Chapter 247: Twelve cuts

Ling Yijue pretended not to understand the reminder in her words. Although there was pain in his eyes, his tone was still domineering. "Don't worry, as long as I can stay by your side, I won't care about anything else, and I won't blame you."

Tang Xiaowei reached out to rub her forehead, feeling a headache.

Why didn't she realize that Ling Yijue was such a persistent person in the past?

She had already said so much, yet he was still unwilling to give up. What was he thinking?

She couldn't give him a future at all. Not to mention that she didn't want to fall in love now, just that she didn't love him at all in her heart right now. It was especially disadvantageous for him to persist like this.

This fool!

In order to avoid Ling Yijue, Tang Xiaowei rushed back to her room after the elevator reached the fifth floor where she lived. She left Ling Yijue behind and never came out again.

Ling Yijue sent her to the door of her room. After she closed the door, he stood outside the door for a long time before he slowly left.


At that moment, in the guest room on the second floor of the ancient castle.

Yuan Qi was anxious.

The family doctor in the ancient castle had just treated and bandaged his young master's wound.

After Yuan Qi asked the doctor that his young master's life was not in danger, although he was relieved, his young master had been in a coma. This made Yuan Qi very worried and afraid.

He had no idea what had happened.

Previously, on the stage outside, the owner of the ancient castle had said that he would keep his young master tonight. His young master had agreed.

However, after entering the guest room, his young master suddenly opened the window at the back of the room. The next second, he climbed onto the balcony outside.

After that, his young master quickly climbed onto the balcony on the third floor as if he knew Qinggong. After that, it was the fourth floor. After that, it was the fifth floor.

Then, Yuan Qi realized that his young master had directly flipped over and entered the balcony on the fifth floor.

When Yuan Qi saw this scene, although he did not know why his young master suddenly thought of climbing walls in other people's castles, he also knew that this was not the time to shout loudly, so he did not make a sound. He only stared at the upper floor worriedly.

He began to guess, could it be that Miss Tang was on the fifth floor?

Was that why the young master climbed up?

While he was guessing like this on the second floor, and after waiting for a long time, he did not see the young master. However, he suddenly heard the door behind him being pushed open, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. It was chaotic and hurried.

He quickly turned around and saw the young master, who was covered in blood, being carried back.

At that moment, Huangfu Qiye was not completely unconscious, but he was almost unconscious.

He saw Yuan Qi and only said a few words before he fainted.

"Don't cause trouble. Wait until I wake up!"

He only said these words, but it was as if he used the last of his strength. His face was pale and he fainted completely.

Yuan Qi knew that the young master had endured the pain and came back to say these words to him after he was injured. He must have been afraid that he would get angry when he saw the young master being injured and call people over to cause trouble.

The young master must have had his own thoughts when he gave such instructions.

Therefore, although Yuan Qi suspected who had injured his young master in the ancient castle, he remained silent and did not say anything. He only stood guard by Huangfu Qiye's side worriedly.

Huangfu Qiye woke up in the small hours of the morning.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Yuan Qi and his two bodyguards were not resting. They were all standing guard by his side.

There was also a doctor and a nurse in the room. The two of them looked like they were dozing off. However, the owner of the ancient castle must have instructed them to stand guard here. Furthermore, there was Yuan Qi, the fierce-looking bodyguard. Therefore, the medical staff did not dare to leave to rest.

When Huangfu Qiye opened his eyes, Yuan Qi immediately noticed it.

He went forward in surprise. "Young master, you're finally awake. Who hurt you? The attack was very heavy. Your abdomen and chest were stabbed twelve times in total. One of the stabs almost pierced your heart."

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he was silent for a few seconds. Then, he smiled helplessly. "I deserved it!"

"Youngmaster?" Yuan Qi widened his eyes and looked at his own young master in disbelief.

Young master had already suffered such serious injuries, why did he still say that he deserved it?

This was clearly someone who had stabbed young master on purpose

Could it be...?

Yuan Qi did not dare to guess just now, but when he heard young master say that he deserved it, Yuan Qi suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that Miss Tang had stabbed young master?

"Yuan Qi, call back and get Yisen and the others to help me get Xiaowei's two classmates here, as well as the surveillance footage." Huangfu Qiye ignored Yuan Qi's shock and instructed him weakly.

His injuries were really quite serious, especially when Yuan Qi said that his heart had almost been cut.

Therefore, his entire body was in pain.

The twelve cuts that she had made were all faintly aching.

However, she was holding a pair of scissors, so the cuts were not deep. Hence, he stayed in the ancient castle to treat his wounds. After he was bandaged, he did not need to go to the hospital anymore.

Moreover, he did not want to go to the hospital either. He had not coaxed the girl back yet, so how could he bear to leave this place.

He also wanted to bring the surveillance footage that could prove his innocence to his girl.

Yuan Qi did not dare to question the young master's orders, especially now that the young master was seriously injured.

Therefore, he immediately nodded, then stood up and picked up his phone to call Mu Yisen.

On the big bed, Huangfu Qiye closed his eyes.

He weakly raised his hand and gently pressed on the abdomen that was the most seriously injured.

His face was already pale from the pain, but he smiled strangely.

He had blamed himself for not protecting her properly and causing her to be hurt.

Now, being stabbed by her, he finally didn't feel as awful as before. If his injury could make her calm down, then he was willing to endure it.


After Tang Xiaowei dumped Ling Yijue, she turned off the light as soon as she returned to her room and hid under the blanket.

However, after closing her eyes for a very, very long time, she still didn't sleep.

As long as she closed her eyes, she would remember the scene of her stabbing Huangfu Qiye today.

His abdomen was covered in blood. She did not remember how many times she stabbed him, but it was definitely not a small amount.

She had just gone to the study room to see Uncle Tian and did not ask him about Huangfu Qiye's injuries. It was even more impossible for her to go out and ask now.

However, she faintly felt uneasy and uncomfortable.

She gripped the blanket tightly and took a deep breath. Then, she bit her lips tightly.

Even if she shouted in her mind to stop thinking about him, as long as she closed her eyes, she would see him covered in blood and lying on the carpet, unable to get up. He would even look at her with deep affection.