Chapter 248: I don't hate him anymore

Ever since he appeared tonight, the few words he had been saying kept ringing in her ears.

He said that he wasn't the murderer and that he wasn't the one who injected the medicine.

But she had clearly seen him back then.

Wait a minute... That wasn't right. At that time, she actually couldn't see people and things clearly. In fact, she hadn't seen the other party's true appearance clearly.

However, at that time, in that environment, the other party was together with Huangfu Yuner and even claimed to be Huangfu Qiye. His height and appearance were very similar, as well as his voice.

Under such circumstances, how could it be fake?

She covered her head with the blanket and tried her best not to think about him.

Today, she stabbed him. Although she did not kill him, the hatred in her heart slowly disappeared. She felt that he was no longer her enemy.

She did not hate him now, but she did not want to see him again.

If she saw him again in the future, she would just treat him as a stranger.

Anyway, she had already vented her hatred for him. She did not want to waste any more time on him.


After struggling for a whole night, Tang Xiaowei finally fell asleep in the small hours of the morning.

When she woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

When she opened her eyes, she found Louann waiting in front of the big bed with a smile in her eyes. When she saw that Louann had woken up, she immediately said gently, "Miss, you're finally awake. Master went out for an emergency today. He told us to take good care of you and let you have a happy first day at home."

Tang Xiaowei sat up and blinked her big misty eyes.

Her tone was serious but not cold. "Louann, from now on, don't come in my room unless I ask you to. I don't like people in my room when I'm asleep."

She didn't mean any harm. She just wanted to express herself clearly.

Because she would be staying here for a long time in the future, she couldn't wake up every day and see Louann in her room.

Hearing this, although Louann felt that Tang Xiaowei didn't mean any harm, she still put away her smile and carefully lowered her head. "Okay, I got it, miss."

"Okay, you go out. I'm going to wash and change my clothes. You go downstairs and ask the kitchen to prepare some Chinese-style lunch for me." Tang Xiaowei got up.

After all, it was too late to eat breakfast now, so she could only eat lunch.

Louann nodded and then left.

Tang Xiaowei thought that Uncle Tian had gone out, and she didn't know whether Ling Yijue had left or not.

So, after she washed up, she changed into a dress and casually scratched her fluffy hair. Then she went out and prepared to go downstairs.

Just as she reached the elevator door, the elevator stopped. The elevator door opened and Ling Yijue stood inside.

She was stunned. It was such a coincidence.

Ling Yijue smiled at her from inside. "Xiaowei, you're going downstairs, too?"

She nodded and walked in.

Although she wanted to put some distance between them, she couldn't not sit in the elevator together.

After she went in, she remained silent. She didn't know what to say to him, so silence was the best way.

Ling Yijue initially had a lot of things to say to her, but when he saw that she was silent, he did not want to disturb her too much, so he did not say anything.

When the elevator stopped, the two of them reached the first floor.

Just as she walked out of the elevator, Ling Yijue followed behind her. He asked anxiously, "Xiaowei, did you just wake up? Have you eaten breakfast?"

She nodded, because it was indeed a little late to wake up, so she felt a little awkward. "I just woke up. I'm going to eat now, but it should not be considered breakfast but lunch."

"Shall we go together?" Ling Yijue asked carefully.

Tang Xiaowei had no reason to refuse, because she and Ling Yijue were both adopted sons and daughters of Uncle Tian. They could be considered brother and sister, so she could eat lunch here, and of course he could also eat lunch here.

She nodded. "Yes, let's go together."

Her tone was indifferent, without any other emotions.

But after getting her answer, Ling Yijue still felt happy.

He couldn't change her mind now, and he couldn't even take root in her heart.

However, he only needed some opportunities. He only needed to be by her side and continue to protect her.

The two of them went to the dining hall together.

When the maids in the castle saw that they had arrived, they immediately brought all the lunches prepared to the dining table.

Tang Xiaowei calmly told Ling Yijue that she was very hungry and wanted to eat first. Then, she stopped looking at him and lowered her head to start eating.

The disappointment in Ling Yijue's heart grew deeper and deeper, but he forcefully endured it.

He was opposite her. He did not say anything else and also began to eat with his head lowered.

Their meal was extremely quiet.

However, this silence only lasted until Ling Yijue's cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID. He frowned slightly and didn't pick up the phone for a long time.

Tang Xiaowei had been listening to his cell phone ringing. She felt that it was strange, so she stopped eating and raised her head to look at him.

This glance made Ling Yijue feel a little flustered and uncomfortable. He hurriedly glanced at her and then said in a low voice, "I need to take a call."

Tang Xiaowei nodded with a faint smile on her lips.

She only smiled at him in a friendly manner, indicating that he could do as he pleased without asking for her opinion.

However, Ling Yijue was cured by her smile of his bad mood caused by the call at this moment. His mood was finally better, and he answered the call. "Father, is something the matter?"

After Tang Xiaowei heard what he said across from him, she realized that it was Uncle Tian who had called him.

Uncle Tian had something urgent to attend to today, so he called back to look for Ah Jue. Could it be...?

Just as she started to guess, Ling Shitian said something and Ling Yijue stood up. His voice was a little unwilling. "Father, I'm not free now. I'll give you my secretary. You can ask him anything you want to ask. My secretary knows everything about the company."

Ling Shitian said something on the other side, and Ling Yijue's expression became uglier and uglier.

Then, Ling Yijue gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay, I'll come over immediately."

After saying that, he ended the call with a dark expression.

After that, he looked at Tang Xiaowei and realized that she was also looking at him. Only then did he put away his dark expression and looked at her cautiously. "Xiaowei, father has something that he needs me to go to the company to deal with. I'll be leaving in a while."

"You and Uncle Tian have to protect yourself outside and drive carefully." Tang Xiaowei did not ask why he had such an ugly expression when he picked up the call just now. However, she reminded him with a smile.

After all, Ling Yijue and Ling Shitian could be considered half of her family now.

Since she had become his foster daughter and younger sister, under normal circumstances, she naturally had to care about them sincerely.