Chapter 117: Don't let him know that I'm at the airport

Then, Yuan Shan realized that Tang Xiaowei was in a special mood. She was even smiling and humming, as if she was extremely happy.

Yuan Shan thought for a while before answering cautiously, "Miss Tang, I don't dare to make any decisions on my own yet. If you want to go to France, I have to inform young master first."

Yuan Shan did not have the guts to secretly bring Tang Xiaowei to France first.

If she did that, young master might get angry and her little life would be lost.

Tang Xiaowei had already quickly packed the clothes that she wanted to bring.

She stood up, grabbed Yuan Shan's arm and shook it with a pitiful look. "Yuan Shan, can you help me this time? I really want to see him and give him a surprise."

Her gaze was clear and her tone was sincere. There was a hint of coquettishness in her tone. "Nothing will happen this time. If you're worried about your safety, then we'll bring more bodyguards with us. If you're worried that your young master will be angry and punish you, then I'll first promise you that if he gets angry and wants to punish you after seeing me, I'll definitely help you block him and won't let you be punished. How about it?"

"But..." Yuan Shan still looked very troubled.

"Please, okay? I really don't want to stay here alone for a week. I want to see him. If you're worried that I'll escape, you can tie my hands and stay close to me to protect me. How about it?" In order to see Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei was prepared o go all out.

In the past, she thought that she would be very angry if she was tied up by someone else.

But this time, she brought it up herself, and she seemed very willing to do it.

This was the first time Yuan Shan had met a girl who acted coquettishly to her. After all, the girls she met at work in the past were either young master's work partners, and they all looked high and mighty. It was impossible for them to act coquettishly to her.

Some of them were the maids in the manor. These maids all knew that she was young master's right-hand bodyguard and was very fierce, so no one dared to act coquettishly in front of her.

And her young master did not have any other women in the past. Tang Xiaowei was his first woman, so when she faced Tang Xiaowei, Yuan Shan simply could not be ruthless. After all, in her heart, Tang Xiaowei was already considered the lady boss. She behaved like a young lady.

Yuan Shan had no choice but to grit her teeth and answer, "Miss Tang, are you sure that you really won't run away and that you really want to see my young master?''

Yuan Shan's gaze was serious as she stared at Tang Xiaowei. There was no offense in her gaze, only inspection.

Tang Xiaowei allowed her to look at her, and she nodded. Her eyes were filled with sincerity. "It's true. I'm not lying to you. If you promise me, we'll set off right now. I want to see him tonight. If he sees you bringing me over and gets angry, I'll do my best to protect you."

With Tang Xiaowei's words and seeing that Tang Xiaowei wasn't avoiding her gaze, Yuan Shan believed her.

"Alright, I'll go make the arrangements right away. We'll set off in a while." Yuan Shan finally agreed and prepared to leave.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly grabbed Yuan Shan's hand. "Yuan Shan, promise me that you won't tell Huangfu Qiye in advance. Otherwise, he won't get the surprise I've prepared for him, understand?"

After saying that, she even winked at Yuan Shan with a smile.

Her eyes were big and watery. Coupled with her clear smile, it made people feel as if they were bathed in the spring breeze.

Yuan Shan nodded helplessly and decided to hide it from her young master for the first time. "Miss Tang, please don't worry. I know what to do."

Only then did Tang Xiaowei let Yuan Shan leave with ease.

After Yuan Shan went downstairs, she thought about how Tang Xiaowei wanted to give her young master a surprise. She felt that her young master had finally found a woman that he liked, and this woman was unwilling to treat young master well before, but now she was finally willing to treat young master with affection. Yuan Shan naturally would not stop her.

Therefore, she gathered most of the bodyguards in the manor and planned to let these bodyguards protect Tang Xiaowei on their journey to France with her.

Yes, she would not call her young master in advance to tell him that Tang Xiaowei would go to France.

She recalled that Tang Xiaowei had said that she wanted to see her young master and had even revealed a shy smile. Yuan Shan felt that she shouldn't have stopped Tang Xiaowei from preparing some romance for her young master.

Therefore, she wanted to help Tang Xiaowei and at the same time make her young master happier.

An hour later.

Accompanied by Yuan Shan and 20 bodyguards, Tang Xiaowei silently boarded the plane to France without reporting to Huangfu Qiye.

When the sky gradually darkened, more than 10 hours had passed, and the plane Tang Xiaowei was on also landed in France.

Two bodyguards were leading the way, and Yuan Shan walked beside her, followed closely by more than ten bodyguards.

Tang Xiaowei had no intention of escaping, so when she saw that Yuan Shan had promised to bring her to France quietly, but had so many bodyguards following her, she actually felt quite embarrassed.

However, just as she left the airport, her phone suddenly rang.

She stopped and took out her phone to take a look. It was Huangfu Qiye calling.

She gave Yuan Shan a look, and Yuan Shan and all the bodyguards stopped and surrounded her, waiting quietly.

She was afraid that Huangfu Qiye would hear that she was at the airport, so she thought about it and did not answer the phone. Instead, she pulled Yuan Shan and walked outside. "Where's the prepared car? I need to go to the car to answer the phone. I can't let him know that I'm at the airport. Otherwise, he'll get angry before he sees me."

Yuan Shan also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she hurriedly pointed to the front and said, "The car is over there. It's already prepared."

Tang Xiaowei did not dare to run too fast, and she did not dare to run alone. She was afraid that the child would be lost if she fell.

She grabbed Yuan Shan's arm and walked quickly to the car that she had prepared beforehand. Then, she sat in it.

The ringtone of her cell phone kept ringing, as if it was a life-threatening sign.

She did not have time to adjust her breathing when she got into the car. As soon as she sat down, she picked up the phone. "Hello..."

"Why didn't you pick up the phone for so long? What were you doing just now? Why are you panting so much?" Just as she picked up the phone, the man's impatient voice sounded coldly in her ears.

If he was right beside her at this moment, she was sure that his face would be very dark and angry. He would even pull her over to sit on his lap in anger and ravage her with all his might.

"It's nothing. I was just working out at the gym downstairs. Why did you call me?" She panted as her face turned red.

After all, the driver and Yuan Shan were beside her when she was lying. It was naturally uncomfortable for her to lie so openly.

"Really?" His tone was a little tired. "You just exercised. Have you eaten dinner?"