't been here all day, and we haven't seen her." Tang Qingxuan really felt innocent. He and his wife really didn't see their daughter.

Huangfu Qiye saw that Tang Qingxuan didn't seem to be lying, and his brows furrowed even more.

Could it be that Tang Xiaowei really didn't come to see her parents?

Then where did she go?

He frowned and thought about many places, then suddenly turned around and was about to leave.

Yuan Shan and the bodyguards in the ward saw that he was about to leave, so they hurriedly followed him.

Meanwhile, Tang Qingxuan and his wife also heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Huangfu Qiye only walked for a short while before he stopped He ordered Yuan Shan coldly, "Bring Tang Qingxuan and his wife to a secret place to stay. Get someone to watch over them and not allow them to escape. Seal the house left behind by his family and tell the public that the house has been sold."

He wanted to imprison Tang Qingxuan and his wife and seal the house of the Tang family. This way, Tang Xiaowei would have nowhere else to go besides staying by his side. He was planning to block all of Tang Xiaowei's escape routes. He wanted her to have only him in her world.

Yuan Shan nodded and immediately went to do it.

In the ward, Tang Qingxuan and his wife heard Huangfu Qiye's words and immediately became anxious.

Ning Xintian was still recuperating and did not have the strength to get up, but Tang Qingxuan hurriedly ran to the door and shouted in Huangfu Qiye's direction, "Mr. Huangfu, how could you do this? You want to take us away and lock us up. This would be considered a prison."

However, before Tang Qingxuan could finish his words, he was knocked unconscious by Yuan Shan.

Yuan Shan brought a few bodyguards and neatly checked Ning Xintian out of the hospital. She also quickly sent them out of the hospital to a villa under Huangfu Qiye's name. She even sent a doctor to take care of them.

The villa of the Tang family was also locked up.


At the hospital.

After Huangfu Qiye left Tang Xiaowei's mother's ward, he asked everyone around him to spread out to look for Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Qingxuan said that they had not seen Tang Xiaowei, while Yuan Shan said that Tang Xiaowei had not gone out today. She also said that they had observed everyone who went out, and there was no possibility that Tang Xiaowei might have disguised herself before going out.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei must still be in the hospital.

He had to find her.

Huangfu Qiye took the elevator and went to the first floor. The bodyguards around him were all looking for people on the upper floors. He came to the first floor because he really longed for this place, as if she was here.

After getting out of the elevator, he walked to the side with a cold expression.

At that moment, on a chair in the corner, Tang Xiaowei's legs were finally no longer numb. She stood up, her face still pale due to her distress.

Her stomach no longer hurt. The pregnancy sheet was squeezed into a ball and placed in her palm. Even though it was a cold winter day, the sheet was almost wet with her sweat.

After she stood up, she lowered her head and walked out.

Huangfu Qiye turned around and saw her.

He stood there in a daze for two seconds before striding in her direction.

She was still in the hospital and did not run away. The burden in his heart was finally lifted.

However, the closer he got to her, the more he realized that something seemed to be wrong with her.

Her face was pale and her expression was weak. She seemed to be thinking about something as she walked and did not pay attention to the situation around her. Just when she was about to be knocked down by a man who ran past her, Huangfu Qiye frowned and rushed up with an ugly expression. He hugged her and gently pulled her to the side. He retreated to the front of the wall and leaned his back against it, hugging her tightly in his arms.

"Why don't you watch where you're going? Don't you know there are many people here?" He lectured her in annoyance.

Tang Xiaowei was already in a daze and did not notice the situation around her. Of course, she did not sense Huangfu Qiye's arrival.

It was not until she was hugged by a man and heard the familiar voice of the other party that she raised her head and realized that she was actually being hugged by Huangfu Qiye. He even scolded her in a bad tone.

When she saw him, she thought of the child in her stomach.

Other than the fact that she was scared and at a loss because of her pregnancy, she remembered that he had a bad temper and that he was too rude to her last night. That was why she had a stomach ache because of her pregnancy.

She was filled with anger towards him. If she could vent her anger, she really wanted to beat him to death.

However, she gritted her teeth and calmed herself down. She lowered her head and did not look at him again. She only said coldly, "Let go of me."

"Are you still angry about what happened last night?''Huangfu Qiye saw that she was about to get angry, but he held it in. He reached out his hand and caressed her face with some heartache.

Tang Xiaowei frowned and wanted to avoid his hand. Of course, she would be angry about what happened last night. However, other than what happened last night, she was even more at a loss about the child in her stomach. All of this was given to her by Huangfu Qiye. Therefore, she really hated him now and did not want to see him.

Seeing that she was silent and was only struggling secretly, Huangfu Qiye hugged her even tighter. "Are you really angry? Can't I be gentler in the future?"

"There's no future. I won't let you have your way anymore!" Tang Xiaowei heard his words and immediately roared back angrily.

He actually thought that there would be a future where she would never let him touch her again.