Chapter 112: hope that he really loves her

If the child died, she would definitely suffer for the rest of her life.

In the end, it was still the child in her womb. Even if she didn't love Huangfu Qiye, it was because she was reluctant to part with this child.

And it was completely impossible for her and Ling Yijue.

The only way now was to let herself fall in love with Huangfu Qiye and start to observe if he loved her.

If he loved her, perhaps she could slowly accept him and give birth to this child and live an ordinary life with him.

"Pa! Pa! Pa!" The bathroom door was once again forcefully slammed.

Huangfu Qiye's voice also came from outside. "Tang Xiaowei, open the door. The doctor is already here. Quickly open the door and let the doctor take a look at you."

Tang Xiaowei had already made a decision. She didn't want to hurt this child, and she wanted to stay and observe whether Huangfu Qiye loved her. If he loved her, then she would slowly accept him and give birth to the child. If he only wanted to tease her and treat her as a toy, then he would abandon her in the future. Then, she would completely leave his side.

Therefore, regarding the child, if she could know that he was sincere and that they could get together and get married, then she would tell him about her pregnancy on the day of the wedding.

Therefore, when she heard that the doctor had come, she knew that the doctor would definitely know about her pregnancy after seeing her. She did not want to let Huangfu Qiye know about her pregnancy so soon.

This way, she would not have the chance to test whether he loved her.

In the end, she had to marry someone who loved her. Then, she would slowly fall in love with the other party.

If he didn't love her, she would rather not marry him.

Marriage was a lifelong thing. She didn't want to get married again, and she didn't want to live a hard and painful life after marrying someone who didn't love her.

So, she sorted out her emotions, washed her hands and face, and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Huangfu Qiye stood at the door. When he saw her, he immediately reached out to hold her waist and looked at her deeply. He asked gently, "Why did you vomit for so long? Are you still uncomfortable? Why don't you go back to your room first and let the doctor take a look at you before you eat?"

"I just have a small cold. I don't need to see the doctor. Just give me some cold medicine to take." Tang Xiaowei refused to see the doctor and did not want to go to the restaurant to eat. After she finished speaking, she moved her feet and wanted to go upstairs to rest.

Now that she had thought it through, she felt much more relaxed. She was no longer as painful and helpless as she was when she was in the hospital.

He said that they were going to get married in two weeks. If he could let her feel that he loved her during these two weeks...

Then she would marry him and try her best to fall in love with him. She would also tell him about the child.

If he was just playing around, then she would disappear from his world before the wedding.

"Do you really not need to see a doctor?" He still hugged her worriedly, his eyes full of doting gentleness.

"No need." She shook her head.

If he really let the doctor come to see her, her pregnancy would be exposed. Moreover, she was really fine now. Today, the doctor in the hospital prescribed medicine for her stomach pain. After she took it, the pain was no longer there.

After that, she just needed to be careful not to hurt her stomach again.

Seeing that she insisted, Huangfu Qiye did not want to force her. "Okay, let the doctor prescribe some cold medicine for you later."

Tang Xiaowei did not have any appetite at the moment, and she did not want to eat anymore. After saying this to him, she reached out and pushed him. "I want to rest."

"You haven't eaten dinner yet. Aren't you hungry?" He held her hand. He did not use much strength, but it was just enough to make her unable to break free.

Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to struggle free, but she suddenly thought of her decision just now. She did not struggle and instead allowed him to hold her hand. "I'm not hungry. I just want to rest now."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Huangfu Qiye was very satisfied that she didn't struggle free, so he didn't plan to eat anymore.

Anyway, he wasn't hungry now, so he wanted to stay with her.

When Tang Xiaowei heard that he wanted to stay with her, she didn't know if it was because her attitude had changed. She didn't think that he was deliberately staying to take advantage of her, but she felt that he actually didn't go to dinner to accompany her.

Her view of him was slowly changing.

After going upstairs, she returned to his bedroom.

She didn't want to tell him that she was pregnant, but she was afraid that he would treat her the same way as last night, so she stopped as soon as she entered the room. She looked at him seriously. "Actually, I really want to live alone in my own room, but if you insist on me living with you, I hope that you won't hurt me like last night, regardless of my thoughts."

Last night, he had indeed hurt her. Not only did she wake up with a stomach ache this morning, but she also felt that he had been disrespectful and rude.

Huangfu Qiye did not know about her pregnancy and stomach ache. He only thought that she might have felt that she did not respect him for what had happened last night.

Now that she mentioned it, he felt guilty.

He gently hugged her shoulders. He looked at her with a heavy gaze. "As long as you're obedient, I won't force anything against you. You've been by my side for so long, and we've only had two intimate encounters. Don't you know that I was provoked by you last night?"

What he meant was that if she did not provoke him in the future, he would not be so rude again.

Tang Xiaowei understood. She lowered her head slightly and replied softly, "Okay, I understand."

Now, she wouldn't argue with him about leaving or not marrying him anymore. She wanted to stay and observe him, hoping that he really loved her so that she could keep this child.

"Why do I feel that you've changed a little today?" He suddenly held her chin, forcing her to raise her head and look into his eyes.

From the moment he entered the hospital and saw her until now, it had been less than three hours, but he felt that she had really changed a little.

Before today, although she would occasionally admit defeat in front of him, she would always be angry and always oppose him.

Today, she was really very docile and obedient. He really liked her like this.

But at the same time, he was worried that she might be plotting something in her heart.

In short, he was afraid that she would leave him, so this meant his imagination ran wild.

Tang Xiaowei did not expect that he had already noticed the change in her state of mind. She was forced to look at his dark eyes, and her heart was a little flustered. After a few seconds, she replied, "Maybe I have a cold. Do you think it's strange? What's strange?"

He only felt that she had become docile, easy to communicate with, and obedient.

This was the strange part. However, when he heard that it was because of a cold, he felt relieved.

In the past, she had been very energetic in her opposition to him. Now that she had a cold, she naturally did not have the strength. Of course, she had to be obedient so as not to anger him. Otherwise, she would definitely get hurt again.