Chapter 113: One of the women that I want to protect the most

Huangfu Qiye secretly praised her. She had actually become smarter.

When she had no strength, she also knew not to provoke him. Did she know that he was not to be trifled with? If she could keep thinking like this, then he would be much more relaxed.

He did not think in the direction that she might have changed because she was pregnant.

"It's nothing. Since you have a cold, you should rest well." Huangfu Qiye did not say anything more and held her in his arms as they walked to the bedside.

Tang Xiaowei had heard him say that she had a cold, so she let out a sigh of relief.

After Huangfu Qiye waited for her to lie down, he did not immediately come up to accompany her. Instead, he comforted her lying down for a while, then he closed the door and went out.

However, not long after, he came back but he did not come back empty-handed. Instead, he brought a bowl of plain porridge and some cold medicine.

"Eat the porridge before you take the medicine. Take these before you sleep."

He put down the food and medicine and planned to come over and help her up.

Tang Xiaowei was pregnant now, so she could not take just any medicine. However, after lying down for a while, her stomach did not feel very uncomfortable, so she began to feel hungry and wanted to eat porridge.

With his help, she sat up. However, she did not want to take the cold medicine, so she began to think of a way not to.

"You haven't eaten anything yet, and you haven't showered, have you?" Tang Xiaowei deliberately said in a cold tone, "I want to eat quietly by myself. Why don't you go downstairs to have dinner first, and then come back to take a shower after eating. Don't keep staring at me."

"Are you afraid that I will stare at you? Are you shy?" Huangfu Qiye chuckled, then picked up the bowl of porridge and the spoon, and looked like he was going to feed her personally.

Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to lower her head and say in a muffled voice, "I'm just shy, so can you go downstairs to have dinner first."

"Are you really shy? You still care about me?" Huangfu Qiye had only taken what she had said as a joke, but now that she had lowered her head shyly, he was actually really shocked.

He put down the bowl and spoon, and the next second, he pulled her into his arms domineeringly.

The heart in his chest was beating uncontrollably fast, as if it was about to jump out.

"Don't hug me so tightly. Go down and eat." She didn't explain and began to chase him away as if it was a tacit agreement.

If she wanted to test if he loved her, she would have to put up with him and show her sincerity. Only then would she be able to get closer to him and discover his sincerity.

So, she acquiesced.

When Huangfu Qiye heard her acquiescing reply, he didn't do anything immediately. Instead, he was obviously shocked.

He had pestered her for so long, and he had even learned the method from the books to woo her.

But all along, what he got from her was rejection and avoidance.

But now, she actually started to silently acknowledge and care for him, and even became shy because of him.

He couldn't accept this joyous news for a moment, and was stunned for a while.

Until Tang Xiaowei felt that something was wrong with him. She looked up and saw that he was in a daze She carefully poked his chest with her finger. "Hey, Huangfu Qiye, what's wrong with you? Don't tell me you have some hidden illness that suddenly flared up?"

If he had some hidden illness, would she still continue to test him?

But before she could react, her outstretched hand was tightly held by him.

"Who told you I have a hidden disease? Don't you know whether I have a hidden disease or not? You are the first woman who has completely seen me naked." His domineering words had a hint of ambiguity.

Her face turned from pale to a little red. "How can I be the first woman who has seen you naked? Isn't your mother a woman?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye's face immediately darkened.

He put away his smile and relaxed expression. However, he still held Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly, and his grip was much stronger than before.

"That's right. I almost forgot about my mother, so you're the second one. But now, you're also the last one in this world, because my mother has passed away many years ago. But, Xiaowei, don't mention my mother in the future, hmm?" His tone was very light at first but there was a hint of anger. However, as he spoke, his expression slowly became gentle. He caressed her black hair, and his gaze was filled with indulgence. "You are now one of the women that I want to protect the most in this world. I will protect you well."

"Why one of them?" Her body trembled slightly because of what he said, and her heart subconsciously panicked.

Could it be that he had other women.

If that was the case, she and the child in her belly really couldn't stay by his side anymore. She didn't want to have a man with another woman, nor did she have the mood to test whether a stud horse loved her.

However, when he heard her question with such a hurried tone and a nervous and scared expression on her face, Huangfu Qiye immediately dropped his earlier disappointment.

He pinched her cheek and said in a domineering tone, "Why? Are you imagining things? Do you think I have other women? Are you stupid? I said that I only have you and only want to marry you. Have you forgotten?"

"How do I know if what you said is true or false? " Tang Xiaowei would definitely not have asked him this in the past because she did not care about him then.

But now, she wanted to test his sincerity, and then let herself fall in love with him and be together with him, so she began to care about such questions.

So, she wanted to ask him the result.

However, Huangfu Qiye didn't want her to be at ease.

It was rare to see her show such an anxious look for him. He was in a great mood, but he deliberately led her misunderstanding in a deeper direction. "You're right. I don't know if what I said was true or not."

Tang Xiaowei thought she would hear his explanation, but she didn't expect to hear such a vague answer.

She really didn't know if he had another woman.

But in her heart, she began to believe that he could have another woman.

After all, his status and appearance were very high, and he was also a very outstanding individual. Except for his bad temper, he was really attractive to women.

He was now 23 years old. It was impossible that he had never been in a relationship. She didn't believe that he didn't have a woman.

She suddenly felt a little disappointed. No, very disappointed. The bottom of her heart began to ache.

She lowered her head in pain and gritted her teeth to endure it. She had felt this pain was when she was with Ling Yijue. There was a girl who pursued Ling Yijue and deliberately made an intimate move with him in front of her. She had been in this kind of pain before.